2nd Annual Conference of NOVA Green Lab

11 and 18 November 2024 | Abreu Advogados
On 11 and 18 November 2024, NOVA Green Lab will hold its 2nd Annual Conference of NOVA Green Lab entitled ‘E of ESG and Competitiveness: challenges of the European Union over the next five years’. The event marks the two-year anniversary of the Collaboration Protocol between NOVA School of Law, Abreu Advogados and Instituto do Conhecimento, which aims to promote research and teaching in the areas of environmental and energy law. The 2nd Annual NOVA Green Lab Conference will centre on the legislative reforms approved by the European Union in 2023 and 2024 with regard to the reporting obligations and due diligence of companies, namely of the CSRD and CSDDD. The aim is to promote a debate on the transposition and implementation of these obligations through the diagnosis and remedies proposed in the report published by the former president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, entitled ‘The Future of European Competitiveness’.
The 2nd Annual NOVA Green Lab Conference will be divided into two sessions.
In the plenary session, to be held on the morning of 11 November 2024, in the Abreu Advogados Auditorium, speakers will debate the challenges in implementing the CSRD and CSDDD Directives through the diagnoses and remedies for competitiveness of European companies recently proposed in the Dragui report.
In the parallel session, to be held on the afternoon of 18 November 2024, in the Room Alfama at Abreu Advogados, NOVA Green Lab researcher-collaborators will present their scientific articles developed during the academic year 2023-2024, which are to be published as an edited book under the title ‘E of ESG: Legal Insights and Research on Sustainability Reporting’.
11 november 2024
Plenary Session (in Portuguese) | Auditório da Abreu Advogados
9h45- 10h00 | Reception
10h00- 10h15 | Opening
- Luís Barreto Xavier, Instituto do Conhecimento
- Margarida Lima Rego, NOVA School of Law
- Lucila de Almeida, NOVA School of Law
10h15- 11h00 | The future of competitiveness in the European Union: diagnosis and prescription
Opening Speech: Lídia Pereira, Eurodeputada PSD e Presidente da Juventude do PPE
Keynote Speech: Jorge Vasconcelos, Chairman of NEWES, New Energy Solutions. First chairman of ERSE. Co-founder, first chairman and honorary member of the CEER
Debaters: Lucila de Almeida, NOVA School of Law e José Eduardo Martins, Abreu Advogados
11h00- 12h00 | Round table: ESG and the competitiveness of companies
Moderators: Lucila de Almeida, NOVA School of Law
Round table:
- Bernardo Ivo Cruz, NOVA School of Law & Universidade Católica Portuguesa
- Cecília Gaspar, Caixa Geral de Depósitos
- José Eduardo Martins, Abreu Advogados
12h00- 12h15 | Closing Plenary Session
- Inês Sequeira Mendes, Abreu Advogados
18 november 2024
Parallel Session (in english) | Room Alfama at Abreu Advogados
NOVA Grene Lab Book 2024-2025: ‘E of ESG: Legal Insights and Research on Sustainability Reporting’
14h00- 14h15 | Introducing the Book ‘E of ESG’
- Lucila de Almeida, Director of NOVA Green Lab
- Beatriz Gomes, Project Manager and Associate Researcher in Master Program at NOVA Green Lab
Part I- ESG and the Environment
14h15- 14h30 | Navigating ESG Landscapes in Europe: Impact of the CSRD on Environmental Racism Amid Rising Climate Litigation
- Mariana Rodrigues Viana, Research Associate in Ph.D Programme
14h30- 14h45 | Ensuring Integrity in Carbon Offsetting: The Influence of the CSRD
- Ana Bertazzo Lemos, Research Associate in Master Programme
14h45- 15h00 | The Cost of Innovation: Environmental Impact and Regulatory Landscape in Europe of AI
- Catarina Rocha, Research Associate in Master Programme
15h00- 15h15 | Coffee break
Part II- ESG and Energy
15h15- 15h30 | “Gone with the Wind”: EU Taxonomy Regulation Applied to Offshore Wind Energy
- Madalena Egreja Carranca, Research Associate in Master Programme
15h30- 15h45 | Guarantees of Origin
- Raquel Marta, Research Associate in Master Programme
15h45- 16h00 | Case study: Injection of Biomethane into the existing Gas Network in Portugal by Dourogás
- Yan Lima, Research Assistant in Undergraduate Programme
16h00- 16h15 | Coffee break
Part III- ESG and Governance
16h15- 16h30 | The Green Whistleblower
- Patrick Simões, Research Associate in Ph.D Programme
16h30- 16h45 |Corporate Ethics and Lobbying in the European Union: Promoting Transparency through ESG Criteria
- Catarina Medonça, Research Associate in Master Programme
16h45- 17h00 | The General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption in the light of the CSRD and ESRS
- Rickson Neves, Research Associate in Master Programme
17h00- 17h15 | Closing remarks of the parallel session
- Lucila de Almeida, Director of NOVA Green Lab
- Beatriz Gomes, Project Manager and Associate Researcher in Master Program at NOVA Green Lab
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