Miguel de Azevedo Moura
Assistant Professor
Biographical Note | Pedagogical Experience | Main Publications | Research Areas
Miguel de Azevedo Moura graduated (2009), has a Master’s Degree (2011) and a PhD (2018) in Law from the NOVA School of Law. In the Master’s Degree he specialised in Legal and Corporate Sciences (thesis – Da sociedade em comandita por acções – doctrine in general; cleavage in special). In the Doctorate he specialised in Private Law (thesis – The limits of unilateral binding – the promise (unilateral) in civil law – unanimously approved with Distinction and Praise).
He is Vice-Director of CEDIS (Centre for Research and Development on Law and Society).
He is co-coordinator of the Master in Law – Specialisation in Law and Technology.
He has participated, as a national expert, in several studies of the European Commission in the field of Financial Markets (Banking Law, Financial Instruments and Insurance Law)
He was Of Counsel at AAA Advogados having worked in the areas of Capital Markets, Banking and Finance and M&A. He was also responsible for the Legal Support Office at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, where he provided pro bono legal consultancy services.
His academic expertise includes Legal Business Theory, Law of Obligations, Philosophy of Law, Financial Instruments Law, Banking Law and Corporate Law.
Bachelor’s degree (1st Cycle):
- Introduction to Law and Legal Thought
- People and Family Law
Master ‘s degree (2nd Cycle):
- Financial Instruments Law
- Markets and Financial Operations
- Banking Law
- FinTech
- Financial Instruments Law
- Os limites da vinculação unilateral: a promessa (unilateral) no direito civil, Repositório UNL, 2018
- Da sociedade em comandita por acções: doutrina geral, clivagem em especial, Repositório da UNL, 2011
- Enciclopédia de Direito Internacional (coord.: Manuel de Almeida Ribeiro, et al.), Coimbra, Almedina, 2011
- “Perspetivas extracontratuais e contratuais da prevenção do perigo na prática desportiva do golfe”, in Desporto & Direito 32, 2014, pp.141 e ss. (em co-autoria com Jorge Morais Carvalho)
- “O efeito res judicata no Direito Internacional Público e o artigo 61 do Tribunal Internacional de Justiça”, in Revista de Direito Público 2, 2009, pp. 173 e ss.
- “A civil lawyers’ perspective on the concept of promise in private law”, policop., NOVA School of Law, 2016.
- “A condição (própria): conceito, modalidades, pendência, verificação e eficácia – um estudo jurídico-comparativo do regime jurídico português e inglês”, policop., NOVA School of Law, 2012
- “Ensaio sobre o conceito e a estrutura argumentativa da boa fé no direito civil”, policop., NOVA School of Law, 2012
- “Rapsódia sobre a teoria autopoiética do Direito”, policop., NOVA School of Law, 2012
- Law and Technology
- Civil Law
- Financial Instruments Law
- Banking Law
- Philosophy of Law
- Law and Music
Students Assistance Service:
Introdução ao Direito e ao Pensamento Jurídico:
Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Financial Instruments Law:
Thursday from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
(Registrations by email)