Webinar Tolerância significa diálogo. duas mãos a dar um aperto de mão.
Webinar Tolerância significa diálogo. duas mãos a dar um aperto de mão.

Tolerance Means Dialogue

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Time: 17.30-19.00
Location: Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Colégio Almada Negreiros – Campus de Campolide 18, 1099-032, Lisboa, Portugal
Room: Salão Nobre
Hybrid Zoom Virtual Webinar (RSVP Required)

At a time of great division in the EU, many see friction and no solutions. We draw on insights from many individuals about their experiences and constructive ways to live together with our differences through alliance.

What can we learn from our many battles for civil rights?

Through our Dialogues, we will seek to understand the sticking points that make these issues divisive and leverage insights of Millennials and members of Gen Z – because after all, Millennials and members of Gen Z have the most at stake. The Dialogues are an opportunity to learn from each other.

Tolerance Means Dialogue Essay Competition

All the students of the NOVA School of Law are invited to participate in the Dialogue.

And how can you do that?

NOVA students, submit a 500-word essay on tolerance by Friday, November 24th, 2023, by 5 PM (GMT) for a chance to win a $750 USD Tolerance Scholarship Award.

Two scholarships will be awarded, one to an undergraduate student and one to a graduate student.

Winning essayists will take center stage at the Tolerance Means Dialogue and present alongside the experts who act as catalysts for the Dialogue.

For more information and to submit your essay, please click here.

The Dialogue Event

Each Dialogue event will feature two Dialogue Catalysts, two $750.00 scholarship-winning student essayists for their ideas on bridging divides, and be moderated by an esteemed member of the university faculty or student affairs staff.

This initiative will be moderated by Professor Nausica Palazzo of the NOVA School of Law.

All who attend can join in, too, by tweeting questions and comments to @ToleranceMeans.

There will be a social media engagement prize of $150. The winner is selected randomly from tweets and is announced at the end of the event

Find out more about the Dialogues at www.tolerancemeans.com


Opening Remarks

Margarida Lima Rego, Dean NOVA School of Law


Nausica Palazzo, Professor NOVA School of Law

Dialogue Catalysts

Robin Fretwell Wilson, Mildred Van Voorhis Jones Chair in Law, University of Illinois College of Law, Founder and Director of Tolerance Means Dialogues

Shannon Minter, Legal Director National Center for Lesbian Rights

Closing Remarks

Teresa Pizarro Beleza, Professor NOVA School of Law and Coordenator Observatório do Racismo e da Xenofobia.

7:15 pm – Small reception


This event is free of charge and open to the public, but requires prior registration.

To register, click here

Note: Capacity limited to 50 people for the face-to-face meeting (Salão Nobre).

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