About us


The NOVA School of Law Library is a freely accessible library whose primary mission is to support teaching and to promote research and relations with society in general. It seeks to encourage the development of research skills in searching, locating, accessing, (critical) evaluation and organization of information by its users.

The research unit of NOVA School of Law, CEDIS, supports the library with national funding from FCT, I.P. (Foundation for Science and Technology, Public Institute) under projects UIDB/00714/2020 and UIDP/00714/2020.

Documentary Fund

The Library’s Documentary Fund currently comprises some 40000 monographic titles with digital support, and some 255 periodical titles, of which over 153 are foreign publications. Focusing fundamentally on the area of Law, however, works of Philosophy, Political Thought, Sociology, Economics, History, etc. can be found. Reference works (dictionaries and encyclopaedias) are also available for local consultation.

The documentary fund is classified according to specific thematic areas. This classification allows you to understand the arrangement of the publications on the shelves. However, it must be remembered that interdisciplinarity implies a work classified and arranged in a certain area could, in your opinion, be classified differently. It is therefore important to use the automated catalogues and not just browse the shelves. With regard to periodical publications, they are divided into Portuguese and foreign publications. Issues for the current year can be found in the reading room display. Issues from previous years can be found in the periodicals room.


Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

21 384 74 00


Metasearch platform for bibliographic resources of the Organic Units of NOVA University Lisbon (full-text journal articles, e-books, bibliographic catalogues of NOVA libraries, etc.)

Around 40000 monographic titles and 255 titles of periodical publications, of which more than 153 are foreign publications. It comprises mainly publications focused on the area of Law, but also on other areas, such as Social Sciences and Humanities.

Platform which aims to collect, store, manage, preserve and allow access to intellectual production, from journal articles and communications to conferences and theses. The works available through RUN are covered by the Creative Commons Licence.

Online Resources

Access to the contents of the Online Resources (Restricted Resources) is via our IP address, either via our wi-fi network on campus or from home, provided you have a connection to our VPN. To access the VPN, you will need to set it up via moodle, where you will find a tutorial on how to set up the network.

If you have any difficulties setting up the VPN, you can contact tic@novalaw.unl.pt with your questions.

You can access the information available without having to log in by entering each of the databases on the page and carrying out the necessary search.

+ Restricted Resources

The NOVA School of Law Library has a collection of databases of publications in the area of Law, which users can access by completing the requisite criteria and through access provided by the Library.

SCOPUS is a multidisciplinary database that provides access to peer-reviewed scientific literature in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. The database indexes a vast number of sources divided into articles, conference proceedings, journals and books.

SCOPUS also provides intelligent tools for tracking, analysing and visualising scientific research, in order to provide metrics on the impact of productions and authors.

Proquest is a multidisciplinary full-text and reference database that provides access to 47 databases from different areas such as social sciences, science and technology, health and medicine, business and the arts and humanities.

Its platform provides access to a wide variety of content types such as journals, books, video or audio, dissertations and theses, newspapers, encyclopedias, among others.

The Biblioteca do Conhecimento online (b-on) provides unlimited and ongoing access for research and higher education institutions to the full texts of thousands of scientific journals and online e-books from some of the most important content providers, through nationally negotiated subscriptions.

Sophisticated, high-performance online platform, home for Cambridge University Press’s academic content.

It contains books, journals and a number of additional online products and collections, as well as content published by partner publishers, including Edinburgh University Press, Facet Publishing and University of Adelaide Press, among others.

Legislação, Jurisprudência e Doutrina

JSTOR is a multidisciplinary digital library containing retrospective archives of academic publications and images of art and history. It is a full-text database that allows access to diverse sources over a long period of time.

Available collections: Art & Sciences I, Art & Sciences II, Art & Sciences III.

KluwerArbitration.com is the world’s leading online resource for international arbitration investigation. It contains a wide range of commentary from expert authors and an extensive collection of primary source materials. In addition, as a subscriber, you get access to exclusive materials, including ICC cases and awards.

The Kluwer Law Online website (contains):

  • Complete collection of academic journals;
  • A growing selection of papers;
  • Browsable tables of contents;
  • Bibliographic information in HTML format;
  • Full-text documents in PDF format;
  • Advanced navigation and search functionality within and between titles;
  • Online availability 3-4 weeks prior to the print publication

Database with access to scientific journals specialising in international legal issues in different practice areas, written by experts from all over the world and published by Wolters Kluwer;

IEL Labour Law, Encyclopedia of International Labour Law, which provides practical information and valuable insights into national and international legal frameworks in 25 practice areas, written by more than 1,200 renowned experts from around the world;

A collection of high-quality handbooks that are a valuable aid to exploring the ever-changing international legal landscape, in areas such as Business and Commercial Law, Litigation, Labour Law and Transport Law.

As part of the Project to Support the Development of the Judicial Systems of the PALOP, and within the framework of the PALOP II Regional Indicative Programme, financed by the 9th European Development Fund (EDF) and the Portuguese Institute for Development Support (IPAD), the Legis-PALOP+ TL Legal Database is an ambitious project to provide a platform for knowledge and sharing of legal information between the Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor, for all those who wish to learn about these legal systems.

Metasearch platform for bibliographic resources of the Organic Units of NOVA University Lisbon (full-text journal articles, e-books, bibliographic catalogues of NOVA libraries, etc.)

