
Research Projects

Users TCP GO-P2P Project: Global Observatory on Peer-to-Peer, Community Self-Consumption, and Transactive Energy Models


The Global Observatory (GO-P2P) is a forum for international collaboration to understand the policy, regulatory, social and technological conditions necessary to support the wider deployment of peer-to-peer (P2P), community/collective self-consumption (CSC) and transactive energy (TE) models. GO-P2P takes a multi-disciplinary approach to studying P2P/TE/CSC models and is structured into five sub-tasks, each led by leading institutions in the field. Participants, now more than 200, are from academia, industry and non-profits. There has been a high level of collaboration between them so far.

Duration: 5 years (From September 2019 to August 2024), in which NOVA School of Law joined as subtask leader 5 in February 2023

Coordination: David Shipworth (University College London as project leader) | Lucila de Almeida (NOVA School Law as subtask leader 5)

Institutions: University College London, UK (project leader) | Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland (subtask leader 1 – Power systems integration) | International Energy Research Centre, Ireland (subtask leader 2 – Hardware Software & data) | University of Colorado Denver, United States (subtask leader 3 – transactions and markets | University of Colorado Denver, Australia, and Delft University of Technology , Netherlands (subtask co-leader 4 – Economic and Social Value) | CEDIS/NOVA School of Law, Portugal, and European University Institute/Florence School of Regulation, Italy (subtask co-leader 5 – Policy and Regulation).   

Funding entity: The project is hosted by UsersTCP and supported by the International Energy Agency. NOVA School of Law is one of the subtask leaders in the context of the NOVA Green Lab.

For more information about the project, click here 

Project Multiversity – White Paper on multiple and intersectional discrimination


The ‘Multiversity Project – White Paper on multiple and intersectional discrimination’ aims to build a science-based recommendation, based on multidisciplinary knowledge, to level and harmonize anti-discrimination protections in Portugal, considering sequential, additive and intersectional multiple discrimination.

The focus will be on discrimination based on sex, racial/ethnic origin, sexual orientation and gender identity and disability and taking into account the specific socio-economic consequences of each type of discrimination

Duration: 18 months (From September 1st, 2022, to February 29th, 2024)

Coordination: Margarida Lima Rego | Paulo Côrte-Real

Team:Margarida Lima Rego | Paulo Côrte-Real | Veronica Corcodel | Miguel Vale de Almeida | Joana Brilhante | Maria João Resende

Funding entity:  The project is financed by  EEA Grants, under the Conciliation and Gender Equality Programme, whose promoter is the  Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality. It is promoted by NOVA School of Law in the context of the  NOVA Knowledge Centre for Data-Driven Law.

Partner Entity: Egalia senter mot diskriminering

For more information about the project, click here

IN_SOLVENS: Insolvency Law in Portugal – A multidisciplinary Analysis


The Research Project «IN_Solvens: Insolvency Law in Portugal – a multidisciplinary analysis» intends to provide an overview of the causes that affect the length of insolvency proceedings and the reduced use of pre-insolvency mechanisms for, in a second moment, present solutions that allow to alleviate or avoid the identified negative effects.

Duration: 36 months (February 2021 to January 2024)

Institutions: NOVA School of Law/CEDIS (Principal contractor) | ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa/CIES (Participating Institution)

Coordenation: Mariana França Gouveia (Principal Investigator – PI) | João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira (Co-PI)

Research team: Guilherme Brandão | Higina Castelo | Patrícia André | Susana Santos | Teresa Violante

Advisory board members: Catarina Serra, Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice | Fernando Taínhas, Law Judge at the Lisbon Commercial Court | Jorge Calvete, Judicial Administrator | José Lebre de Freitas, Professor and Lawyer | Gundar da Cruz, Lawyer


The Jean Monnet Module on European Union Data Protection Law in Portugal (DataporEU)

This European project aims to promote the teaching and study of Personal Data Protection Law in Portugal through the teaching of a master’s course, the publication of the Data Protection Yearbook and organization of webinars, conferences and workshops.

Duration: 36 months (from 1 October, 2020 to 30 September, 2023)

Institutions: NOVA School of Law/CEDIS (Proponent Institution)

Coordination: Francisco Pereira Coutinho

Research Team: Graça Canto Moniz | Matheus Passos Silva | Inês Oliveira | Ricardo Rodrigues de Oliveira | Martim Farinha | Rodrigo Adão da Fonseca | Diogo Brandão | Júlia Magrani

The Jean Monnet Module | Project Website

TRACE – Tracking illicit money flows (TRACE)


As organised crime networks operate across orders, use legal loopholes and advanced technology, it is notoriously difficult to detect and trace hidden and illicit money flows. In TRACE, partners will co‐create innovative data management solutions combined with AI analytics to enhance the capabilities of law enforcement agencies in tracing and recovering illicit money flows and generating court‐proof e‐evidence.

