25 September to 27 November

E-Course ESG Reporting and Due Diligence: Portuguese edition

Executive Education

More answers to new challenges

In recent years, the expectations that companies adopt ESG-aligned policies and processes have been increasing under the growing demands from consumers, investors, case law as well as legislation. Laws requiring ESG-reporting from companies are already in place in certain countries (such as the UK and Australia) as well as at the European-level (with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). In addition, mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence legislation have been adopted in various countries (such as France, Germany, and Norway) and are being discussed in others (such as Brazil), whilst at the EU level, the Draft Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence has just been adopted. Japan also recently published its Guidelines on Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence. Moreover, laws prohibiting the import of products made with forced labour and/or child already exist in the US and are being introduced in the EU with the recently adopted Forced Labour Regulation which will have implications for companies selling products in the EU market.

In order to respond to these emerging requirements, and in line with international standards in the field (and in particular the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises), companies need to put in place and implement human rights and environmental due diligence processes in order to identify and address the adverse impacts with which they can be involved through their own activities or the ones of their subsidiaries and business relationships throughout their supply chains, and report on such processes.

In this context, the NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment and the NOVA Green Lab, both knowledge centres of NOVA School of Law, have developed a course to enable participants to understand the evolving legal framework and to be able to adapt to theses new requirements for companies [including for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that want to have a competitive advantage in the current market] – to improve their risk management and value creation and become sustainability leaders, taking advantage of the opportunities that the new ESG regulations will provide.



  • Claire Bright, Associate Professor, NOVA School of Law and Founding Director of the NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment
  • Lucila de Almeida, Abreu Chair in ESG Impact, NOVA School of Law and Director of the NOVA Green Lab


Wednesdays in September, October, and November 2024:

  • Module ‘S’: 25/09/2024, 02/10/2024, e 09/10/2024; 16/10/2024
  • Module ‘E’: 23/10/2024, 30/10/2024, 06/11/2024 e 13/11/2024
  • Module ‘G’: 20/11 /2024 e 27/11/2024


Wednesdays from 18.00pm to 20.00pm.

Target audience

The course is aimed at professionals, companies, judges, prosecutors, government representatives, NGO, and trade union representatives, as well as students, doctoral and post-doctoral researchers working in or interested in corporate sustainability and ESG.


A total of 20 hours of training on the topics related to ‘E’, ‘S’ and ‘G’, broken down as follows:

  • Module ‘E’ (environment): 8h
  • Module ‘S’ (social – human rights): 8h
  • Module ‘G’ (governance): 4h

Teaching Method

Online. The sessions will be recorded and made available to the participants for 2 months after the training.



Aim of the course

This course aims to provide participants with an overview of the various requirements to align companies’ policies and practices to the growing ESG requirements. 


  • Module ‘E’ = 400,00€
  • Module ‘S’ = 400,00€
  • Module ‘G’ = 290,00€

Total = €990.00*

* Participants can enrol in just one of the modules (E, S or G) or all three, with the total for those wishing to attend all three being €990.


  • Early Bird (until “one month before the course”): 841.50€ (15% off).
  • 20% off for organisations enrolling 2-4 participants.
  • 30% off for organisations enrolling 5 or more participants.
  • Alumni NOVA School of Law: 891€ (10% off).
  • Students NOVA School of Law: 841.50€ (15% off) – only for academic courses.

** The discounts apply only to those who enrol on the entire course (all three modules) and cannot be combined. 


This E-Course is taught in Portuguese.


Speakers include Professor Claire Bright and Professor Lucila de Almeida, as well as professionals working in the sector such as Céline da Graça Pires and Ana Santos Duarte.


Please find the postgraduate programme here.


    Indicate if you are NOVA School of Law student or Alumni.

    * Mandatory fields