Susana Santos
Guest Professor
Susana Santos has a degree in Sociology (2002) Masters in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies (2007) and a PhD in Sociology (2012) from Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon. Integrated researcher at Centre of Studies and Research in Sociology (CIES). Invited professor at the School of Sociology and Public Policies, Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon.
Cocoordinator of the Thematic Section of Sociology of Law and Justice from the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS). Coopted member of the board of the Research Committee in Sociology of Law (RCSL) from the International Sociological Association (ISA) and member of the working group on Comparative Legal Professions and the new working group on Comparative Histories of Sociology of Law.
Co-chair of the Organizing Committee of the 7th Global Meeting on Law and Society, hosted at Iscte in July 2022. An event that gathered more than 2000 members of the international sociolegal community and its local and regional associations.
Member and coordinator of several research projects in Sociology of Law, Political Sociology and Sociology of Communication. From those projects, highlight the participation in a European Commission funded capacity building project in Humanitarian Action (2021-2024) with Summer Schools in Mozambique and Cabo Verde; in the project “IN_SOLVENS: Insolvency Law in Portugal – a multidisciplinary analysis” partnership with NOVA School of Law and Iscte,
NOVA School of Law
- Sociology of Law (1st cycle)
- Law and Society (3rd Cycle)
- Sociology of Law (1st cycle)
- Laboratory on Observational Research (1st cycle)
- Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights (2nd cycle)
- Political Communication (2nd cycle)
- Discourse Practice (2nd cycle)
- Analysis of Statistical Indicators (2nd cycle)
- “Socialização, trajetórias educativas e internacionalização entre jovens das classes dominantes“, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 134 | 2024, 51-74. (with Pedro Abrantes and Anne Schippling).
- “O fim do silêncio: Visibilidade mediada de histórias de vida como estratégia no caso da campanha brasileira #EuVouContar“, in “Estudos de género, feministas e sobre as mulheres: Reflexividade, Resistência e Ação“, Anália Torres, Dália Costa, Diana Maciel, Teresa Janela Pinto, Ed., Lisboa, ISCSP – Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, 2023, pp. 283-294. (with Joana Vidal Maia).
- “Pro bono in Portugal“, in “Global pro bono: Causes, context, and contestation“, Scott L. Cummings, Fabio de Sa e Silva, Louise G. Trubek, Ed., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp. 413-445.
- “Correndo para o topo? Socialização e percursos de vida dos jovens advogados de negócios“, in Análise Social, vol. 57, no. 244, pp. 470-494, 2022 (with Pedro Abrantes).
- “Mulheres no ensino de Direito: histórias de ativismo e sororidade em Inglaterra e na Alemanha“, in Ex aequo, no. 45, pp. 15-30, 2022.
- “IN_SOLVENS: Direito da insolvência em Portugal: Apresentação de um projeto em curso“, in Revista do Ministério Público, no. 167, pp. 223-245, 2021. (with Mariana França Gouveia, João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira, Higina Castelo).
- “Processo especial para acordo de pagamento: Uma análise empírica“, in Themis: Revista de Direito, vol. 21-22, no. 36-37, pp. 111-126, 2021. (with Mariana França Gouveia, João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira, Higina Castelo).
- “Gendered workplaces: Resistance, adaptation and agency in large legal firms: The perspectives of young lawyers“, in Portuguese Journal of Social Science, vol. 19, no. 2-3, pp. 259-276, 2020.
- “Academias de talento feminino: meios de emancipação ou ferramentas de reprodução social?“, in Ex aequo, no. 42, pp. 87-102, 2020.
- “Becoming a lawyer in a large law firm: the idea of the unstoppable worker“, in Professions and Professionalism, vol. 8, no. 3, 2018. (with Margarida Barroso)
- “Novas reformas, velhos debates: análise das políticas de justiça e dos seus impactos no sistema judicial“, in Configurações, no. 13, pp. 11-25, 2014.
- “Justiça Económica em Portugal. Entrevistas a empresas, advogados, juízes e entidades representativas do setor”., 1 ed., Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2012.