
Themis Magazine

Themis: Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa is the academic magazine of this institution. Published under the responsibility of the NOVA University Lisbon Faculty of Law, it reflects its commitment to ensuring the highest academic standards in its research activities, in line with CEDIS.


  • To publish high-quality texts in the field of law and related areas.
  • Encourage scientific research and innovation, especially on cutting-edge topics.
  • Encourage interdisciplinary and comparative law perspectives.
  • To encourage reflection on the teaching of law.
  • To promote the internationalisation of the Faculty’s academic activities.
  • To provide NOVA School of Law members with an editorial space.
  • To be integrated into the Faculty’s academic project.




Luís Duarte de Almeida (Director)
Diogo Costa Seixas (Deputy Director)
Joana Galvão Teles (Deputy Director)



Maria Helena de Brito

Associate Directors
Frederico de Lacerda da Costa Pinto
Jorge Morais Carvalho

Advisory Board
Armando Marques Guedes
Christian Baldus
João Caupers
Jorge Bacelar Gouveia
José de Sousa Brito
Judith Martins-Costa
Maria Lúcia Amaral
Pierre Guibentif
Sergio La China
Teresa Pizarro Beleza
Zamira de Assis

Editorial Board
Ana Prata
Cláudia Trabuco
Emiliano García Coso
Fernando Horta Tavares
Helena Pereira de Melo
José João Abrantes
Pedro Caetano Nunes
Vanice Lírio do Valle

Editorial Secretary
Maria de Lurdes Vargas