Joana Galvão Teles

Joana Galvão Teles

Guest Professor

Biographical Note | Pedagogical Experience | Main Publications

Law degree from NOVA School of Law (2005). Postgraduate in Arbitration from NOVA School of Law (2009).

She is finalizing the PHD in Law Program at NOVA School of Law, under the guidance of Mariana França Gouveia (“Renúncia a direitos fundamentais na arbitragem: o caso particular do direito a requerer a anulação da sentença arbitral na arbitragem internacional”).

She has been a researcher at the Nova Dispute Resolution Forum since 2021 and coordinator of its area of research on Commercial Arbitration, since 2024. She is a member of the Board of Revista Themis with Luis Duarte d’Almeida e Diogo Costa Seixas.

She is Of Counsel at Morais Leitão, where she has been a member of the Litigation and Arbitration Team and of the International Arbitration Team. Lawyer at Morais Leitão since 2005, she has been focused on complex dispute resolution, having acted as counsel in several national and international arbitrations and/or on legal advice in the pre-litigation stage, and/or in judicial proceedings related to arbitrations, in civil and commercial law and in several industry sectors, such as construction, energy, infrastructures, public-private partnerships, among others. She acted also as arbitrator.
She has been a member of the Board of the Commercial Arbitration Centre of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, since 2022, a member of the Board of the Concórdia – Centro de Conciliação, Mediação de Conflitos e Arbitragem, since 2019 and a member of the Ethics Council of the Portuguese Arbitration Association, since 2019.

She has acted as lecturer in several courses, postgraduation program and other classes related to arbitration, at NOVA School of Law, at the Portuguese Catholic University and at the University of Lisbon Law School. She has organized and participated as a speaker in several relevant events and conferences in the field of arbitration and in reputed arbitration institutions located in Portugal and abroad.