Bachelor's in Law

The future is all in your head


Choosing NOVA School of Law is to venture into a NEW way of learning to think about Law.

We are a team who believes that the proximity between student and teacher is essential for effective learning.

We create, right from the start of the degree, the development of a critical and creative spirit, promoting dialogued classes and specialised monitoring of study, promoting an approach to law that anticipates problems, and where that is not possible, of solving them in innovative ways.

We strive for constant pedagogical innovation, and firmly believe that a jurist in the contemporary world  must be able to manage multidiscipliniarity arising from a global and digital world undergoing deep transformation.  We fundamentally question the type of Law we have and need to have.

International and technological training is imperative.

We build on sound knowledge, intensifying it with best practice, as we believe in the dialogue between these two realities. And we encourage the development of humanistic jurists, capable of personalised and individualised views, aware of their transformative role in the construction of a more humane, contemporary society, capable of responding positively to the challenges that arise.


Jorge Morais Carvalho

Rita Calçada Pires

Scientific Commission

President: Jorge Morais Carvalho | Board Members: Assunção Cristas (1st Year) | Miguel de Azevedo Moura (2nd Year) | Rita Calçada Pires (3rd Year) | Frederico de Lacerda da Costa Pinto (4th Year)

What it means to be NOVA School of Law

I have the opportunity to embrace an innovating institution, which invests in internationalization. Thanks to this, I feel able to expand my horizons.
João Maria Botelho
4th year student
The bachelor's degree at NOVA School of Law is very complete, covering all aspects of Law and its complementary areas, from a very practical perspective.
Inês Freitas
The best thing about my college is the proximity involved. At NOVA School of Law, the work is for the students and with the students.
Diogo Sereno
Alumnus and Master student in Public Regulatory Law
I enrolled at NOVA School of Law full of expectations, and they were exceeded. Here I found an up-to-date and relevant Law curriculum for 21st century lawyers.
Teresa Bouza Serrano


Study Cycle

DegreeA3ES DecisionNumber of YearsPublication of the A3ES DecisionDGES Registration NumberRegulation/Study Plan
Documents relating to the accreditation process

R/A -Ef3195/2011/AL05, 29/07/2022

Career paths and Employability

Given the solid training in the legal area, graduates will naturally find placement in areas directly related to Law, whether in the fields of magistracy, academia, arbitration and mediation, or consultancy in legal or tax areas.

The breadth of knowledge that the Law degree encompasses, and the multidisciplinary nature of training at NOVA, places college graduates at the forefront of professions, not only of those directly associated with Law, but of those for which Law training is an important complement, such as careers in international organisations and NGOs, diplomacy, business management, communication consultancy and journalism.

The law degree is highly relevant for those wishing to pursue a career in government or public administration, appealing particularly to students looking for careers in the field of Security and Defense.

In order to deepen students’  curricular experience, strategies have been  developed that include curricular internships, internships and international experiences, agreements with recruiting entities and employability fairs that facilitate the transition to and contact with the labour market in each of the areas of professional development mentioned above.

“Morais Leitão has always taken on a number of students from NOVA School of Law,  relying on the many alumni, including lawyer-interns, associates and partners. At NOVA, we especially value multidiscipliniarity and the combination of a solid theoretical background with a pragmatic approach focused on problem solving,” Morais Leitão.

“When we recruit students from NOVA School of Law, they have acquired technical skills in their basic training, and developed behavioural skills such as communication and relationship skills, initiative, autonomy and a sense of responsibility,” PWC | Human Capital.

