Inclusion Day
Inclusion Talks
11 November 2024
On November 11, 2024, NOVA University and NOVA School of Law will host the event Inclusion Talks as part of its Inclusion Day, a date on which the NOVA student and staff community will collectively celebrate the aspirations of creating a discrimination-free space.
The event is co-sponsored by the NOVA Centre for the Study of Gender, Family and the Law, NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights, and the Environment, Inclusive Community Forum (ICF) e Nova SBE Leadership for Impact Knowledge Centre.
The Inclusion Talks conferencewill include two panels: the first one discussing inclusion in the private sector and the second discussing inclusion in the public sector. Both panels will feature speakers from the business sector, journalism, academia and other diverse national institutions renowned for their good practices, equalitarian leadership, and their ability to advocate for a fairer and discrimination-free society.
Through the Inclusion Talks, NOVA and its partners reaffirm the centrality of their commitments to promoting an inclusive and discrimination-free space and community where everyone feels welcome and capable of expressing their full potential.
The event will be followed by a moment of celebration for the NOVA community of students, staff and faculty, the Inclusive Magusto Party, celebrating the Iberian festival of Magusto with roasted chestnuts.
Auditorium B | Rectorate, NOVA University Lisbon
13h30- 17h00
13h30- 14h00 | Welcome
- Attendee Registration
14h00- 14h20 | Introductory Remarks
- João Sàágua, Rector, NOVA University Lisbon
- Isabel Nunes, Vice-Rector, NOVA University Lisbon
- Nausica Palazzo, Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Non-Discrimination, NOVA School of Law; Director, NOVA Centre for the Study of Gender, Family, and the Law
Panel 1 | Inclusion in the Private Sector
(in English)
14h20- 15h40
Chair: Claire Bright, Director, NOVA Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment; Head of Sustainability, NOVA School of Law
- Margarida Castro Caldas, Program Coordinator, Inclusive Community Forum (ICF), NOVA SBE
- Manuela Doutel Haghighi, Global Customer Success Engagement Director, Microsoft; Co-Chair of Women@Microsoft Portugal
- Catarina Mendanha Moreira, Innovation Manager, CUF
- Filipa Pantaleão, Secretary General, BCSD Portugal
- Jeff Redding, Senior Research Fellow, University of Melbourne; Vice-Director, NOVA Centre for the Study of Gender, Family, and the Law
- Anaïs Tobalagba, Research Associate NOVA Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment
Panel 2 | Inclusion in the Public Sector
(in Portuguese)
15h40- 17h00
Chair: Margarida Lima Rego, Director and Professor, NOVA School of Law
- Carla Tavares, President of the Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE)
- Paula Cosme Pinto, Journalist, Podcast Author and Producer
- Raquel Varela, President of the Observatory for Life and Working Conditions, Professor at NOVA FCSH
- Sandra Ribeiro, President of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG)
- Zulficar Silva, President of NOVA’s Liberal Student Centre
17h00 | After-party “Inclusive Magusto”
- Pátio Mural dos Direitos Humanos, NOVA School of Law
Co-funded by “Programa para a Promoção da Saúde Mental no Ensino Superior”.
- Nausica Palazzo
- Tatiana Morais
- Constança Mota
- Ana Ribeiro
For more information: novagflaw@novalaw.unl.pt
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