Margarida Ramos Pereira
Deloitte Portugal
Biographical Note | Pedagogical Experience
- Graduated in Law, by Universidade Católica de Lisboa (2010) and in Business Administration, by ISCTE (1992).
- She is a Ph.D student, in Management, specialization in accounting (investigation on the taxation field).
- She is an Official Chartered of Account and member of the respective Chamber. Also member of the Chamber of Economists (member of the College of Specialties Economics and Business Management /
- Management and Tax Consultancy).
- Had concluded, in 2019, the final examinations to be admitted at the Statutory Auditor Chamber.
- Participated in several courses and conferences promoted by Deloitte and third entities, not only in Portugal, but in various other cities such as Madrid, London, Paris, Chicago, Frankfurt or Veldhoven.
- Pro bono Board Member of several non-profitable Portuguese entities.
Professional experience
- Begun her career in 1992, as a trainee and senior at the audit practice in Arthur Andersen (incorporated in Deloitte). Tax Partner since 2007.
- Currently Head of Tax M&A involving the Portuguese practice, except for clients operating in the financial sector.
- In the tax area, as tax advisor, her experience is very broad, including tax planning, daily tax issues, structuring of business groups, fulfilment of tax obligations or monitoring audits.
- In Corporate Finance and on the taxation field, Margarida has experience in Independent Business/Model Reviews, financial restructuring operations, tax issues related to capital raising, supporting on sell-side or buy-side transactions, tax structuring of transactions or tax issues related to inward investments and cross border transactions, among others.
- Holds the “CAP – Certificado de Aptidão Pedagógica” (pedagogic certification).
- Head of Deloitte Executive Education (DEE), a business line responsible to develop and promote training sections for clients. She was, for 10 years, the international tax training coordinator for the Portuguese Deloitte and Andersen’s tax practice.
- University teacher of Taxation, at ISCTE, teaching students of Business and Management degree and Finance and Accounting degree, since 2011.
- Master and postgraduation’s jury in thesis defenses.
- Responsible for several matters under Masters and postgraduate programs, as follows:
- Master of Science in Business Administration – by Universidade Católica / Deloitte;
- Principles of Tax Law and Major Corporation Taxes, under the postgraduate program “Course of Business/corporation Law “, by IDT/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa;
- Principles and Procedures of Tax Litigation under the postgraduate program in “Accounting and Taxation”, by University of Madeira;
- VAT + RITI, under the postgraduate program in “Tax Management”, by ISCTE;
- Corporate Taxation, under the postgraduate program in “Corporate Finance“, by Nova SBE (EN);
- Tax Practice, under the Master’s in Law and Management, by NOVA School of Law (EN);
- Tax M&A, under the Executive Program of M&A, by Nova SBE.