Jorge Morais Carvalho
Associate Professor and Vice Dean
Jorge Morais Carvalho has a Law Degree (2002) and a PhD (2011) from the NOVA School of Law, where he is Vice Dean since October 2021.
He is an Associate Professor at NOVA School of Law, where he is the Coordinator of the Bachelor’s degree.
He is a Researcher at CEDIS – Research & Development Center on Law and Society and the Director of the NOVA Consumer Lab.
He is the author (or co-author) of about one hundred and fifty books and scientific articles, in the areas of civil law, commercial law, consumer law, civil procedural law, alternative dispute resolution and comparative law, with emphasis on the following works: Manual of Consumer Law (8th edition, 2022), Sale of Goods and Supply of Digital Content and Digital Services (2022), The Limits to Contractual Freedom (2016, with reprinting in 2017), Manual on Alternative Dispute Resolution (2017, with reprinting in 2019) and Introduction to Comparative Law (2013, with last reprinting in 2019 and translation into Spanish in 2018).
Jorge Morais Carvalho has participated in over one hundred seminars, conferences, scientific congresses and colloquia or training actions in Brazil, Cape Vert, Colombia, Spain, England, Italy, Luxembourg, Mozambique, Peru, Poland, and Portugal.
He is the editor of EuCML – Journal of European Consumer and Market Law and Subdirector of Themis – Revista da NOVA School of Law.
Bachelor’s degree (1st Cycle):
- Comparative Legal Systems
- Declarative Civil Procedural Law
- People and Family Law
- Executive Civil Procedural Law
- Legal Standard Theory
- Information and Documentation
- Civil and Commercial Contracts
- Theory of Process
- General Theory of Private Law
- Law and Technology
- Consumer Law
Master’s degree (2nd Cycle):
- Consumer Law
- Contracts with Consumers
- Industrial Property and Advertising
- Comparative Law
- Insolvency
- European Consumer Law
- Law & Technology
- Digital Contracts
Main books
- “Manual de Direito do Consumo“, 8.ª edição, Almedina, Coimbra, 2022
- “Diretivas 2019/770 e 2019/771 e Decreto-Lei n.º 84/2021 – Compra e Venda, Fornecimento de Conteúdos e Serviços Digitais, Conformidade, Sustentabilidade e Dados Pessoais“, Almedina, Coimbra, 2022 (com Inês Crispim, Maria Miguel Oliveira da Silva e Martim Farinha).
- “Compra e Venda e Fornecimento de Conteúdos e Serviços Digitais – Anotação ao Decreto-Lei n.º 84/2021, de 18 de Outubro“, Almedina, Coimbra, 2022
- “Manual de Resolução Alternativa de Litígios de Consumo“, Almedina, Coimbra, 2017 (com João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira e Joana Campos Carvalho)
- “Os Limites à Liberdade Contratual“, Almedina, Coimbra, 2016
- “Introdução ao Direito Comparado“, 3.ª edição, Almedina, Coimbra, 2013 (com Carlos Ferreira de Almeida)
- “Incumprimento dos Contratos“, Almedina, Coimbra, 2013 (com Assunção Cristas, Cícero Roberto Pereira e Alice Ramos)
- “Os Contratos de Consumo – Reflexão sobre a Autonomia Privada no Direito do Consumo“, Almedina, Coimbra, 2012
Main articles or chapters
- “The Impact of EU Directives 2019/770 and 2019/771 – Portugal”, in Alberto De Franceschi e Reiner Schulze (ed.), Harmonizing Digital Contract Law – The Impact of EU Directives 2019/770 and 2019/771 and the Regulation of Online Platforms, Nomos, 2023, pp. 547-560
- “Directive (EU) 2019/770 on Certain Aspects Concerning Contracts for the Supply of Digital Content and Digital Services”, in EU Regulation of E-Commerce – A Commentary, 2.ª edição, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 334-363
- “Online Platforms: Towards an Information Tsunami with New Requirements on Moderation, Ranking, and Traceability”, in European Business Law Review, Vol. 33, n.º 4, 2022, pp. 537-556 (com A.R. Lodder)
- “The Impact of Covid-19 on EU Travel Law – Are vouchers here to stay?”, in Revue Européenne de Droit de la Consommation, n.º 1, 2022, pp. 49-72 (com Josep Maria Bech Serrat)
- “Airbnb Ireland Case: One More Piece in the Complex Puzzle Built by the CJEU Around Digital Platforms and the Concept of Information Society Service”, in The Italian Law Journal, Vol. 6, n.º 2, 2020, pp. 463-476
- “Consumer ADR in the European Union and in Portugal as a Means of Ensuring Consumer Protection”, in Christine Riefa e Séverine Saintier (ed.), Vulnerable Consumers and the Law – Consumer Protection and Access to Justice, Routledge, 2020, pp. 193-207
- “Introducción a las Nuevas Directivas sobre Contratos de Compraventa de Bienes y Contenidos o Servicios Digitales”, in Esther Arroyo Amayuelas e Sergio Cámara Lapuente (ed.), El Derecho Privado en el Nuevo Paradigma Digital, Colegio Notarial de Cataluña/Marcial Pons, 2020, pp. 31-47
- “Online Dispute Resolution Platform – Making European Contract Law More Effective”, in Alberto De Franceschi (ed.), European Contract Law and the Digital Single Market, Intersentia, 2016, pp. 245-266 (com Joana Campos Carvalho)
- “La Protección de los Consumidores en la Unión Europea: ¿Mito o Realidad?”, in Criterio Jurídico – Revista de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Vol. 6, 2006, pp. 243-266
- “Transmissão da Propriedade e Transferência do Risco na Compra e Venda de Coisas Genéricas”, in Themis – Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UNL, Ano VI, n.º 11, 2005, pp. 19-63
- Consumer Law
- Contract Law
- European Union Private Law
- Digital Contract Law
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Comparative Law