Duration: 36 months ( 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024)

Institutions: Coordinator: Coventry University (UK) – Participants: Trilateral Research (UK) | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria) | Ertzaintza Basque local police (Spain) | NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal) | Aston University (UK) | Tax Justice Network (UK) | CIN Consult (Austria) | Proflow (Austria) | PrivaNova (France) | Department of Policing at the University of Applied Sciences for Public Service in Bavaria (Germany) | Vicesse – Vienna Centre for Societal Security (Austria) | National Organised Crime Agency (Czech Republic) | FINOPZ (UK) | Tax and Customs Board (Estonia) | SYSTRAN (France) | Expert System Iberia (Spain)

Coordination: Professor Umut Turksen, Coventry University (UK) | Professor Athina Sachoulidou, Principal investigator NOVA School of Law

Funding: European Union | Horizon 2020 Programme | RIA – Research and Innovation action under Grant Agreement number 101022004_TRACE

Essay Competition 2024

The TRACE Consortium is pleased to announce the AI and Law Enforcement in Europe Essay Competition. On this occasion, the essay title is as follows: «In the context of the EU law (acquis communautaire), how can the law achieve a balance between protecting fundamental rights and the use of AI in law enforcement?»

The competition is open to any of the students on undergraduate degree in law at a Faculty/School of Law or equivalent institution in a European country and all entries should be sent on or before the 31st of March 2024.

For more information on entering the competition, click here.

Website TRACE – CEDIS  |  Project Website

Development Cooperation and the Right to Education in the PALOP Higher Education Systems 


This project aims to reflect on Higher Education in Portuguese-Speaking African Countries, and in this first phase, the target countries are Angola, Cape Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe.

Focusing on the normative framework that regulates this level of education, on national public policies regarding Education, on the International Development Agendas and on the role of Development Cooperation in the implementation of these policies, it aims to contribute to the scientific construction of the Law of Education in Higher Education, so that its implementation in terms of public policies and cooperation priorities may be ensured.

Duration: 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2021

Institutions: CEDIS/NOVA School of Law; Jurisnova – Portugal | CEJES – Angola | ISCJS – Cape Verde | University of Minho | JusGov. University of São Tomé and Príncipe

Coordination: Francisco Pereira Coutinho (Coordinator) | Aua Baldé (Project Manager) | Maria João Carapêto (Financial Management)

Research Team: Aua Baldé | Marília Higa | Rui Garrido | Maria João Carapêt

Project Website

Capacity Building for Legal and Social Advancement in the Philippines (CALESA)


CALESA seeks to address five interdependent problem areas in Philippine legal education, namely the scarcity of academic research in law schools; the inability of teachers and students to access source materials from their own Civil Law tradition, and the evolution of other Civil Law traditions, due to weak interest and multilingual skills; the limited pool of academic experts to review and modernize its legal codes; the protection of Human Rights and the Rule of Law, and the advancement of the integration in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), despite its critical importance and/or geostrategic.

After the completion of CALESA, the main law schools in the Philippines are expected to adopt curricular innovations focused on research, multilingualism, protection of Human Rights and the Rule of Law, regional integration and comparative law in a manner consistent with the Bologna process, in order to facilitate portability with EU universities.

Duration: January 15, 2020 to January 14, 2024

Participating entities: Coordination: Universidad de Malaga | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – NOVA School of Law | Universidad de Deusto | University College of Dublin | University of the Philippines | Ateneo de Manila University | University of San Agustin | Philippine Judicial Association | Philja Ateneo de Zamboanga University AdZU

Coordination Project Management Team at NOVA School of Law: Francisco Pereira Coutinho (Executive Coordinating Professor)

Project Management Team at NOVA School of Law: Guilherme Berriel (Project Manager) | Inês Tralhão Fernandes (Project Assistant) | Maria João Carapêto (Quality Committee) | Emellin de Oliveira (Gender Equality Committee) | Guilherme Berriel (Dissemination and Exploitation Committee) | Narcisa Horta Rosa (Financial Responsible) 

Project Website

COSMOPOLITANISM: Justice, Democracy and Citizenship without Borders

This project brings together an international group of researchers from different disciplines (Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Political Sciences, International Relations, History, Law, Cultural Studies, Literature) who have for several years been conducting research on issues of cosmopolitanism in its personal, social, cultural, political and legal dimension. It endorses and promotes the UN Sustainable Development Goals by raising awareness and reflexivity and by advancing a vision of a just world.

