Quality assurance
NOVA SIMAQ is NOVA’s Internal Quality Monitoring and Evaluation System. It is aligned with the University’s Strategic Plan, covering all its activities and ensuring the involvement of all stakeholders (internal and external). It aims at the continuous improvement of NOVA’s Quality, responding to the legal requirement of implementing its own Quality assurance systems.
NOVA SIMAQ is structured along five core domains: Teaching-Learning, Research and Development, Value Creation, Internationalization, and Interinstitutional and Community Collaboration, the latter two being transversal to the others. The support areas for these domains correspond to Human Resources, Material Resources and Services, Social Welfare Services, Information Management and Information Publicity, as shown in the following figure.

Instruments for monitoring the quality of teaching
- Questionnaire on the perception of students regarding the functioning of the curricular units;
- Questionnaire on the perception of teachers regarding the functioning of the curricular units;
- Curricular Unit Form;
- Curricular Unit Report;
- Biannual analysis of the operation of the study cycle;
- Report of the study cycle;
- Curricular Unit Report;
- Quality Assessment of the Organic Unit in Teaching and Learning.
Contacto: Manuela Guerreiro
Tel: 213847420
E-mail: mmg@novalaw.unl.pt
Quality Monitoring Committee
- Giulia Priora, NOVA School of Law Vice-Dean for Quality and Value Creation and Committee President
- Vera Lúcia Raposo, Vice-Dean and Head of Research and Internationalization
- Soraya Nour Sckell, CEDIS Director and Head of Research
- João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira, Head of Teaching and Learning at NOVA School of Law
- Manuela Guerreiro, Head of Division of Planning and Quality
- Maria Afonso Pires (1st Cycle), Amanda Novaes (2nd Cycle) and Ana Sofia Estopa (3rd Cycle), students designated by the Pedagogical Council to represent in this Committee the three study levels taught at NOVA School of Law
Support Quality Assurance
- Ana Costa (Education)
- Carla Brás (Finance and Accounting Services)
- Carla Cintra (Communication)
- João Batista (Direction and Management Support)
- Manuela Guerreiro (Planning and Quality)
- Patrícia Almeida (Academic Division)
- Paulo Ferreira (Human Resources Management)
- Rui Manso (IT and Communications)
- Sofia Assis (CEDIS)
- Vera Alves (Library, Document and Archive)
Under the terms of the law, the NOVA University of Lisbon makes available on its website all the elements relevant to the complete knowledge of the study cycles offered and degrees conferred, the research carried out and the services provided by the institution. The self-assessment and external institutional assessment reports and the study cycles taught at the Faculty are available on the website of the NOVA University of Lisbon.
Compliments, Suggestions and/or Complaints
Your opinion is important to us. If you wish to send a compliment, give suggestions or make a complaint, we are here to listen.