Intellectual Property Rights: unlocking potential constraints on the development and transfer of marine technology

3 May (Wed) | 14h30-16h00 | Online on Zoom

Speaker: Júlia Schütz Veiga

Discussants: Harriet Harden-Davies

This SPEED Session will take place online on Zoom and it is an opportunity for researchers and PhD students to meet up and foster a scientific community at NOVA School of Law. 

During this event, Júlia Schütz Veiga, PhD Candidate at NOVA School of Law, will speak about “Intellectual Property Rights: Unlocking Potential Constraints on the Development and Transfer of Marine Technology y”. 

She will be joined by a discussant: Harriet Harden-Davies, Director of the Nippon Foundation-University of Edinburgh Ocean Voices Programme. 

Faculty, research and teaching staff and PhD students are cordially invited to attend this event

Coordinators: Veronica Corcodel and Simone Antonio Luciano