Paulo Ferreira has a degree in Geography from the University of Lisbon and a master’s degree in Territorial Management from the School of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon. He specialised in public management, including executive training at the Instituto Nacional de Administração (National Institute of Administration): Diploma of Specialisation in Financial Management in Public Administration – DEDIRF (2009); Training Programme in Public Management – FORGEP (2012); and Advanced Course in Public Management – CAGEP (2014).
He is a senior member of staff at the Portuguese Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics and has been working in higher education and scientific research since 2000. During his career he has held several management positions and been a member of various bodies at the University of Lisbon and, currently, at NOVA University Lisbon.
Among other roles, he has been a member of the Standing Committee of the Sindicato dos Quadros Técnicos do Estado e de Entidades com Fins Públicos (Union of Technical Staff of the State and of Public Entities) and of the Executive Committee of the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU/FSESP), and was appointed vice-president of Eurocadres (Council of European Professional and Managerial Staff), representing EPSU, a position he held between 2011 and 2014.