Commodore Armando Pereira da Costa Valente Tinoco has 39 years of service. He joined the Portuguese Naval School in 1985 and completed the Navy Officers Training Course in 1990, being promoted to Midshipman on October 1, 1990.
He specialized in Electronics (1992) and has, among others, the Naval Staff Course (Instituto Superior Naval de Guerra, 2001), the Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management (Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, 2008; thesis “Antecedents and consequences of organizational identification: an application to the context of the Navy, 2008), the Promotion to General Officer Course (Instituto Universitário Militar 2021) and the General and Flag Officers Course (NATO Defense College, 2023).
He was deployed in several naval units, having commanded the NRP Cacine (1997-1999), the NRP Cunene (1999) and the NRP Bérrio (2013-2015), and served as head of the Electronics Service of the NRP Sagres (1996-1997), head of the Weapons and Electronics Department of the NRP Comandante João Belo (1992-1993) and Executive Officer of the NRP Baptista de Andrade (1993-1996). Ashore, he acted as head of the Training and Evaluation Section of the Patrol Boats Squadron (1999-2001), deputy of the Head of the Division of Personnel and Organization in the Naval Staff (2001-2005), Assistant Head of Cabinet of the Superintendent of Navy Personnel (2005-2007), Head of Cabinet of the Superintendent of Navy Personnel (2007-2008), Staff Officer in the Portuguese Military Mission in NATO-EU (2008-2011), 2nd Flotilha Commander (2015), Director of Resources of the Naval Command (2015-2016), Commander of the Portuguese Immediate Reaction Force (Fri, 2016-2018), Commander of the Lisbon Naval Base (2018-2020), Chief of the Joint Intelligence Center of the Portuguese Armed Forces (CISMIL, 2022-2023) and commander of the Marine Corps (2023-2024).
He served as Force Commander of the European Union Naval Force Atalanta (Commander Task Force 465) between October and December 2024.
His service record includes several commendations and decorations.