War & Law LAB
The Future of Conflict
The Geneva Conventions at 75: Humanity in Times of War
10 October 2024
The 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions is a moment to reflect on their role as a cornerstone of International Humanitarian Law and international society. Since their inception in 1949, the Conventions have embodied the world’s collective commitment to safeguarding human dignity during armed conflicts. With 2023 marking the highest number of state-based conflicts since 1946 and the last three years being the most violent in three decades, the need to uphold these principles is more urgent than ever.
The landscape of modern warfare is increasingly complex, involving a multitude of actors and technology operating simultaneously in conflict zones, making the enforcement of the Geneva Conventions at the same time relevant and challenging.
As we commemorate 75 years of these core treaties, the War and Law LAB and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will host a panel discussion to assess the enduring importance of the Geneva Conventions in an era marked by unprecedented levels of armed conflict.
The panel will delve into the contemporary challenges facing IHL and the 1949 Geneva Conventions’ role in mitigating human suffering. It will highlight how the Conventions provide a legal and moral framework to protect civilians, prisoners of war, and individuals no longer participating in hostilities, even in one of the most conflict-ridden periods in history.
The panellists will explore the enduring legacy of the Geneva Conventions, examine current challenges, and envision the future of IHL in ensuring protection and dignity for all during armed conflicts.
This discussion is critical in reaffirming that even in complex and violent settings, respect for IHL remains a legal obligation and a moral imperative for all.
Room 7, NOVA School of Law
16:00 – 17:30
Opening Remarks
- Margarida Lima Rego, NOVA School of Law Dean
16:00 | 17:00 – The Geneva Conventions at 75: Humanity in Times of War
Moderator: Felipe Pathé Duarte
- Julie Lefolle, Legal Adviser, International Committee of the Red Cross
- Francisco Pereira Coutinho, NOVA School of Law
- Mateus Kowalski, Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Laura Iñigo Alvarez, NOVA School of Law
17:00 | 17:30 – Discussion and Q&A
Final Remarks
- Felipe Pathé Duarte, NOVA School of Law