Oxford Academic is the home of academic research from Oxford University Press (OUP), the world’s largest university press.  It serves  global communities of scholars, researchers, and teachers by publishing scholarship and research in several subject areas. 

You can discover and explore scholarly books and journals from OUP, as well as from a wide array of leading university presses and learned societies on Oxford Academic.  

Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) is a vast online library, home to thousands of scholarly works from the world-renowned academic publishing list of Oxford University Press.
The academic law list at Oxford University Press has a strong tradition of developing exceptional work across the full breadth of legal scholarship. From Oxford Studies in European Law and Oxford Monographs in International Law to Clarendon Studies in Criminology and Oxford Studies in Modern Legal History, its publications range from the foundations of legal history and philosophy to analytic and comparative work on legal doctrine and empirical research on law in modern society.

With University Press Scholarship Online you can choose from over 20 prestigious university presses from all over the world, and give your patrons access to thousands of essential titles in almost every area of scholarship.
Each partner press is available on the Oxford Academic platform, allowing your patrons to read books online, or download chapters as PDFs in one single site.
With over 1,900 titles from a wide variety of different presses, the Law module of UPSO is an essential resource for any law scholar.

Oxford Handbooks Online brings together the world’s leading scholars to write review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the future direction of the debate.
Articles review the key issues, reveal original arguments and concepts, and set the agenda for new research. These books have become one of the most successful and cited series within scholarly publishing.

Very Short Introductions is an online resource that offers scholars and students OUP’s premier publishing series in an easily discoverable, fully cross-searchable, and highly accessible format.
The VSI of Law provides access to titles ranging
from Forensic Science and Medical Law, to Human Rights and the Philosophy of Law.

vLex dá-lhe acesso a mais de 100 milhões de documentos de 134 países e disponíveis em 13 idiomas.

Regiões: Europa; América do Norte; América Central e do Sul; Ásia; África e Outras Jurisdições (União Europeia e Comunidade Andina)

Web of Science (formerly Web of Knowledge) is a multidisciplinary indexing database of scientific literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.
It indexes peer-reviewed scientific articles and conference papers, as well as providing intelligent tools to analyse scientific output quantitatively (Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators).

NEW Search Assistant

Web of Science has launched a search assistant to help researchers. Based on Artificial Intelligence, this tool allows for a more “intelligent” search of data from the Web of Science Core Collection.

The assistant accompanies the research process, helping with the search and interpretation of the literature. It allows you to search the database using natural language and multilingual queries; it assists you in understanding basic concepts through concise comments on the themes and makes connections through graphs, maps and co-citation networks. The tool offers intelligent database searching and supports research through task-based guidance.

From November 5th until the 20th, this resource is available for free trial to the entire academic community.

+ Open Access Resources

The NOVA School of Law Library has a collection of databases of publications in the field of law available to users with free access.

National Databases


Constitutional Court
Presidency of the Republic
Court of Auditors
Lisbon District Attorney General
Supreme Court of Justice
Assembly of the Republic
Eletronic Diário da República


European Union Law


The Database of Community legislation and case law provides free access to European Union law (legislation, case law, treaties, preparatory acts, etc.).

Europa Portal
Europa.eu is the official website of the European Union. It is a good starting point if you are looking for information and services provided by the EU but do not know which website to visit. Here you will find basic information on how the EU works; the latest EU news and events; links to EU information on the websites of EU institutions and agencies.

Portal Europeu de Justiça
This portal, known as “e-justice” offers speedy responses to citizens’ legal questions.

Database of inter-institutional procedures to monitor the principle stages of decision-making processes between the Commission and other institutions and to follow the work of those institutions involved. The database follows all Commission proposals and communications as soon as they are forwarded to the Council or the European Parliament.

Other Databases


The Commercial Law Magazine is dedicated to the dissemination of Commercial Law and is aimed at commerce of land, sea, air and space, real or virtual, and is intended for traders, companies, consumers, workers, magistrates, lawyers, teachers and those dealing with the intricacies of commerce.
The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of the humanities and social sciences. OAPEN works with publishers to build a collection of quality controlled open access books, and provides services for publishers, libraries and research funders in the areas of deposit, quality assurance, dissemination and digital preservation.
It allows access to all international treaties or agreements in force in the Member States of the United Nations.
It is a service administered by the U.S. Department of Justice and includes a summary database of over 200,000 publications.
This database contains all kinds of official UN documentation since 1993. It also provides access to the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and the Board of Trustees since 1946.
Databases developed by the International Labour Organization that integrate information on the application of international Labour standards, regulations, statistics, social security, equal opportunities, etc.
It is a portal for the dissemination of Hispanic scientific production, which allows access to documents and creates warning systems.
This service allows free access to the full text of thousands of scientific and academic journal titles in all areas of knowledge.
The Open Access Platform of Spanish and Latin American e-journals is a project promoted by the Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC) with the aim of contributing to the dissemination and visibility of scientific journals published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.
Cooperative service of 497 libraries that aims to facilitate access to academic journals published electronically.
Federal Supreme Court of Germany within the jurisdiction of common law, i.e. the administration of civil and criminal justice.
This database is the online version of the study on customary international humanitarian law, carried out by the International Committee of the Red Cross and edited by Cambridge University Press.
Philosophy of Law – born with the vocation of providing a wide range of documents and services on digital media of interest to the community of philosophers of Law who express themselves in the Castilian language.