What our alumni say

At NOVA School of Law, I have always found excellence in Law Education, but also, a fertile space to collaborate, share and develop skills beyond Law.
Luís Alves Dias
Co-Founder of Legaú and Ockham Legal
NOVA School of Law gave me the required preparation to deal with a number of professional challenges, combining good theoretical training with the ability to think in an autonomous and innovative way.
Patrícia Guia Pereira
Attorney at the Bank of Portugal
It was during my years at NOVA School of Law that I decided I wanted to be an Attorney. During these five years I’ve learned more than Law, I’ve learned to build my own ideas, my own opinions, to innovate, to challenge and enjoy having been challenged. If I had to choose again, I would choose NOVA.
Rute Alves
Coordinating Associate, PLMJ
Being a student at NOVA School of Law is, in a sense, a way of being: it's taking part in a project that wants to make a difference, taking a risk in humanized Law education. It is to choose a new Law, of universal vocation, attentive to the problems of its time and to the challenges of the future.
Pedro Espírito Santo
Chief of Staff of the Deputy Secretary of State of the Prime Minister

Curricular Plan

+ 2024/2025

Students must complete all mandatory course units of the study plan; one course unit from each of the 4 restricted options groups; and as many free choice course units as necessary to complete a total of 240 ECTS. The demonstration of adequate competence in the English language is an essential requirement for the attendance of the 1st Cycle and it is a mandatory condition for the 5th semester enrolment.

1st year

1st Semester ECTS
Introdução ao Direito e ao Pensamento Jurídico 8
Direito Constitucional 8
Microeconomia 6
Restricted option
História do Estado – Option 1 4
História das Ideias Políticas – Option 1 4
Sociologia do Direito – Option 4 4
Psicologia Jurídica – Option 4 4
2nd Semester ECTS
Direito Constitucional Português 8
História do Direito 6
Teoria da Norma Jurídica 6
Legal Information and Documentation 2
Restricted option
Macroeconomics- Option 3 4
Public Economics – Option 3 4
International Relations – Option 2 4
Political Science – Option 2 4

2nd year

1st Semester ECTS
Teoria Geral do Direito Privado 8
Public International Law 6
EU Constitutional Law 6
Free Option
Programação para Juristas 6
Law & Sustainability 4
Comparative Legal Systems 4
Law & Economics 4
2nd Semester ECTS
Direito Administrativo 8
Direito das Obrigações 8
Direito das Pessoas e da Família 6
Direitos Fundamentais 4
Free Option
Critical Legal Thinking 6
Specialised EU Law Topics – EU Family Law* 6
Direito da Igualdade Social 4

* EU Family Law is a Jean Monnet Module offered by NOVA School of Law and funded by the European Commission addressing the protection of non-traditional and religious families within the European Union, and the constitutional aspects thereof (nEUfam).

3rd year

1st Semester ECTS
Teoria da Lei Penal 8
Responsabilidade Civil 6
Direito dos Contratos 6
Direito das Finanças Públicas 6
Law and Technology 2
Free Option
Programação para Juristas 6
Go Global 6 6
Law & Sustainability 4
Casos Difíceis 4
Trabalho Extracurricular 4
Go Global 2 2
2nd Semester ECTS
Teoria do Crime 8
Direitos Reais 8
Teoria do Processo 6
Direito das Sucessões 4
Free Option
Direito do Consumo 6
Specialised EU Law Topics – EU Family Law 6
Go Global 6 6
Direito Administrativo Especial 4
Trabalho Extracurricular 4
Go Global 2 2

*available in the 1st and 2nd semester of the 3rd and 4th curricular years

**available in the 1st and 2nd semester of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th curricular years

4th year

1st Semester ECTS
Direito Processual Penal 8
Direito das Sociedades 8
Direito Processual Civil Declarativo 6
Free Option
Direito Processual Administrativo 6
Private International Law 6
Programação para Juristas 6
Civil and Commercial Contracts 6
Go Global 6 6
Law & Sustainability 4
Direito da Economia 4
Trabalho Extracurricular 4
Casos Difíceis 4
Laboratório de Direito Civil 4
Go Global 2 2
2nd Semester ECTS
Direito do Trabalho 6
Direito Fiscal 6
Direito Processual Civil Executivo 6
Prática Jurídica Interdisciplinar 6
Free Option
Direito do Consumo 6
Specialised EU Law Topics – EU Family Law 6
Go Global 6 6
Trabalho Extracurricular 4
Crimes em Especial 4
Direito Administrativo Especial 4
Go Global 2 2

+ 2025/2026

Students must complete all mandatory course units of the study plan; one course unit from each of the 4 restricted options groups; and as many free choice course units as necessary to complete a total of 240 ECTS. The demonstration of adequate competence in the English language is an essential requirement for the attendance of the 1st Cycle and it is a mandatory condition for the 5th semester enrolment.