Partners:  In Portugal: Universidade de Lisboa, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Universidade do Porto | In Brazil: Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Universidade Federal do Estado de São Paulo | In Germany: FU Berlin, TU Berlin, Universität Bremen, Universität Stuttgart, Universität Kiel, Universität Darmstadt | In France: Université d’Evry-Val-d’Essone, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris, Collège International de Philosophie de Paris

Advisers: Etiénne Balibar (Kingston University) | Gérard Raulet (Sorbonne University) | Mathias Kauffman (University of Halle)

Principal Investigator (PI): Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon & Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon)

Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI): Pedro Calafate (Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon)

Researchers NOVA School of Law, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa: Amanda Silva |  Fernanda Pinto | Isabella Caminoto | João Mota Guedes | Júlia Mota | Magno G. Saraiva | Mariana Lobato | Nuno Miguel Proença (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)

Collaborators NOVA School of Law, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa: Ana Paula Campos | Annie Carolinne Teixeira de Oliveira | Awais Zafar | Bárbara Jennifer Paz de Abreu da Silva | Daniel de Andrade Oliveira Barral | Eduardo João Pedro | Elaine Regina De Abreu Moreira | Fabiana Maranhão Ribeiro | Felipe Galvão Vieira da Cunha | Graziella Maria Silva Oliveira Brito | Joana Filipa da Silva Caseiro | Laura Kuwer | Luan Fernandes Campos da Silva | Marilia Beatriz Leal Salvador Conti Higa | Mateus Schwetter Silva Teixeira | Ricardo Dallasta | Rita Beirão Magro Pinto Simões | Suzana Rahde Gerchmann | Túlio Dias | Wellington Vilela de Araújo

Project Website

LEGALPL – Legal Pluralism in the Portuguese Empire (18th-20th centuries)

This project aims to study the encounter between the Portuguese and local legal orders in the Portuguese Empire, from the 18th to the 20th century. We want to know how these legal orders were classified, how they interacted and how they were used by colonizers and colonized peoples in different chronological periods, as well as the changes that occurred during the epoch under consideration.

This work will result in a global vision of legal pluralism in Portuguese colonies, which will allow, in addition to comparative studies with other empires, a better understanding of the role of Law in multicultural and multiethnic societies, as well as an interdisciplinary dialogue between History, Law and Contemporary Studies about Citizenship in national and transnational contexts.

Duration: 48 months (from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2022)

Institutions: NOVA School of Law/CEDIS (Proponent Institution) | Instituto de Ciências Sociais

Coordenation: Ana Cristina Nogueira da Silva  – Principal Investigator (PI) Ângela Maria Barreto Xavier – Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)

Research Team: Ricardo Roque | Nuno Camarinhas | Luís Pedroso de Lima Cabral de Oliveira | Fernanda do Nascimento Thomaz | Mélissa Frias | Samory Badona Monteiro | Maria da Conceição Moço Neto | Anabela Brízido | João Figueiredo | Yamê Paiva

Project Website

Podcasts Series «Legal Pluralism»

In this Podcasts series, produced within the context of this research project, several dimensions, geographies and chronologies of Legal Pluralism are addressed.

Podcast 1 | Pluralidade jurídica, pluralismo jurídico e hibridização jurídica: uma conversa com o Professor Doutor Armando Marques Guedes

Podcast 2 | Pluralismo jurídico no Império português (séculos XVIII-XX)

Podcast 3 | Quid Iuris? Somos todos Advogados! Direito, justiça e advocacia em Goa e no Brasil no século XIX. 

LusoAfro Bio-Ethics – Strengthening bioethics committees in lusophone African region

The aim of this project is to strength capacity for health research ethics review in African Lusophone Countries (ALC). More specifically the objectives are: to improve institutional and personnel capacities of the three African Lusophone Countries RECs; to enhance the efficiency of clinical trials/health research applications reviews; to promote collaborative/ networking activities in research ethics in Lusophone Countries; to share good practices on Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs), Protocol Review and international regulatory ethical and legal norms and standards and to establish the University of Cape Verde Institutional Review Board.

The main actions of this project aim to support sub-Saharan African Lusophone countries to establish and develop robust capacities for ethical review of clinical research.

Institutions: Comité Nacional de Bioética para a Saúde (Mozambique – Coordinator) | Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical UNL (Participant) | Faculdade de Direito UNL (Participant) | Universidade Agostinho Neto (Angola – Participant) | Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique – Participant) | Universidade de Cabo Verde (Cape Verde – Participant)

Coordination: João Schwalbach (Comité Nacional de Bioética para a Saúde)

