Joana Farrajota
Assistant Professor
Joana Farrajota is an Associate Professor in Private Law as well as the Founder and Director of the NOVA Centre on Financial Markets at NOVA Law School in Lisbon.
She is the coordinator of the Master in Law and Financial Markets, the result of a partnership between NOVA School of Law and NOVA Information Management School, the first edition of which opened in September 2015.
She holds a PhD in Private Law from NOVA School of Law.
As an academic, she has taught several subjects and published on various private law topics, with a particular focus on contract law.
Her main areas of legal practice are civil and commercial law.
She currently teaches Law of Obligations (undergraduate), Banking Law, Risk Management in Financial Contracts, Introduction to Mediation, Civil Procedural Practice and Precautionary Measures (all master’s programmes).
In her PhD, to which she dedicated herself exclusively between 2007 and 2011, benefiting from an FCT scholarship, she specialised in Private Law (thesis – “The Effects of Termination for Non-Compliance with Contract”, supervised by Professor Rui Pinto Duarte).
She was the founder and co-Executive Director of the NOVA School of Law’s Parceristics Centre and Executive Coordinator of the Master in Law and Management, Nova University Law School and Nova School of Business & Economics.
She is Of Counsel at SRS Advogados, providing legal advice in the areas of Arbitration and Litigation, as well as Banking and Finance.
Between 2011 and 2015, she worked as an advisor for the Minister of Agriculture and the Sea, as well as to the Secretary of State for Internal Affairs.
Before dedicating herself exclusively to her PhD, she practised law at Vieira de Almeida e Associados (2002-2007). As a lawyer, she advised both national and international clients, in both the public and private sectors, on designing operations, negotiating and drafting contracts, with a particular focus on the property sector. As a legal consultant, she has been consulted on a wide range of Portuguese law matters and has also acted as an arbitrator in dispute resolution.
She was admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association between 2002 and 2007.
Master (2nd cycle):
- Civil Practical Procedure
- Law of Non-Profit Activities
- Banking Law