Presentation of the results of the Portuguese Blue Biobank project
Promoting Blue Biotechnology in Portugal: legal certainty on the access and use of Marine Genetic Resources under national jurisdiction
3 December 2024 | NOVA School of Law
The NOVA Ocean Knowledge Centre, part of the NOVA School of Law’s Research & Development Centre on Law and Society (CEDIS), will hold an official event to present the results obtained from its participation in the Portuguese Blue Biobank Project.
The event will take place on 3 December 2024, in person, in room 007 of the NOVA School of Law, from 14h30 to 17hoo (Lisbon time), and has the support of the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) through CEDIS.
The theme of the event will be “The role of legislation in promoting the blue biotechnology sector in Portugal”, which will be addressed in two panel discussions. In the first panel, the NOVA Ocean team will present the results obtained in the Portuguese Blue Biobank project. In the second panel, the topic will be debated by a group of experts in the field. There will be room for discussion after the end of both panels.
The Portuguese Blue Biobank is one of the major projects of the Innovation Pact – known as the Blue Bioeconomy Pact – a consortium led by Inovamar, Lda, which embraces the challenge of strengthening and reindustrializing Portuguese industries associated with the exploitation of marine resources. The project is part of the Blue Bioeconomy Pact as a transversal Work Package (WP9).
In the project, NOVA Ocean had the task of preparing a piece of legislation to regulate the activity of marine bioprospecting and the use of resources collected and developed from samples, as well as the use of samples already collected and stored and their development. At the event, NOVA Ocean will present the results of the project, consolidated into draft legislation.
The official language of the event is Portuguese, with some elements in English.
- Assunção Cristas, Associate Professor at NOVA School of Law and Director of the NOVA Ocean Knowledge Centre
Local: Room 007 | NOVA School of Law
Panel 1
14h30 | Welcome
- Margarida Lima Rego, Full Professor and Director of NOVA School of Law
- Lídia Bulcão, Secretary of State for the Sea
15h00 | Presentation of the results obtained by the NOVA Ocean Knowledge Centre team
- Assunção Cristas, Associate Professor at NOVA School of Law and Director of the NOVA Ocean Knowledge Centre
- Manuela Bocayuva, PhD candidate and NOVA Ocean researcher
- Aline Bratti, master’s student at NOVA School of Law and project grant holder
- Vittoria Moccia, master’s student at NOVA School of Law and project grant holder.
15h40 | Questions and discussion with the audience
Panel 2
16h00 | What is the legislative future of the blue biotechnology sector in Portugal?
Moderator: Assunção Cristas, Associate Professor at NOVA School of Law and Director of the NOVA Ocean Knowledge Centre
- Pedro Leão, Leader of the Research Line in Marine Biotechnology at CIIMAR
- Vitor Vasconcelos, Full Professor at the Sciences Faculty of the University of Porto (online)
- Tiago Pitta e Cunha, CEO Fundação Oceano Azul
- Narcisa Bandarra, Head of Aquaculture and Upgrading Division at IPMA