Project Team: Maria do Rosário Oliveira Martins (IHMT-UNL) | Ema Cândida Branco Fernandes (Agostinho Neto University) | Emanuel Catumbela (Agostinho Neto University) | Tazi Nimi Maria (Agostinho Neto University) | Isabel Inês Monteiro de Pina Araújo (Cape Verde University) | Zulmira Hartz (IHMT-UNL) | Amílcar Bernardo Tomé da Silva (Agostinho Neto University) | Maria Chimpolo (Agostinho Neto University) | Rassul Nala (Comité Nacional de Bioética para a Saúde) | Jahit Sacarlal (Eduardo Mondlane University) | Jorge Seixas (IHMT-UNL) | Helena Pereira de Melo (FDUNL) | Esperança Sevene (Eduardo Mondlane University)

Site LusoAfro Bio-Ethics | CEDIS

LegImpact – The Law-Making as a means of Implementing Public Policies: Quantitative and Socioeconomic Analysis

The aim is to register more precise indicators on the law-making methodology. To register these indicators, a Portuguese legislation database has been set up and it will enable an assessment of every law itself and its relation with other laws. This database should be opened to the general public on a free basis and provide a broad insight on the Portuguese legislation. This database is different from any other existing database. It will be possible to compare the evolution of the upper mentioned indicators, the number of published laws and impact of European Union’s law in national law.

Furthermore, the aim is to create a mechanism to evaluate the accomplishment of public politic goals by assessing the net aggregate costs of the framed national legislation. This analysis aims to identify the situation before introducing a certain legislative measure and its eventual creation of red tape costs and friction costs. This allows to verify if the legislative instrument used to execute a public policy has accomplished its goals or if, on the contrary, it has created obstacles to its accomplishment. In the end, the aim is to identify the net aggregate costs of the legislative instrument taking into account its goals.

Duration: 36 months (1st September 2018/31st August 2022)

Institutions: Faculdade de Direito da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – FDUNL | Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (Participant Institution) | ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Participant Institution)

Leading Researchers: Francisco Pereira Coutinho (Leading Researcher) | João Tiago Silveira (Co-Leading Researcher)

Project Members: Manuel Cabugueira | Pedro Lopes | Sónia Rodrigues | Raquel Moniz | Pierre Henri Guibentif | Miguel Moura e Silva

Site Legal Impact | CEDIS

Education for Justice

The E4J – Education for Justice Initiative is an UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s program. Its implementation began with the adoption of the Doha Declaration of 2015 (Doha Declaration on Integrating Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice into the Wider United Nations Agenda to Address Social and Economic Challenges and to Promote the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels, and Public Participation).

The programme relies on education to promote values and works to create more just and peaceful societies through innovative partnerships. This regard, cooperation also depends on the will of States to create such education scenarios for the strengthening of life skills and a true culture of lawfulness.

The contents produced are fully available here and their purpose is to support academics in teaching subjects that focus on UNODC mandates, in the areas of international crime prevention and criminal justice.

Duration: 36 months (from 1 September 2018 to 31 August 2021)

Role of NOVA School of Law in the project: Partner of UNODC in the translation of the contents on Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants into Portuguese Language.

Coordination: Vasco Becker- Weinberg | Maria João Carapêto

Team Leaders: Emellin de Oliveira | João Carreto | Gabriela Caldas | Marília Conti Higa | Guilherme Berriel | Pablo Ronaldo Gadea

Junior Team Members: Beatriz Sequeira | Victoria Silva Ferreira | Mariana Almeida | Sara Marques | Eduardo Matos | Mariana Baptista | Inês Tralhão

Project Website

Intra-África Pax Lusófona


The project funds student mobilities for those who seek to do their post-graduate studies at one of the African Partnering Universities and aims to create a teaching network that promotes synergies, creating opportunities in Africa. PaxLusófona also seeks to allow, through respect for the historical and cultural identity of the involved countries, interexchange of experiences and knowledge, the creation of new approaches and investigation methodologies at the involved countries. The projects aims to provide professional qualification with an high quality academic offer, through participatory education, development of critical consciousness, incentive to social participation and environmental sustainability as a development and stability factor.

Project Objectives: Offer 41 student and staff mobilities between Law Schools / Create a Master Degree Programme at Universidade de São Tomé e Príncipe

Duration: 6 years (november 2017/october 2023)

Institutions: Agostinho Neto University Law School (Angola, Coordinator) | Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique) | Higher Institute of Legal and Social Sciences (Cape Verde) | University of São Tomé and Príncipe | CEDIS/NOVA School of Law (Technical Partner) |

NOVA School of Law Project Management Team: Jorge Bacelar Gouveia (Executive Coordinating Professor) | Francisco Pereira Coutinho (Deputy Executive Coordinator) | Maria João Carapêto (Project Manager) | Carla Cintra (Communications Officer) | Narcisa Horta Rosa (Financial Officer)| Inês Braga (Project Secretariat) | João Azevedo (Fellow – 1 July 2018 to 30 september 2018) | Inês Tralhão (Volunteer, from 17 de June 2020)

Project Website