1st year

1st Semester ECTS
Introdução ao Direito e ao Pensamento Jurídico 8
Direito Constitucional 8
Microeconomia 6
Restricted option
História do Estado – Option 1 4
História das Ideias Políticas – Option 1 4
Sociologia do Direito – Option 4 4
Psicologia Jurídica – Option 4 4
2nd Semester ECTS
Direito Constitucional Português 8
História do Direito 6
Teoria da Norma Jurídica 6
Legal Information and Documentation 2
Restricted option
Macroeconomics- Option 3 4
Public Economics – Option 3 4
International Relations – Option 2 4
Political Science – Option 2 4

2nd year

1st Semester ECTS
Teoria Geral do Direito Privado 8
Direito Internacional Público 6
EU Constitutional Law 6
Free Option
Programação para Juristas 6
Law & Sustainability 4
Comparative Legal Systems 4
Law & Economics 4
Análise do Discurso Jurídico 4
2nd Semester ECTS
Direito Administrativo 8
Direito das Obrigações 8
Direito das Pessoas e da Família 6
Direitos Fundamentais 4
Free Option
Specialised EU Law Topics – EU Family Law* 6
Direito da Igualdade Social 4

3rd year

1st Semester ECTS
Teoria da Lei Penal 8
Responsabilidade Civil 6
Direito dos Contratos 6
Direito das Finanças Públicas 6
Law and Technology 2
Free Option
Programação para Juristas 6
Go Global 6 6
Law & Sustainability 4
Direito da Economia 4
Casos Difíceis 4
Trabalho Extracurricular 4
Go Global 2 2
2nd Semester ECTS
Teoria do Crime 8
Direitos Reais 8
Teoria do Processo 6
Direito das Sucessões 4
Free Option
Specialised EU Law Topics – EU Family Law 6
Go Global 6 6
Direito Administrativo Especial 4
Trabalho Extracurricular 4
Go Global 2 2

4th year

1st Semester ECTS
Direito Processual Penal 8
Direito das Sociedades 8
Direito Processual Civil Declarativo 6
Free Option
Direito Processual Administrativo 6
Private International Law 6
Programação para Juristas 6
Civil and Commercial Contracts 6
Go Global 6 6
Law & Sustainability 4
Trabalho Extracurricular 4
Casos Difíceis 4
Go Global 2 2
2nd Semester ECTS
Direito do Trabalho 6
Direito Fiscal 6
Direito Processual Civil Executivo 6
Prática Jurídica Interdisciplinar 6
Free Option
Specialised EU Law Topics – EU Family Law 6
Go Global 6 6
Trabalho Extracurricular 4
Crimes em Especial 4
Direito Administrativo Especial 4

*EU Family Law is a Jean Monnet Module offered by NOVA School of Law and funded by the European Commission addressing the protection of non-traditional and religious families within the European Union, and the constitutional aspects thereof (nEUfam).

Objectives and Structure of the Curricular Units

Tuition Fees

Tuition Fees costs for Bachelor’s in LawAnnual tuition valuePart-Time Tuition Fee value (65%)
National Student (or equivalent)697€495€
International Student7000€4550€

For Bachelor’s in Law, students who enroll for one semester only (regardless of how many curricular units they attend) will pay a minimal tuition value:

  • National Student (or equivalent): 495€
  • International Student: 4550€

Reading of this information does not exempt consultation of the full documentation regarding feesemoluments and taxes for the academic year in question.

Tuition fees are annual and due in full upon enrolment in the course. Payment in instalments is allowed for students’ mere convenience.

In the case of withdrawal from the course, the amounts already paid are not refundable. The remaining tuition fee payments due for the academic year to which the application relates must also be paid.

