Beyond the ‘greenwashing’ of Business and Human Rights

15 February (Wed) | 14h30-16h00 | Room 3 Colégio Almada Negreiros and online on Zoom

Speaker: Nadia Bernaz

Discussants: Lucila de Almeida and Claire Bright

This SPEED Session will take place in Room 3 of Colégio Almada Negreiros and online on Zoom and it is an opportunity for researchers and PhD students to meet up and foster a scientific community at NOVA School of Law. 

During this event, organized in collaboration with the NOVA Green Lab and NOVA Knowledge Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment, Nadia Bernaz, Associate Professor at Wageningen University & Research, will present a topic titled “Beyond the ‘greenwashing’ of Business and Human Rights”. 

She will be joined by two discussants: Claire Bright, Associate Professor at NOVA School of Law, and Professor Lucila de Almeida, Abreu Chair in ESG Impact at NOVA School of Law.

Faculty, research and teaching staff and PhD students are cordially invited to attend this event.

Coordinators: Simone Antonio Luciano