Gender, Ethnicity and Diversity talks
September 22 | NOVA University Lisbon
On September 22, 2023, NOVA School of Law will host the Gender, Ethnicity and Diversity Talks as part of its Inclusivity Day, a day in which NOVA’s community of students and staff will collectively celebrate the aspiration to create a space free from discrimination.
The Gender, Ethnicity and Diversity Talks are the flagship event of the day and will include three panels on domestic violence (broadly understood as referring to gender-based domestic, including violence within same-sex households), multiple and intersectional discrimination, and gender equality.
The event will feature speakers from Portuguese civil society, academia, and political institutions who stood out for their ability to advocate for a fairer, more gender-equal and discrimination-free Portuguese society.
Through the Gender, Ethnicity and Diversity Talks, NOVA School of Law reiterates the centrality of its commitments towards fostering a space which is inclusive and free from discrimination, a community where all feel welcome and able to express their full potential.
To promote inclusivity, this event is bilingual (Portuguese/English): speakers and the audience can choose the language they are more comfortable with.
Location: NOVA University Lisbon, Colégio Almada Negreiros – Salão Nobre
No prior registration is required to attend the event. Room capacity: 50 pax
8:50 | 09:00 a.m – Introductory remarks
- Margarida Lima Rego, Dean NOVA School of Law
- Nausica Palazzo, Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Non-discrimination, NOVA School of Law
9:00 | 10:15 a.m – Panel 1 | Domestic violence
Moderator: Francisco Jesus, Bachelor Student, NOVA School of Law
Domestic violence against women
- Manuel Lisboa, Professor NOVA FCSH
Domestic violence in same-sex households
- Rita Paulos, Executive Director, Casa Qui Associação Solidariedade Social
Domestic violence: A data-driven policy approach to policymaking
- Elisa Ercoli, President Differenza Donna ONG/AP
10:15 | 11:30 a.m – Panel 2 | Multiple and Intersectional Discrimination: Ongoing projects at NOVA
Moderator: Isabela Lage, Bachelor Student, NOVA School of Law
Studying racism and xenofobia
- Teresa Pizarro Beleza, Professor NOVA School of Law and President Observatório do Racismo e Xenofobia
Intersectionality and the law
- Paulo Côrte-Real, Professor NOVA SBE and project member at «Multiversity -White Paper on Multiple and Intersectional Discrimination»
Islamic Feminism: Beyond the veil of misconceptions
- Oumaima Derfoufi, PhD student NOVA School of Law
Gender-based violence in migration flows
- Tatiana Morais, Lawyer and Researcher at NOVA Refugee Clinic, NOVA School of Law
11:30 a.m | 12:00 p.m – Coffee Break
12:00 | 1:15 p.m – Panel 3 | Gender Equality
Moderator: Inês Graça, Bachelor Student, NOVA School of Law
Gender mainstreaming for an improved legislation
- Ana Sofia Fernandes, Activist and President Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres
The “feminist factor”: Ideological objections to marriage and new developments in legalized unions in Europe
- Nausica Palazzo, Professor NOVA School of Law
The role of civil society in promoting equality
- David Almeida, President of the Board HeForShe Lisbon
1:15 | 1:35 p.m – Concluding Remarks
- Isabel Almeida Rodrigues, Secretary of State Equality and Migrations
- Isabel L. Nunes, Professor and Vice-Rector, NOVA University Lisbon

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