Payments must be made via Visa, PayPal, MBWay or Multibanco payments, through NetPA. The system validates payments in a few minutes, maximum. Failure to pay tuition fees within the time limits indicated results in an increase in the amount to be settled and/or the suspension of enrolment and registration, as well as the invalidity of all curricular acts practised in the academic year in which the payment dates are not respected.

Payment by instalments

The annual tuition fees for the taught component can be paid in 10 instalments

  • 10 instalments: 1st installment of 20% of the total amount paid upon enrollment and the remaining amount in 9 installments paid between the 1st and 10th of the months of September through May


  • Re-enrolments: For re-enrolments in the 2nd semester, the following tuition fee instalment conditions apply: 1st instalment at the time of enrolment of 20% (February). Remaining instalments in March, April, May and June (between the 1st and 10th of each month).

Scholarships for Access to Study Cycles at NOVA University Lisbon

The Scholarships for Access to Study Cycles are available to students of the three study cycles, being students of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, nationals or stateless persons, foreigners with tax residence in Portugal or with refugee status, who are in a situation of financial need and who do not benefit from the scholarships awarded by the Directorate-General for Higher Education, or whose value proves to be insufficient.

Full scholarship details here.

Emoluments/Charges and Taxes Fees

DesignationAmount €Payment deadline
Administrative costs per registration/enrolment (each year)35,00€Upon enrolment/registration
Institution insurance3,00€Upon enrolment/registration
Registration Certificate6,00€At time of the request

Conclusion Certificate

50,00€At time of the request

Improvement grade exam

15,00€At time of the request
Tuition Fees costs for Bachelor’s in LawAnnual tuition valuePart-Time Tuition Fee value (65%)
National Student (or equivalent)697€495€
International Student7000€4550€

Reading of this information does not exempt consultation of the full documentation regarding fees, emoluments and taxes for the academic year in question.

Tuition fees are annual and due in full upon enrolment in the course. Payment in instalments is allowed for students’ mere convenience.

In the case of withdrawal from the course, the amounts already paid are not refundable. The remaining tuition fee payments due for the academic year to which the application relates must also be paid.

Payments must be made via Visa, PayPal, MBWay or Multibanco payments, through NetPA. The system validates payments in a few minutes, maximum.

Failure to pay tuition fees within the time limits indicated results in an increase in the amount to be settled and/or the suspension of enrolment and registration, as well as the invalidity of all curricular acts practised in the academic year in which the payment dates are not respected.

Payment by instalments

The annual tuition fees can be paid in 10 instalments: 1st instalment of 20% of the total amount paid upon enrolment and the remaining amount in 9 instalments paid between the 1st and 10th of the months of September through May.

Scholarships for Access to Study Cycles at NOVA University Lisbon

The Scholarships for Access to Study Cycles are available to students of the three study cycles, being students of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, nationals or stateless persons, foreigners with tax residence in Portugal or with refugee status, who are in a situation of financial need and who do not benefit from the scholarships awarded by the Directorate-General for Higher Education, or whose value proves to be insufficient.

Full scholarship details here.

Emoluments/Charges and Taxes Fees

DesignationAmount €Payment deadline
Administrative costs per registration/enrolment (each year)35,00€Upon enrolment/registration
Institution insurance3,00€Upon enrolment/registration
Registration Certificate6,00€At time of the request

Conclusion Certificate

50,00€At time of the request

Improvement grade exam

15,00€At time of the request


School Year 2025/2026


(i) For the 1st curricular year of the 1st study cycle: 10

(ii) For the 2nd curricular year and/or subsequent years of the 1st study cycle: 10

Important Notice to All Prospective Students

NOVA School of Law wishes to inform all prospective students that we do not employ or authorize any representatives, agents, or intermediaries for admissions, application processing, or fee payments.

Our only partner is Keystone, but exclusively as a provider of information to prospective students. All applications, registrations, and payments must be handled directly by the candidate with the School’s Applications and Academic Services.

Please be aware of potential scams, especially those targeting international students, where third parties claim to facilitate the admissions and VISA process for a fee. These claims are false and unauthorized.
All applications are received through our official portal, and assessed according to their merit, taking into account the selection criteria defined by the scientific committees.

