Registration for Curricular Units


Eligibility for curricular units:

  • Undergraduate, Master’s or PhD students of this Faculty who wish to register for curricular units of any other cycle of studies of the Faculty;
  • As external students, anyone interested in attending curricular units of any other cycle of studies of this Faculty, with or without links to other higher education institutions, provided they are over 16 years old. 

Maximum number of enrolments:

6 curricular units per semester. It is not recommended that the number of credits exceeds 30 ECTS, as they will not be credited, as stipulated in paragraph c) of no. 1 of article 45 of Decree-Law Nº. 115/2013, of August 7. The curricular units in which the student enrols, under a system subject to assessment and for which they obtain approval, receive certification, mention in the Diploma Supplement and are credited if the holder has or will acquire the status of student of a NOVA School of Law cycle of studies, up to the limit of 50% of the total study cycle.


  • 1st Cycle Curricular Units: 5 places in each Curricular Unit*
  • 2nd Cycle Curricular Units: 5 places in each Curricular Unit*
  • 3rd Cycle Curricular Units: 5 places in each Curricular Unit*

* Subject to the maximum limit of enrolments in each CU, established by the Faculty’s Management, to ensure the maintenance of high quality standards of teaching/learning, as well as according to the size of the teaching spaces. Admission and enrolment to the most popular curricular units is conditional on the number of places.

The following curricular units are not eligible:
Code of the curricular unit Name of the curricular unit
271350 Introdução ao Direito e ao Pensamento Jurídico
27107 Direito Constitucional
27134 Microeconomia
27129 História do Estado
27127 História das Ideias Políticas
27136 International Relations
27104 Political Science
27108 Direito Constitucional Português
27128 História do Direito
27142 Teoria da Norma Jurídica
27130 Informação e Documentação Jurídica
271330 Macroeconomics
27125 Public Economics
27139 Sociologia do Direito
27165 Psicologia Jurídica
37064 Programação para Juristas
37063 Go Global 2
37062 Go Global 6
27146 Trabalho Extracurricular – 1º ciclo
33315 Experiência de Curta Duração em Advocacia
27131/28112 Inglês
27147 Prática Jurídica Interdisciplinar
37047 Programming
33180 Oralidade na Advocacia
33154 Mediação – Técnicas e Processo
33186 Simulação de Exames ao CEJ
33000, 50000 e 50001 Dissertação
50000, 50003 Relatório de Estágio
50000, 50002 Trabalho de Projeto
22003 SPEED Presentation
33261, 33262, 45002 Methodology of Legal Research – 2º ciclo
22002 Presentation and Discussion of the Thesis Project
22001 Doctoral Thesis
22112 Methodology of Legal Research – 3º ciclo
33155 Moot Courts
37030 Legal English
33122 International Humanitarian Law
33178 Introdução à Mediação
33121 Cybersecurity and Governance
27160 Critical Legal Thinking
28101 Civil and Commercial Contracts
27161 Direito & Sustentabilidade
33179 Insolvência
37033 Corporate Governance
27166 Casos Difíceis
37004 Diplomatic and Consular Law
33175 Prática Processual Civil
27125 Economia Pública
33114 Direito do Comércio Internacional
27109 Direito da Igualdade Social
28102 Crimes em Especial
33196 Empresas, Direitos Humanos e Sustentabilidade
37035 Direito da Proteção e Gestão de Dados
37056 Fintech
33264 Modelos económicos para uma economia sustentável do Mar
33275 Financiamento da Economia Sustentável Azul e Integração de Políticas e Desenvolvimento
37072 Concorrência e Regulação Económica
33277 Empreendedorismo Aplicado
33279 Política Ambiental
33280 Geoeconomia e Relações Internacionais
33281 Mercados Globais de Energia
33282 Negócios Internacionais Sustentáveis
33210 Negociação
33224 Aliança e Estratégias de Fusões e Aquisições
33253 Indústrias de Rede e Mercados Bifacetados (Seminário)
31103 Marketing
33252 Equipas Líderes de Alto Desempenho /td>
37066 Introdução à Gestão Empresarial
37067 Estratégia
37068 Contabilidade
37069 Finanças Empresariais
37073 Reestruturação Empresarial
37071 Introdução à Microeconomia
33163 Introdução à Análise de Dados
33160 Mercados e Investimentos Financeiros
33161 Princípios de Finanças Empresariais
33164 Operações Bancárias e Seguradoras
33165 Introdução aos Derivados Financeiros e à Gestão de Risco
33184 Direito da Família e da Criança
33278 Inovação do Modelo Empresarial
45005 Segurança e Geopolítica
33301 Aprofundamento Tecnológico
370760 Contabilidade e Finanças Empresariais
33302 Curso Intensivo de Direito e Tecnologia
370770 Economia da Empresa
22110 Metodologias de Análise do Direito
4200116 Seminário II
4200118 Seminário III
4200197 Seminário IV
4200198 Seminário V

Application deadlines | School Year 2023/24:


Application deadlines | School Year 2024/25:

1st semester:

  • Submission of applications: From August 5th to 9th  2024
  • Announcement of placements: until 23 of August 2024
  • Complaint about placements: From 26 of August to September 6th 
  • Enrolment*: Until September 10th

*Registration for subjects is done through the Academic Division.until 

2nd semester:

  • Submission of applications: From January 6th to 10th, 2025
  • Announcement of placements: Until January 20th, 2025
  • Complaint about placements: From January 21st to February 3rd
  • Enrolment*: Until February 16th

*Registration for subjects is done through the Academic Division.until 



Enrolment of internal students takes preference over external students. With regard to internal students, preference is given to those who are attending the course in question over those who are attending single course units. Within each category, applicants are placed in the order in which they enter the system, with preference being given to applications submitted first.


Application instructions (online):

The application is made online, through the NOVA School of Law website by filling in an application form and uploading the necessary documents, namely:

  • Digital copy of citizen card or passport (for international applicants);
  • Curriculum Vitae (European model);
  • Document in Word format with the curricular units for which you wish to apply;
  • • Payment of the application fee via MBway, Visa, MB or PayPal references (25.00€ non-refundable);

Applications through the NOVA School of Law applications portal.

Tuition Fees, Emoluments/Charges and Taxes Fees

Fees and charges

  • Application fee: 25,00€
  • Academic insurance: 3,00
  • Administrative costs: 35,00€
  • Enrollment certificate: 6,00€


Tuition fees vary according to the cycle of studies and to the course in which they are taught, and are proportional to the fees of the course and include the legally associated administrative costs.

Cost per ECTS for 2023/2024
1st Cycle
Bachelor in Law

2nd Cycle

  • Master’s in Law Specialization in International and European Law
  • Master’s in Law Specialization in Public Law and Public Regulatory Law
  • Master’s in Law Specialization in Social Law and Inovation
  • Master’s in Law and Financial Markets
  • Master’s in Law and Economics of the Sea – Ocean Governance

2nd Cycle

  • Master in Litigation and Arbitration
  • Master’s in Law and Management
  • Master’s in Law and Security
2nd Cycle
Master’s in Law Applied to Technology

3rd Cycle

PhD in Law


National students (or equivalent)11,62€ (minimum of 50€)71,67€78,33€90,00€61,67€
International Students116,67€116,67€116,67€116,67€116,67€


Tuition fees are set annually by the General Council of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

The reading of this information does not exempt consultation of the relevant legislation and regulations, the public notice of fees, and the emoluments table in force for the respective academic year.