NOVA IPSI Annual Lecture 2024
2 December 2024 | NOVA School of Law
You are warmly invited to the NOVA IPSI Annual Lecture 2024!
Join us for our signature event, where we will explore the intersection of Intellectual Property Law and Sustainability while sharing the latest achievements and updates from the our NOVA IPSI Knowledge Centre.
In 2024 we will focus is on Empirical Legal Research in IP and Sustainability, featuring a keynote lecture by the esteemed Professor Estelle Derclaye, Full Professor at the University of Nottingham.
We welcome you to join us for a thoughtful discussion among academics and practitioners as we celebrate one more year of work at NOVA IPSI.
Location: NOVA School of Law | Amphitheatre B
In-person event only
14:00 | Welcome greetings
- Jorge Morais Carvalho, NOVA School of Law
«Two years of NOVA IPSI»
- Giulia Priora, Director NOVA IPSI
14:20 | Keynote speaker
- Estelle Derclaye, Professor University of Nottingham
15:00 | Round-up on empirical IP and Sustainability studies
- Amanda Costa Novaes, Researcher NOVA IPSI
- Aline Arenque, Researcher NOVA IPSI
15:15 | Moderated public discussion
- Eduardo Santos, Researcher NOVA IPSI
15:45 | Closing remarks
- Miguel de Azevedo Moura, NOVA School of Law
Live music and coffee buffet