Vitor Neves
Assistant Professor
Biographical Note | Pedagogical Experience | Main Publications | Research Areas
Vítor Pereira das Neves obtained his law degree from the University of Lisbon Law School in 1996. He started his teaching activity there as a monitor. He took part in the First Doctorate Course of the NOVA School of Law in 1997, where he obtained his doctorate in Private Law, in 2006, with the thesis – The assignment of credits in guarantee: between the realization of mandatory situations and the relativization of real situations. He began his teaching collaboration with NOVA School of Law in the academic year 2003-2004, as Guest Assistant. In the 2006-2007 academic year, he joined the teaching staff of NOVA School of Law as Assistant Professor, a situation that remains until today, responsible for a number of subjects on the bachelor’s degree course, master’s degrees and doctorate. In the academic year 2018-2019 he was also a guest lecturer on the bachelor’s degree course and on several master’s courses at the Portuguese Catholic University Law School.
He was also responsible for several subjects in the master’s and doctoral courses co-organized by NOVA School of Law and the Faculty of Law of the Agostinho Neto University (Angola), ISCTEM and the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Nampula (Mozambique).
In addition to the teaching component, he was scientific and pedagogical coordinator of the legal component of the Master’s Degree in Law and Management, co-organised by NOVA School of Law and NOVA School of Business and Economics, from the first edition of this course until the academic year 2017-2018.
He was a trainee lawyer, Associate, Senior Associate and Partner at PLMJ between 1996 and 1999 and then between 2001 and 2008. Between 2009 and 2001 he dedicated himself exclusively to the preparation of his doctoral dissertation. In 2008, he founded, together with other former partners of PLMJ, a new law firm (AAA Advogados), where he remained until August 2020 in charge of the Finance and Capital Markets Department and as one of the heads of the Contractual, Corporate and M&A Department. He joined the firm Morais Leitão – Galvão Tells, Soares da Silva & Associates in September 2020, as a partner and member of the corporate, M&A and capital markets team.
Bachelor’s degree (1st Cycle):
- Legal Standard Theory
- General Theory of Private Law
- People and Family Law
- Contract Law
- Law of Obligations
- Civil Liability
- Property Law
- Comparative Legal Systems
- Techniques of Expression
- Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
- Civil and Commercial Contracts
- Fulfillment and Breach of Obligations
- Private International Law
Master’s degree (2nd Cycle):
- Contract Writing
- Financial Markets and Companies
- Commercial Companies
- Advanced Civil Law
- Arbitration Practices
- Financial Innovation
- General Theory of Civil Law
- Civil Liability
- Contract Design
- Energy Law
PhD (3rd Cycle):
- Comparative Private Law
- “A afetação de receitas futuras em garantia”, publicado na revista Themis, Ano 1, Número 2, 2000
- “A proteção do proprietário desapossado de dinheiro nos direitos português e inglês”, em “Propriedade e Contrato”, Almedina, 2001
- “A Cessão de Créditos em Garantia – Entre a realização das situações obrigacionais e a relativização das situações reais”, Lisboa, 2005
- “A natureza transitiva da imputação de direitos de voto no Código dos Valores Mobiliários”, em “Estudos Comemorativos dos 10 Anos da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – Volume II”, Almedina, 2008
- “Delimitação dos votos relevantes para efeitos de constituição e de exigibilidade do dever de lançamento de oferta pública de aquisição”, em Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Carlos Ferreira de Almeida, Almedina, 2011
- Private Law, with particular focus on contract law, law of obligations and civil liability
- He has also developed research in the area of company and securities law
- More recently, he has been developing, and intends to continue developing in the coming years, research in the area of energy law