NOVA School of Law will launch a new Master’s in Law Applied to Technology (Law & Tech) in 2024, confirming its commitment to innovation and its position at the forefront of excellence in legal education.
This new Master’s degree – which corresponds to a revised and expanded version of the Business Law and Technology specialisation of the Master’s in Law, thus becoming autonomous and gaining a new scale, with a combination of new subjects and others already present in the previous specialisation – focuses on digital and other emerging technological transformations, preparing lawyers for the most advanced areas of technology and equipping them with a set of fundamental and transversal conceptual and analytical tools necessary to become specialists in law applied to technology.
In this new configuration, the Master’s degree has a common core of curricular units – Law and Technology Intensive Course, Technological Deep Dive and Methodology of Legal Research – and offers 3 areas of specialisation that seek to address different technological realities and their impact on different facets of the legal world, namely Digitalisation and Public Policy; Data-Based Market Law; and Intellectual Property and Innovation Regulation.
The Master’s programme will be presented in an online session, exclusively in English, on 17 January at 14:00.
Opening Ceremony
- Margarida Lima Rego, Dean of NOVA School of Law
“What is Law in a World of Technologies?“
- Fabrizio Esposito, Master’s Coordinator, NOVA School of Law
“Our new Master’s in Law and Technology: all you need to know”
- Giulia Priora, Master’s Coordinator, NOVA School of Law
“Why choose us”
- Amanda Costa Novaes, Master student, NOVA School of Law