Maria Helena Brito
Full Professor, Retired
Biographical Note | Pedagogical Experience | Main Publications | Research Areas
Maria Helena Brito is a Full Professor at the NOVA School of Law. She was born in Vila do Conde, Portugal, in 1948.
She has a degree in Law from Coimbra University Law School (1970). She began her academic career at Lisbon University Faculty of Law (school year 1978-1979), where she obtained her Master’s Degree (1985) and her PhD (1998). Since 1999 she has been a Professor at the NOVA School of Law. She obtained her law degree in Private Law, with specialization in International Private Law at the NOVA University, Lisbon (2016).
At NOVA School of Law she was Coordinator of the Second Cycle of Studies (2007 to 2014). She was a member of the Faculty Council (elected by the Scientific Council in 2009 and in 2013, until September 2018), member of the Pedagogical Council (elected by the Scientific Council in 2013, until September 2018), member of the Commission of Quality in Education (from 2011 until October 2014), member of the Self-Assessment Commission (from 2013 until October 2014).
She was a Judge of the Constitutional Court between March 1998 and April 2007.
She carried out technical functions at the Public Administration, in the Ministries of Justice (Office of European Law), and Foreign Affairs (Directorate General of the European Communities).
She was a legal advisor at Banco de Portugal, in the Legal Services Department (between January 1989 and April 2008, a position suspended during her term as a judge at the Constitutional Court), with management functions at the Banking Supervision Department, between April 2008 and December 2010, and at the Investigation and Sanction Action Department, between January 2011 and September 30, 2013 (the date on which she retired from the Banco de Portugal).
Bachelor’s degree (1st Cycle):
- Private International Law
- Family Law
- People and Family Law
- Civil and Commercial Contracts
Master ‘s degree (2nd Cycle):
- International Commercial Law
- European Civil Procedure
- International Commercial Arbitration
- Methodology of Legal Research
- Private International Law II (International Civil Procedural Law)
PhD (3rd Cycle):
- Private Law
- Legal Research
- Civil Law
- Comparative Private Law
- “Direito Aplicável aos Contratos Internacionais de Seguro”, Revista de Direito Comercial, Liber amicorum Professor Doutor Pedro Pais de Vasconcelos, 2020, p. 735 a 838, disponível em https://www.revistadedireitocomercial.com/direito-aplicavel-aos-contratos-internacionais-de-seguro.
- “Anotação aos artigos 14º a 65º do Código Civil” (Direitos dos estrangeiros e conflitos de leis)” e “Anotação ao artigo 2223º do Código Civil” (Testamento feito por português em país estrangeiro), in Código Civil Anotado (coord. Ana Prata), 2ª ed., Coimbra, Almedina, 2019, respetivamente, vol. I, p. 36 a 97, e vol. II, p. 1127 e 1128.
- “La norma de conflictos alemana sobre la representación voluntaria. Algunas notas comparativas”, Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado, 2018, p. 373 a 397.
- “O sistema de Direito Internacional Privado no Código Civil de 1966: o que resta 50 anos depois?”, in 50 Anos do Código Civil de 1966 (org. Faculdade de Direito da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa e CEDIS – Centro de Investigação & Desenvolvimento sobre Direito e Sociedade da FDUNL), Coimbra, Almedina, 2018, p. 43 a 75.
- “Nos 40 Anos da Reforma do Código Civil. Alcance e significado actual da Reforma no âmbito do Direito Internacional Privado da Família”, Themis, edição especial n.º 6, 2018 (Estudos em Comemoração dos 20 Anos da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), p. 97 a 137.
- “Direito Internacional Privado sob influência do Direito Europeu”, Lisboa, Âncora, 2017.
- “Security interests in transport vehicles: The Cape Town Convention and Portuguese law”, in Implementing the Cape Town Convention and the Domestic Laws on Secured Transactions (ed. Souichirou Kozuka), Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, p. 291 a 315.
- “Coerência ou Fragmentação no Direito Internacional Privado dos Seguros?”, Themis, 2016, n.ºs 30/31, p. 39 a 66.
- “O novo Regulamento europeu sobre os processos de insolvência: Algumas reflexões”, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Conselheiro Presidente Rui Moura Ramos, vol. I, Coimbra, Almedina, 2016, p. 1121 a 1156.
- “Determinação da lei aplicável aos contratos internacionais: Da Convenção de Roma ao Regulamento Roma I”, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor José Lebre de Freitas, vol. I, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2013, p. 427 a 473.
- “Arbitragem internacional. A propósito da nova Lei da Arbitragem Voluntária”, Themis, 2012, n.ºs 22/23, p. 103 a 143.
- “Portugal”, in Application of Foreign Law (ed. Carlos Esplugues, José Luis Iglesias, Guillermo Palao), Munich, Sellier. european law publishers, 2011, p. 301 a 316 (em colaboração com Dário Moura Vicente)
- “Portugal”, in Derecho de los contratos internacionales en Latinoamérica, Portugal y España (dir. Carlos Esplugues Mota, Daniel Hargain, Guillermo Palao Moreno), Madrid, Edisofer, Montevideo-Buenos Aires, Editorial BdeF, 2008, p. 665 a 733 (com a colaboração de Eugénia Galvão Teles).
- “Direito do Comércio Internacional”, Coimbra, Almedina, 2004
- “A Representação nos Contratos Internacionais. Um Contributo para o Estudo do Princípio da Coerência em Direito Internacional Privado”, Coimbra, Almedina, 1999
- “O Factoring Internacional e a Convenção do Unidroit”, Lisboa, Cosmos, 1998
- “O Contrato de Concessão Comercial”, Coimbra, Almedina, 1990
- Private International Law
- International Trade Law
- International Contracts
- International Civil Procedural Law
- European Civil Procedure
- International Commercial Arbitration
- Comparative Law
- Civil Law