NOVA School of Law Career Day
2 October 2024 | Rectory of NOVA University Lisbon
From 10h00 to 16h30
At NOVA School of Law, we are committed to preparing new generations of professionals for an increasingly global and demanding market that requires ever more heterogeneous skills, through a comprehensive and excellent education that is perfectly adapted to the national context but characterised by its vocation for multidisciplinarity and internationalisation.
One of the most important initiatives for the career and success of our students are the Career Days, which not only allow leading recruiters and employers to get to know the excellence of our training and the NOVA School of Law Talent brand, but which are often the first contact that students have with these recruiters and employers, a decisive step in choosing their career path.
A secure present, a promising future
This year, based on feedback from previous editions, we’ve decided to create two editions of our already iconic Career Days. At the beginning of May, we launched Career Days | Summer Edition, which was divided into two days: one dedicated to volunteering opportunities and national and international solidarity projects, and the other dedicated to summer internships and opportunities, which allowed partner organisations to present their summer internship offers to our students.
Following the success of this new edition, the Career Day will return on 2 October.
Once again, we will be showcasing a range of careers in areas that span national and international levels, the public and private sectors, as well as less traditional careers, giving our students a broad and complete overview of the paths they can take.
Confirmed attendees
Abreu Advogados | Autoridade da Concorrência | Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira | BNP Paribas | Broseta | Caiado Guerreiro | CCA Advogados | Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors | CMS | CRS – Cruz Roque Semião | CS’Associados | Cuatrecasas | Deloitte | DLA Piper ABBC | EY | Ferreira Pinto Cardigos Advogados | Fresh Portugal | Gama Glória | Garrigues | GA_P | Instituto Diplomático | Linklaters | Morais Leitão | NeuralShift | Observatório Europeu da Droga e Toxicodependência | Ordem dos Solicitadores e dos Agentes de Execução | Pérez-Llorca | PBBR | Pinto Ribeiro | PLMJ | PwC | Raposo Bernardo | Representação da Comissão Europeia em Portugal | SPS Advogados | SRS Legal | Trivalor – Sociedade Gestora de Participações Sociais | TMF | Uría Menéndez | VdA
Want to join?
If you are interested in being one of the partners of our Career Days and have the opportunity to get in touch with NOVA School of Law’s Talent, please leave us your details.
The Career Days | Summer Edition went as follows...
The Career Days | Summer Edition took place in the Human Rights Mural Patio, located in a space outside the Faculty, recently renovated with a mural created as part of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on a day that already felt like summer and which provided the space for networking between students and employers within a convivial environment.
O dia 8 de maio foi dedicado a ofertas de voluntariado e projetos de solidariedade nacionais e internacionais, para que os nossos alunos e alunas possam descobrir com que projeto mais se identificam, de forma a contribuirem para um mundo melhor, seja em Portugal ou no estrangeiro, ao mesmo tempo que adquirem novas competências, que, apesar de não fazerem parte do curriculum académico formal, são fundamentais para a formação pessoal e profissional.
Cem Porcento | Sabmais | Peer 2 Peer | Thirst Project Portugal | Soma Surf | NÓS | Para onde? | MOVE | He For She | Associação Vida e Paz
Já no dia 9, o dia foi dedicado a Estágios de Verão e Oportunidades, permitindo às entidades parceiras exporem a sua oferta de estágios para o período de férias de verão. Esta será uma oportunidade incrível de aprendizagem e de crescimento para os/as nossos/as estudantes, permitindo-lhes conhecer em 1.ª mão o mercado de trabalho e desenvolver competências que lhes permitirão marcar a diferença num mundo que é, hoje, tão competitivo. Por seu turno, os/as estudantes trazem consigo novas ideias às entidades que os contratam, perspetivas frescas e conhecimentos atualizados, contribuíndo para a inovação.
Abreu | Autoridade da Concorrência | Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira | Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors | CMS | GA_P | Garrigues | Instituto Diplomático | Morais Leitão | PBBR | Pinto Ribeiro | TMF | VdA