Luís Filipe Brites Lameiras
Guest Professor
Graduated in Law from the Law School of the Classical University of Lisbon (course 1982 – 1987).
Completion, in 2008, of the VIII Post-Graduate Course on Industrial Property Law with the thesis “The precautionary protection of industrial law (in particular, the emerging patent law)”.
Attendance of the VII Normal Training Course for Judicial Magistrates at the Center for Judicial Studies (1988 – 1989).
First instance judge in several courts, between 1990 and 2003.
Judge, at the Lisbon Court of Appeal, between 2010 and 2011, and at the Porto Court of Appeal, between 2012 and 2013.
Chief of Staff of the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, between 2013 and 2018.
Judicial Inspector at High Council for the Judiciary, since 2018 and up to the presente day.
Trainer at Center for Judicial Studies (magistracy school), between September 2001 and September 2010 (civil, commercial and civil procedure areas).
Effective member of the jury of written and oral tests, in several competitions for the selection of candidates to attend training courses for judges.
Trainer in several continuous training courses for judges and public prosecutors.
Coordinator, and also trainer, in several advanced training courses on current legal issues, organized by the Legal and Judiciary Training Unit of the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra.
Trainer in Master’s courses at the Law School of the University of Lisbon.
Trainer in Postgraduate and Master’s courses at the Law School of the Catholic University (Lisbon School).
Trainer in the preparation course for admission to the Center for Judicial Studies (magistracy school), organized by the Law Department at Portucalense University.
Author of the following legal work, published in a book:
- “Commentary on the Experimental Procedural Regime“, Almedina; February 2007
- “Practical Notes on Appeals in Civil Proceedings (Decree nº 303/2007, of August 24th)“, Almedina, 1st edition in March 2008 and 2nd edition in October 2009
- “Law on the Organization of the Judiciary System – annotated and commented”, co-authored with Salvador da Costa, Almedina, March 2017
- “Regulation of the Organization of the Judiciary System – annotated and commented”, co-authored with Salvador da Costa; Almedina, March 2017