4th edition of the Prize for Pedagogical Excellence Professor Doutor Diogo Freitas do Amaral

NOVA School of Law is delighted to announce the 4th edition of the Prize for Pedagogical Excellence Professor Doutor Diogo Freitas do Amaral, created in 2021 with the aim of distinguishing, promoting and disseminating educational models of excellence that meet today’s pedagogical challenges, promoting quality teaching, capable of providing a transformational and intellectually challenging learning experience.

In its third edition, the prize was awarded to Professor Teresa Pizarro Beleza and to Professor Vítor Neves, in a double celebration which, as pointed out by the President of the Pedagogical Council and Professor Rita Calçada Pires – who presented the award handed over by the daughter of our founder and first Director, Filipa Amaral – recognised the excellence of “someone who has made clear and unequivocal the need and importance of considering and fighting for equality and non-discrimination, both in everyone’s conscience and, of course, within the scope of what the Law has to contribute” and “someone who manages, through crystal-clear and unequivocal communication, to involve students in the learning process, even if he formally calls them ‘my lords’ and is often remembered as the character from the 80s and 90s who taught many to be at peace with the moment when their day was over and they went to bed to rest?

Awarding the Prize for Pedagogical Excellence

The Prize embodies public recognition of pedagogical excellence, intending, in particular, to recognize the capacity for pedagogical innovation of its faculty, contributing to disseminating good practices developed in the academic year immediately preceding its attribution, in curricular units of any type.

The Prize is awarded annually and is decided in October of each year with reference to the immediately preceding academic year.

Faculty members or teams of faculty members who have taught one or more degree courses of any type within the degree cycles in the academic year immediately preceding the award of the Prize, are eligible for the award, regardless of the nature of their link to NOVA School of Law. 

The members of the Pedagogical Council will present for deliberation the reasoned nominations of six candidates, three nominated by the teaching members and three nominated by the student members.

The deliberation will be preceded by a discussion of the merits of the different nominations, as determined in the light of their justification.


Any reasoned proposals subscribed by one or more faculty members or students of the NOVA School of Law community will be considered. These proposals should be sent to the chair of the Pedagogical Council by email between the first and the last day of September of the academic year following that to which the award refers.

Proposals should be sent during the month of September to conselho.pedagogico@novalaw.unl.pt.

Prize Announcement

The award will be announced by the President of the Pedagogical Council at the NOVA Law School Day ceremony, scheduled for 30 October, which may be attended by a close relative of Professor Diogo Freitas do Amaral.