13 May to 1 July

E-Course: Insurance and Sustainable Development Goals | The intersection between the ESG and the SDGs

Academic Education

Strengthening knowledge and skills


María del Val Bolivar Oñoro and Margarida Lima Rego

Learning outcomes

In this e-course, participants will gain an understanding of the differences and similarities between the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors as well as their interplay in the specific context of the insurance market. How those concerns dialogue with EU Insurance and Human Rights Law will constitute the core of this e-course. Participants will be able to identify potential threats and opportunities for the SDG and ESG in the insurance market. They will be also prepared to provide a quick response to the former using a EU Insurance and Human Rights Law-based approach. When given the facts of a legal problem relating to insurance, SDG, ESG, EU Insurance and Human Rights Law students will also be able to transfer the solution to the wider public, including a wide range of stakeholders, understanding and construing corporate narratives incorporating ESG and SDG concepts and concerns in compliance with EU Insurance and Human Rights Law.


This course is financed by the Jean Monnet Module on EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDG Era and is therefore a great opportunity to access quality training for a lower fee.

The need for advanced academic training in insurance was widely felt and identified both by academics and representatives of the industry across Europe and the world.

The Jean Monnet Module on EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDG Era (EUInsLSDG) aims at filling a double gap: by providing advanced training that prepares the next generation of top-qualified legal professionals in insurance, ready to enter the market equipped with the instruments to face the challenges of our time, as well as preparing early-stage researchers, by encouraging state-of-the-art academic research in this field in those areas where both the regulators and the regulated require research outputs that will help them substantiate future decisions.

This module also tries to foster awareness of the insurance sector’s potential to contribute decisively towards the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.


  • 150€
  • All students: 75€

The fees are reduced because this e-course is part of the Jean Monnet Module “EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDG Era” (ref. no. 101085125), funded by the European Union (Erasmus+ Programme).

Teaching Method


This module will be organized in five different sessions. Different speakers with various backgrounds and from different countries will go into depth regarding the interaction between a particular set of SDG, ESG and the Insurance sector.  Participants will be asked to prepare in advance the questions they might have about the topic of the session. After the panel’s initial interventions, participants would be required to provide their comments and ask questions. Each session will be moderated by one of the coordinators. 




18 hours


13th May – 1st July


  • 13th May – 4pm to 6pm (Lisbon time zone)
  • 27th May – 4pm to 8.30pm (Lisbon time zone)
  • 17th June – 4pm to 8.30pm (Lisbon time zone)
  • 24th June – 4pm to 8.30pm (Lisbon time zone)
  • 1st July – 4pm to 6.30pm (Lisbon time zone)


3 ECTS (estimated total workload: 84 hours)


All participants will be assessed by means of a discussion paper and on the basis of their class participation. Topics will be chosen by participants with the agreement of the coordinators of the module. A list of indicative topics will be provided. The best discussion papers will have the opportunity to be presented in the Jean Monnet Module Workshop. Certificates of completion will be provided to those successfully completing it. Certificates of attendance will also be available to those not wishing to be assessed (for attendance of at least 13h30). 



  • Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL).
  • Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
  • Directive (EU) 2016/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 January 2016 on insurance distribution (Insurance Distribution Directive).
  • Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II Directive).
  • Directive 2004/113/EC of the Council of 13 December 2004 implementing the principle of equal treatment between men and women in the access to and supply of goods and services (Gender Discrimination Directive).

Judicial decisions

  • European Court of Justice:
  • Rodrigues de Andrade, C-514/16, EU:C:2017:908.
  • Vnuk, C-162/13, EU:C:2014:2146.
  • Ambrósio Lavrador, C-409/09, EU:C:2011:371.
  • Test-Achats, C-236/09, EU:C:2011:100.


13 MAY 2024

Introduction to the e-course. Basics of Insurance, SDGs and ESG
  • Margarida Lima Rego

Full professor and Dean of Nova School of Law. President of AIDA Portugal and member of AIDA Europe’s Executive Committee. Main coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module “EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDGs area”. Renowned expert on Insurance Law. 

  • María del Val Bolívar Oñoro

Co-coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module. Professor, University of Alcala. Research field: the intersection between social rights and the freedom to conduct a business.


27 MAY 2024

2. The intersection between the E and the SDGs
  • Pablo J. Innecken

Expert on biodiversity and climate change. FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit. 

  • Franziska Arnold-Dwyer

Senior Lecturer in Insurance Law, Contract Law and Sustainability, and Director of the Insurance, Shipping and Aviation Law Institute, Queen Mary University of London.

Lucila de Almeida is the Abreu Chair of ESG Impact and Coordinator of the NOVA Green Lab at NOVA School of Law. 


17 JUNE 2024

3. The intersection between the S and the SDGs
  • María del Val Bolívar Oñoro

Co-coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module. Professor, University of Alcala. Research field: the intersection between social rights and the freedom to conduct a business.

Full professor, NOVA School of Law. Director of CEDIS – NOVA School of Law’s Centre for Research on Law and Society. Expert on Law and Philosophy. 

  • María Luisa Muñoz Paredes

Professor, University of Oviedo. Renowned expert on Insurance Law. Member of AIDA Europe’s Executive Committee and Secretary of the Spanish Journal of Insurance Law (Revista Española de Seguros).


24 JUNE 2024

4. The intersection between the G and the SDGs
  • Pierpaolo Marano

Professor, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan), at the University of Malta and at the University of Latvia. President of AIDA Europe’s Scientific Committee. General Editor of the AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation, published by Springer. Renowned expert on Insurance Law and Regulation. 

  • Errol P. Mendes

Editor-in-Chief of the National Journal of Constitutional Law, President of the International Commission of Jurists (Canadian Section). Full Professor, University of Ottawa.

Professor at NOVA School of Law, specialized on Criminal Law and on the Law of Administrative Offences.


1 JULY 2024

5. Conclusions: Drafting some Policy Recommendations
  • Margarida Lima Rego 

Full professor and Dean of Nova School of Law. President of AIDA Portugal and member of AIDA Europe’s Executive Committee. Main coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module “EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDGs area”. Renowned expert on Insurance Law.

  • Maria del Val Bolívar Oñoro

Co-coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module. Professor, University of Alcala. Research field: the intersection between social rights and the freedom to conduct a business.  




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