75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
14 december 2023 | NOVA School of Law
The event in commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will take place on 14 December at the Auditorium of the Rectory at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – Campus de Campolide. This event is organised by NOVA School of Law, CEDIS and the Regional Information Centre for Western Europe (UNRIC) with the sponsorship of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the coordination of Professor Margarida Lima Rego and Researcher Laura Íñigo Álvarez.
The event will focus on two key themes Human Rights and Equality and Human Rights and Climate and will count with the musical performance by the Orchestra of Anim, a School of Afghan Music located in the North of Portugal.
The commemorations will conclude with the inauguration of the Mural on Human Rights at NOVA School of Law.
10h00 – Opening Session
- João Sáàgua, Rector of NOVA University Lisbon
- Margarida Lima Rego, Dean of NOVA School of Law
- Mónica Ferro, Director of the Portugal Office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- Bernardo Ivo Cruz, Secretary of State for International Trade and Foreign Investment
10h30 – Ghalia Taki, Coordinator of the Interpretation and Cultural Mediation Office of the Jesuit Refugee Service. First family of Syrian refugees who arrived in Portugal in 2014.
11h00 – Panel 1 “Human Rights and Equality”
Moderator: Laura Íñigo Álvarez, Researcher, NOVA School of Law
- Teresa Pizarro Beleza, President of the Observatory on Racism and Xenophobia, UNCRC Policy Center and Professor at NOVA School of Law
- Ana Sofia Fernandes, President of the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights
- Mónica Ferro, Director of UNFPA’s London Representation Office
12h30 – Lunch break
14h00 – Panel 2 “Human Rights and the Climate”
Moderator: Júlia Seixas, Pro-Rector for Sustainability, NOVA University Lisbon
- Lucila de Almeida, Abreu Chair of ESG Impact, NOVA School of Law
- Susana Fonseca, Vice-President of Zero – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System
- Vasco Malta, Head of Mission, IOM Portugal
15h30 – A Musical Moment Orchestra of ANIM, The Afghanistan National Institute of Music
16h00 – Closing session
- Margarida Lima Rego, Dean of NOVA School of Law
- Bernardo Ivo Cruz, Secretary of State for International Trade and Foreign Investment
16h20 – Inauguration of the “Human Rights” Mural NOVA School of Law Building
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