Jorge Manuel Ventura Oliveira e Carmo is a senior environmental and sanitary engineer, marine economy policy advisor and is also a professor in ocean governance and sea economics. He has thirty plus years of experience in environmental policy, water treatment systems and technologies and in sea economics. He teaches ocean governance, natural maritime resources and the sea economy, national and European blue economy financial support mechanisms and economic models connected with maritime law and sea economy. With a PhD in Environment Engineering from IST, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon (2013), a Graduation in the Doctoral Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies, from the University of Lisbon, the NOVA University Lisbon and East Anglia University (2010), a Master in Sanitary Engineering, with distinction, at the NOVA University Lisbon (2004) and a Graduation in Environmental Engineering at the NOVA University Lisbon (1985). Also completed the Advanced Management Program at the Catholic University of Lisbon Business School (2008) and a Business Management Post-Graduation at ISCTE, Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, University Institute of Lisbon (1992).
He is a specialist in environmental and sanitary engineering, working with the Lisbon Municipality in the Lisbon Drainage Master Plan Team (LDMP, or PGDL in Portuguese) including the construction of 2 tunnels with an internal diameter of 5.5 m and total length of approximately 6 Km (2023-2024). The Plan is reflected in a series of actions aimed to protect Tagus estuary marine environment and minimizing sea pollution, protect Lisbon city from floods and inundation and preparing it for future challenges associated with extreme precipitation events. He was former World Youth Day Lisbon 2023 General Coordinator and Mission Unit Director (2021-2023) and was responsible for research projects in partnership with the State Laboratory LNEC (National Laboratory for Civil Engineering) in different fields of civil engineering, including technology of the storm and wastewater systems and urban water infrastructure asset management (2019-2021). Former Deputy General Director in the General Directorate for Maritime Policy (2014-2019), Chief Executive in GAMA, the Portuguese Government Bureau for marine safety, Portuguese Maritime Accident Investigation and Aeronautical Meteorology (2016-2017), former President in AMBIPORTO Tratamento de Efluentes ACE, a private company that operates the Oporto city wastewater treatment systems (2000-2012), former Technical Director, Commercial Director, Managing Director and CEO of SISAQUA, Sistemas de Saneamento Básico, SA (1995-2012), former engineer in SOUTHERN WATER PLC (1995-1996) and former Director of LISTRATA, Empresa Pública de Tratamento de Águas de Lisboa (1992-1995).
Between 1991 and 1995 he worked as a design sanitary engineer for water engineering companies (AMBIO, ENGIDRO, PROSSISTEMAS, HIDROPROJECTO, ECOLMARE e HIDROQUATRO) and owner of AMBISAN, Ambiente e Saneamento Lda environmental engineering company (1987-1994).
He worked in scientific research in many organizations including LNETI Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Tecnologia Industrial (1985-1986), IH Instituto Hidrográfico da Marinha (1986-1987), LNEC Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (1995-2003), CEHIDRO Centro de Estudos de Hidrossistemas do Instituto Superior Técnico (2009-2013) and as postdoctoral researcher, in CCIAM Centre for Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Modelling, Faculty of Sciences in the University of Lisbon (2013-2014).
He is also Guest Professor at the NOVA School of Law (2015-2024), and former lecturer at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (1999-2003), Instituto Superior de Ciências de Saúde (1997-2001), FORPESCAS Centro de Formação Profissional para o Sector das Pescas (1994-1995) and NOVA School of Science and Technology FCT NOVA (1993-1995).
Licenciatura (1.º Ciclo):
- Direito das Obrigações
- Introdução ao Direito e ao Pensamento Jurídico
- Teoria do Processo
- Direito das Pessoas e da Família
- Direito Processual Civil Executivo
- Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados
Mestrado (2.º Ciclo):
- Direito dos Seguros
- Direito Bancário e dos Seguros
- Mercados e Operações Financeiras
- Oralidade na Advocacia
Doutoramento (3.º Ciclo):
- Publicação Científica
- Contrato de seguro e terceiros. Estudo de direito civil, Coimbra 2010 (tese de doutoramento)
- No right to perform a contract? Almedina 2006 (tese de mestrado)
- Temas de direito dos seguros, Almedina 2012, 2.ª edição Almedina 2016 (coordenação e coautoria)
- Regulación del contrato de seguro en Portugal y España: análisis comparado, Fundación INADE 2018, em português 2019 (coautoria)
- Autora de diversos capítulos de livros e artigos publicados em revistas científicas de circulação internacional sobre uma vasta gama de temas de direito civil e comercial.
- Contratos civis e comerciais;
- Teoria geral dos contratos;
- Direito dos seguros;
- Obrigações;
- Inovação tecnológica nos mercados financeiros e o seu impacto no direito geral dos contratos;
- A utilização de prova científica como fundamento para as decisões judiciais ou jurídicas em geral;
- Direitos humanos ou fundamentais e seu impacto nas questões de direito dos contratos;
- Discriminação;
- Igualdade de género.