Soraya Nour Sckell

Soraya Nour Sckell

Full Professor and CEDIS Director

Biographical Note | Pedagogical Experience | Main Publications | Research Areas

Soraya Nour Sckell is Full Professor at the NOVA School of Law.

She is CEDIS Director (NOVA School of Law) and a researcher at the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon.

She is Senior Researcher of the project “Cosmopolitism: justice, democracy and citizenship without borders”.

She has received the Wolfgang Kaupen Prize (German Society of Sociology, section of Sociology of Law, 2018) and the Franco-German Friendship Prize (German Embassy in Paris, 2012).

She holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University Paris Nanterre and the University Goethe Frankfurt am Main (thesis in co-protection, 2012) and a PhD in Law from USP-University of São Paulo (1999).

She did postdoctoral studies at the Universities of Saint Louis (SLU), Nanterre, Frankfurt am Main and Berlin (Humboldt University) and taught at the Universities of São Paulo, Munich, Metz, Lille and Lisbon.

Former scholar at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and former Director of the Cosmopolitan Research Programme at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris (2013-2019). She is Vice-President of the Humboldt France Association.