For your safety and to ensure a legitimate application process, always communicate directly with the School’s Applications and Academic Services through our official contact channels, by e-mail or telephone (+351 21 384 74 00).

We do not accept any liability for losses incurred due to interactions with unauthorized third parties.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation

Who can apply for this special contest?

International students may apply for this contest, meaning all those who do not have Portuguese nationality and who, cumulatively, do not fit into any of the following categories:

  • Nationals from a Member State of the European Union;
  • Students who are not nationals of a European Union Member State, but who have been legally residing* in Portugal, uninterruptedly, for more than two years (the time they have held a residence permit for studies is not relevant for this purpose), January 1st of the year in which they intend to enrol at NOVA School of Law, as well as their children who legally reside with them;
  • Students who apply for admission at NOVA School of Law through the special regimes for access and admission regulated by Decree-Law No. 393 -A/99, of October 2, as amended by Decree-Law No. 272/2009, of October 1;
  • Students who are attending NOVA School of Law in the context of an international mobility programme for the completion of part of a study cycle in a foreign higher education institution with whom NOVA School of Law has established an exchange agreement for that purpose;
  • Family members** of Portuguese nationals or of nationals of a Member State of the European Union, regardless of their nationality, under the terms defined by point e) from the Article 2 of Law No. 37/2006, dated 9 August;
  • Students granted equal status of rights and duties under an international treaty between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are nationals on January 1st of the year in which they intend to enrol at NOVA School of Law;

International students who are in an emergency situation for humanitarian reasons can also apply for international student status (cf. article 8-A of Decree-Law No. 36/2014, as amended by article 3 of Decree-Law No. 62/2018 of 8 June).

*Legal resident means a foreign citizen/citizen holding a residence permit in Portugal, valid for one year or more, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph v) of article 3 of Law no. 23/2007, of 4th July, as amended, which approves the legal regime for the entry, stay, exit and expulsion of foreigners from national territory

**Family members of Portuguese nationals or of nationals of a member state of the European Union, regardless of their nationality:

  • The spouse of a citizen/citizen of the Union;
  • The partner with whom a citizen/citizen of the Union lives in a non-marital partnership, formed in accordance with the law, or with whom the citizen/citizen of the Union maintains a permanent relationship duly certified by the competent entity of the member state where he/she resides
  • The direct descendants who are under 21 years of age or are dependants of a citizen/citizen of the Union as well as the spouse or partner as defined in the previous sub-paragraph;
  • The direct ascendant being a dependant of a citizen/citizen of the Union and of the spouse or partner as defined in the second point.

Notice: Students who enter higher education under this special contest will maintain their international student status until the end of the study cycle in which they initially enrolled or to which they transfer, unless, during the frequency of the study cycle, they comply with the disposition established in article 2, No. 4 of Regulation No. 687/2020, of 20th August, being exclusively applicable from the academic year following the one in which the student’s situation changes.

In situations where the candidate provides false statements or presents counterfeit documents, the seriation will be cancelled or the enrolment and registration already made will be cancelled, and there will be no refund of the amounts paid to NOVA School of Law, without prejudice to other legal procedures that may be adopted.

Students in emergency situations for humanitarian reasons

Under the provisions of article 8-A of Decree-Law no. 36/2014, as amended by article 3 of Decree-Law no. 62/2018, of 8 June, international students who are in an emergency situation for humanitarian reasons may apply for international student status.

By law, students in emergency situations for humanitarian reasons enrolled and registered in public higher education institutions are subject to the same regime of fees, charges and emoluments established by the institution for national students. International students who are granted the status of students in situation of emergency for humanitarian reasons also benefit, by law, from all the support foreseen in the scope of direct and indirect social benefits.

Students coming from Ukraine and Female Afghan students with refugee or temporary protection statusall information on our webpage.

Conditions for entry

Cumulative conditions for admission to the first cycle at NOVA School of Law are:

  • The specific academic qualification for entering a 1st cycle (licenciatura) course;
  • Knowledge of Portuguese and English.

