
New Building Design

21st September | Zoom Session

Following on from the Design Thinking Workshop, we want to hear once again what the NOVA School of Law community has to say about the construction of our new Campus and building in Carcavelos.

With this in mind, we are organising the New Building Design Workshop, which will take place on 21 September, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm, via Zoom.

This year we will be relying on the experience and know-how of EAB, which will share with participants the latest trends in the construction of buildings for academic purposes, by analysing a range of examples from around the world and demonstrating the main changes that will take place over the next decade to meet student expectations, the growing implementation of hybrid working, etc.

We will then talk about the campuses of the future – the Multimodal Campuses – which will take different concerns into account and include the creation of health and wellness spaces, modern and practical student accommodation, hybrid and flexible office spaces or technology-enhanced classrooms, among others.

Can we count on you?

With the results of these workshops we want to idealise, design from scratch and turn our new home into reality, exactly according to our needs. And who better to tell us what works and what doesn’t than the community that inhabits a building on a daily basis?

If you want to take part, just fill in the form below.

    *Mandatory fields

    Be part of the change and this initiative by helping to build a campus based on what makes a difference to you!