Marta has a PhD in Civil Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra and the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna since 2009, having been approved with Distinction and Honors. Graduated in Law, in the area of Legal and Civil Sciences, in 2002, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, having been awarded, in December of the same year, the prize for best student of the 1997/2002 course by the Association of Former Students of the University of Coimbra.
She has done several postgraduate studies, in Portugal, Italy, and the United Kingdom, in Family Law, Succession Law, Private International Law in Family and Succession Law, Telecommunications Law, and Consumer Law.
She has taught at several prestigious university institutions, being a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Associate Professor at Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa.
She is an associate at the Center for Family Law, and a member of the STEP – Society of Trust and Estate Planning, one of the most renowned institutions in the world in international succession matters.
She has regularly written scientific articles for national and international publications and is frequently invited to be a speaker at conferences, both in Portugal and abroad, on topics of Family and Succession Law.
Marta is also a professional partner at Abreu & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, SP, RL, since July 2019, being the coordinator of the Private Clients and Family Business area, as well as coordinator of the Italian Desk. Previously, she was a Coordinating Associate at PLMJ, where she has been practicing law since 2007 in the same areas. In 2018 and 2019 she was distinguished by the Chambers and Partners International Directory, in the “High Net Worth” Guide, in the “Private Wealth Law” category. In 2020 she was recognized internationally as “Best Lawyer” in “Family Law”. The Italian Desk she coordinates was awarded the European Italian Desk award, given by the Legal Community Corporate Awards, in 2020.
Licenciatura (1.º Ciclo):
- Direito das Obrigações
- Introdução ao Direito e ao Pensamento Jurídico
- Teoria do Processo
- Direito das Pessoas e da Família
- Direito Processual Civil Executivo
- Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados
Mestrado (2.º Ciclo):
- Direito dos Seguros
- Direito Bancário e dos Seguros
- Mercados e Operações Financeiras
- Oralidade na Advocacia
Doutoramento (3.º Ciclo):
- Publicação Científica
- Contrato de seguro e terceiros. Estudo de direito civil, Coimbra 2010 (tese de doutoramento)
- No right to perform a contract? Almedina 2006 (tese de mestrado)
- Temas de direito dos seguros, Almedina 2012, 2.ª edição Almedina 2016 (coordenação e coautoria)
- Regulación del contrato de seguro en Portugal y España: análisis comparado, Fundación INADE 2018, em português 2019 (coautoria)
- Autora de diversos capítulos de livros e artigos publicados em revistas científicas de circulação internacional sobre uma vasta gama de temas de direito civil e comercial.
- Contratos civis e comerciais;
- Teoria geral dos contratos;
- Direito dos seguros;
- Obrigações;
- Inovação tecnológica nos mercados financeiros e o seu impacto no direito geral dos contratos;
- A utilização de prova científica como fundamento para as decisões judiciais ou jurídicas em geral;
- Direitos humanos ou fundamentais e seu impacto nas questões de direito dos contratos;
- Discriminação;
- Igualdade de género.