Submission of Applications (Online):

  • Copy of the identification document or passport, which expressly states the applicant’s nationality;
  • Declaration, under oath, that the candidate does not have Portuguese nationality, nor is covered by any of the exceptions of No. 2 of Article 2 of Regulation No. 687/2020, of 20th August, which under the terms of Decree-Law No. 36/2014, of 10th March, excludes them from International Student status;
  • Document (certificate or diploma) attesting the level of knowledge of the Portuguese and/or English language, depending on the case;
  • In the case of foreign qualifications that grant access to higher education, the applicant must also submit a diploma or certificate issued by a competent authority attesting the approval of an education programme and entitling its holder to apply and enter higher education in the country where it was obtained, or a document attesting the conclusion of the Portuguese secondary education or equivalent;
  • In the case of a Portuguese secondary education diploma or legally equivalent qualification, the applicant should also submit a simple copy of a document proving the conclusion of the Portuguese secondary education or a certificate of equivalence of such qualification and a document proving the classification obtained in the Portuguese secondary final exams corresponding to the entry examinations for holders of the Portuguese secondary education diploma or equivalent;
  • After submitting the application, the candidate must pay the fee according to the references indicated (€70, which can be paid via Multibanco, MB way, Paypal or Visa). The application will only be sent for assessment once payment has been made.

Applications that are not accompanied by all the documents or for which the application fee has not been paid will be rejected outright.

If there is any doubt about the documentation presented, particularly in the case of documents obtained abroad, recognition may be requested by the local Portuguese consular agent and/or legalised by the Apostille system under the terms of the Convention on the Abolition of the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Acts (better known as the Hague Convention), signed in The Hague on 5 October 1961, with the exception of documents issued by Higher Education Institutions in European Union countries.

Optional elements for the application form:

Candidates may submit a request for accreditation of academic training and professional experience obtained prior to entering the study cycle. Accreditation processes take into account the level of credits corresponding to previous training, and under no circumstances will accreditation be allowed for further studies in a study cycle for training undertaken as part of a study cycle at a lower level of qualification.

For the purposes of accreditation, the candidate must fill in a specific form and attach all the relevant documentation. When the request for accreditation is made at the time of application, accreditation is not a sufficient condition for admission to the study cycle and only takes effect after admission and only in that same study cycle.

Whenever the above-mentioned documents are in a language other than Spanish, French, English or Portuguese, you must provide an official translation. The translations must be duly certified by the relevant authorities.

Selection Criteria/ application grade

The formula for calculating the application grade is the result of the sum of 40% of the final grade of secondary education and 60% of the best grade of the entry exams. The minimum classification in the entry exams to the Bachelor’s Degree in Law is 100 points on a scale of 0 to 200.

For students who have successfully completed the Foundation Programme at NOVA University Lisbon, the result of the application of the above formula is increased by 50 points


Application deadlines


1st Phase

Submission of applications:

From 3 to 28 February 2025

Announcement of placements:

Until 31 March 2025

Complaint about placements:

From 1 to 8 April 2025


From 9 to 17 April 2025

Registration for Curricular Units:

From 15 to 25 July 2025

2nd Phase

Submission of applications:

From 23 April to 7 May 2025

Announcement of placements:

Until 21 May 2025

Complaint about placements:

From 22 to 29 May 2025


From 30 May to 6 June 2025

Registration for Curricular Units:

From 15 to 25 July 2025

3rd Phase

Submission of applications:

From 24 to 28 June 2024

Announcement of placements:

Until 12 July 2024

Complaint about placements:

From 15 to 26 July 2024

Enrolment and Registration for Curricular Units:

From 29 July to 2 August 2024

Tuitions Fees, Taxes and Emoluments

Application fee:


Administrative costs per registration/enrolment (each year):


Institution insurance:


Registration certificate


The fees are determined each year by the General Council of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

Reading of this information does not exempt consultation of the full documentation regarding fees, emoluments and taxes for the academic year in question.

Regulations Applicable

Clear all your doubts

We are at your disposal to answer any questions you may have about studying at NOVA School of Law.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by email: