Luís Heleno Terrinha
Assistant Professor
Biographical Note | Pedagogical Experience | Main Publications | Research Areas
Luís Heleno Terrinha holds degrees from the Yale Law School (LL.M., 2019), the University of Lisbon (Ph.D. in Public Law, 2016), and the Portuguese Catholic University (LL.B., 2010).
In the past, he has lectured Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Fundamental Rights and European Union Law at the Porto Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University (2015-2018). He taught a seminar in Data Protection Law at the Católica Global School of Law in Lisbon. Professionally, he is a qualified Advogado (Attorney) with the Portuguese Bar Association (2018) and has further completed traineeships in International Arbitration at Shearman & Sterling LLP (Paris) and Clifford Chance LLP (Frankfurt).
Luís’s research has mainly focused on the societal dimension of administrative law and constitutional law, applying social systems theory to understand the social roots and underlying dynamics of public law phenomena. He has also published on issues related to administrative procedures, the Europeanization of German Public Law, as well as on state liability for the breach of European Union Law. More recently, he has been addressing the transnational challenges to both constitutional law and administrative law, with emphasis on public law arbitration.
Luís has been engaged in a number of consulting projects. Internationally, he has advised the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament on the role of national parliaments in the EU lawmaking process. Nationally, he has collaborated in writing legal opinions concerning ongoing public law disputes and assisting public entities in administrative legal matters (such as on the drafting of regulatory codes in a number of municipalities in northern Portugal).
He has received a number of academic prizes in Portugal for his scholarship, including the Miguel Galvão Teles Prize, the Wolters Kluwer Portugal Prize and the European Elections 2014 Prize. During his LL.M., he was selected by Yale Law School to become a Salzburg Cutler Fellow based on his paper “Governmental Regulatory Measures in International Investment Law”, which he presented in a conference in Washington D.C.
Bachelor (1st cycle):
- Portuguese Constitutional Law
- Special Administrative Law
Master (2nd Cycle):
- Constitutional and European Law
Edited Books
- Fábio da Silva Veiga Catarina Santos Botelho / Luís Heleno Terrinha / Pedro Coutinho (Eds.), Future Law, Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, 2018
- Catarina Santos Botelho / Luís Heleno Terrinha / Pedro Coutinho (Eds.), Constitutionalism in a Plural World, Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, 2018.
- Maria Elisabete Ferreira / Catarina Santos Botelho / Luís Heleno Terrinha (Eds.), Law and Interculturalism, Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, 2018.
- Manuel Afonso Vaz / Catarina Santos Botelho / Luís Heleno Terrinha / Pedro Coutinho (Eds.), Actas das Jornadas “Nos 40 anos da CRP/76: Impacto e evolução da Constituição”, Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, 2017.
- Carla Amado Gomes / Luís Heleno Terrinha (Coord.), In Memoriam Ulrich Beck – Atas do Colóquio promovido pelo ICJP e pelo CIDP, Lisboa: ICJP, 2016.
- Direitos Fundamentais e Ordem Colectiva. Teorias não subjectivistas da jusfundamentalidade, Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, 2018 (available at: http://www.uceditora.ucp.pt/site/custom/template/ucptpl_uce.asp?SSPAGEID=2942&lang=1&artigoID=4787) [Fundamental Rights and Collective Order. Introduction to non-subjectivist theories of fundamental rights. 112 pp.].
- O Direito Administrativo na Sociedade. Função, prestação e reflexão do sistema jurídico-administrativo, Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, 2017 [Administrative Law in Society. Function, prestation and reflection of the administrative legal system. 1380 pp.].
Book chapters
- The intersystemic rationality of Administrative Law: reflexiveness, structural couplings and environmental observation (forthcoming in Carina Calabria, Fábio Portela de Almeida, Miguel Nogueira de Brito (Eds.), Law as Passion: Systems Theory and Constitutional Theory in Peripheral Modernity, Springer, 2020).
- The Tridimensionality of Constitutional Law, in Rita Lobo Xavier et al. (Ed.), Constitucionalismos e (con)temporaneidade – Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Manuel Afonso Vaz, Porto: UCE, 2020, pp. 615-645.
- Os limites materiais da revisão constitucional: reflexividade, reflexão e contingência do sistema jurídico-constitucional, in Manuel Afonso Vaz / Catarina Santos Botelho / Luís Heleno Terrinha / Pedro Coutinho (Coord.), Actas das Jornadas “Nos 40 anos da CRP/76: Impacto e evolução da Constituição”, Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, 2017, pp. 213-242 [Substantive limitations to constitutional amendments: reflexivity, reflexion and contingency of the constitutional system].
- Direito e Contingência: com e para além de Ulrich Beck, in Carla Amado Gomes / Luís Heleno Terrinha (Coord.), In Memoriam Ulrich Beck – Atas do Colóquio promovido pelo ICJP e pelo CIDP, Lisboa: ICJP, 2016, pp. 17-53 (available at: http://icjp.pt/sites/default/files/publicacoes/files/ebook_ulrichbeck_0.pdf) [Law and contingency: with and beyond Ulrich Beck].
- Procedimentalismo jurídico-administrativo e aproveitamento do acto. Reflexões críticas sobre o art. 163.º, n.º 5 do novo Código do Procedimento Administrativo, in Carla Amado Gomes / Ana Neves / Tiago Serrão (Coord.), Comentários ao novo Código do Procedimento Administrativo, 2.ª edição, Lisboa: AAFDL, 2015, pp. 923-958 [Legal proceduralism and administrative decisions. Reflections about art. 163.º, n.º 5 of the new Portuguese Code of Administrative Procedure].
- The legisprudential role of national parliaments in the European Union, European Parliament, 2017 (available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2017/583133/IPOL_BRI(2017)583133_EN.pdf).
- Da Sociedade da Constituição à Constituição da Sociedade. O constitucionalismo societal e os seus contributos para a compreensão do Direito Constitucional como um sistema comunicativo mundial, Revista Jurídica da Associação Académica da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa 30 (2016), pp. 297-377 [The constitution’s society and the society’s constitution. Societal constitutionalism and its contributions to understanding Constitutional Law as a world communicative system].
- The under-complexity of social rights, Lisbon Law Review – Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa LVI (2015), pp. 27-53. Peer-reviewed.
- O outro do Direito Público alemão: fluxos europeizantes, direito subjectivo público e direitos individuais juseuropeus. Excurso sobre o espaço público administrativo e a responsabilidade jurídico-social da Administração, in O Direito, n.º 146 III (2014), pp. 621-716 [The europeanization of German Public Law: subjective rights, european individual rights and the emergence of an administrative public sphere].
- A Klagebefugnis do Processo Administrativo Alemão, in Revista de Direito Público, n.º 11 (2014), pp. 25-58 [The Klagebefugnis in Germany’s Administrative Judicial Process]. Peer-reviewed.
- “O Povo é os Povos: (por) um modelo integradamente diferencialista de povo europeu”, Prémio Eleições Europeias 2014, in Europa – Novas Fronteiras, n.º 30 (2014), pp. 29-40 [The people is the peoples: towards a differentialist model of European people].
- A auto-crise da Constituição. Reflexões liberalmente inspiradas sobre o princípio da socialidade e o princípio democrático, Direito&Política 6 (2014), pp. 70-87 [Constitution’s self-crisis. Liberally inspired reflections on the principles of democracy and of the welfare state]. Peer-reviewed.
- A responsabilidade extracontratual do Estado-juiz por violação do Direito da União Europeia: os requisitos, as diferentes concepções subjacentes aos regimes europeu e português de responsabilidade e a hipótese do regime português como um regime especificamente mais favorável, in O Direito, n.º 145 IV (2013), pp. 873-944 [The liability of Member-States for the breach of European Union Law by the judiciary].
- A responsabilidade extracontratual do Estado-Membro por violação do Direito da União Europeia imputável a actos jurisdicionais e os seus fundamentos na jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça, Revista de Direito Público n.º 7 (2012), pp. 31-62 [The case law of the European Court of Justice on Member-States liability for the breach of European Union Law]. Peer-reviewed.
- Necessidade, efectividade e legalidade da (nova) arquitectura de supervisão financeira da União Europeia, Revista de Ciências Empresariais e Jurídicas, nº 21, 2012, pp. 73-129 [Necessity, effectiveness and legality of the European Union’s (new) framework of financial supervision].
- Parcerias Público-Privadas e Alocação do Risco, in Revista de Ciências Empresariais e Jurídicas, nº 20, 2011, pp. 109-127 [Public-Private Partnerships and risk allocation].
- Pressupostos da responsabilidade civil extracontratual do terceiro interferente – reflexões numa perspectiva de direito comparado, in JusJornal nº 1308 de 27 de Setembro de 2011 [Third-party interference with contractual relations].
Working Papers
- A Suspensão de Direitos Fundamentais em Estado de Excepção Biopolítico, Working Paper, 2020 [The Suspension of Fundamental Rights in a Biopolitical State of Exception] (submitted for publication in a Portuguese journal).
- Democracy and Integrity: a comparative perspective on the Portuguese lobbying draft legislation, Working Paper, 2019 (written at Yale Law School under the supervision of Prof. S. Rose-Ackerman).
- Governmental General Regulatory Measures in International Investment Law: Rational Rulemaking as Standard of Review, Working Paper, 2019 (written at Yale Law School under the supervision of Prof. Michael Reisman).
- Public Law (Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Constitution Theory and Fundamental Rights)
- Dispute Resolution (administrative arbitration and international investment arbitration)
- Theory of Law and Sociology of Law