Jorge Bacelar Gouveia
Full Professor
Biographical Note | Pedagogical Experience | Main Publications | Research Areas
Graduated in Law, in the area of Legal and Political Sciences, from the Faculty of Law, Lisbon University (1989). Master in Law, specialising in Legal and Political Sciences, from the Faculty of Law, Lisbon University (1993). PhD in Law, specialising in Public Law, from the NOVA School of Law (1999). Graduated in Law, specialising in Public Law, from the NOVA School of Law (2007).
Portuguese Delegate to the Legal Sub-Committee of the United Nations Committee for the Pacific Use of Outer Space and coordinator of several doctoral and master’s degree courses at foreign universities.
Lawyer, Jurisconsult and Arbitrator (National and International Judicial Arbitrator, Arbitrator of administrative and fiscal jurisdiction, Arbitrator of the Economic and Social Council and Arbitrator of the Administrative Arbitration Center).
Author of over 150 titles, with manuals, monographs and scientific articles in various scientific, legal and extra-judicial fields, of which Constitutional Law (including Fundamental Rights, Regional Law and Electoral Law), Public International Law (including Human Rights, Law of the Sea and Space Law), Tax Law, Security Law, Religion Law and Comparative Portuguese Language Law are highlighted.
Bachelor’s degree (1st Cycle):
- Portuguese Constitutional Law
- Public Economics
- Public International Law
PhD (3rd Cycle):
- National Security and Rule of Law
- National Defence and Armed Forces
- “Estudos de Direito Público de Língua Portuguesa”, Almedina, Coimbra, 2003
- “Direito Internacional Penal – uma Perspetiva Dogmático-Crítica”, Almedina, Coimbra, 2008
- “As Constituições dos Estados de Língua Portuguesa”, 3a ed., Almedina, Coimbra, 2012
- “Direito Constitucional de Língua Portuguesa – Caminhos de um Constitucionalismo Singula”, Almedina, Coimbra, 2012
- “Direito, Religião e Sociedade no Estado Constitucional”, IDiP-IDiLP, Lisboa, 2012 – Direito Constitucional de Timor-Leste, IDiLP, Lisboa/Díli, 2012
- “Direito Constitucional de Angola”, IDiLP, Lisboa/Luanda, 2014;
- “Direito Constitucional de Moçambique”, IDiLP, Lisboa/Maputo, 2015
- “Manual de Direito Constitucional, I e II vols., 6a ed.”, Almedina, Coimbra, 2016
- “Manual de Direito Internacional Público, 5a ed.”, Almedina, Coimbra, 2017
- “Direito da Segurança”, Almedina, Coimbra, 2018
- Public Law
- Law and Security