6 May to 1 July 2024

Post-Graduate Course on Data Protection Law


An investment in the future


Francisco Pereira Coutinho, Graça Canto Moniz, Francisco Arga e Lima

Aim of the course

This course aims to: 

  • Provide a comprehensive understanding of the field of Data Protection in the European Union;
  • Enable participants to identify, assess and mitigate risks associated with compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation;
  • Give participants tools and strategies to promote compliance with applicable legal standards; (iv) foster a proactive mindset in data protection and promote the security and lawful processing of personal data.

Target audience

The course is aimed at company executives, compliance professionals, auditors, lawyers and employees with regulatory compliance responsibilities in the Data Protection and related sectors.

Teaching Method

Online. The sessions will not be recorded.






6t May to 1sJuly 2024


Mondays and Wednesdays (except for Tuesday, 11 June)
From 18h00 to 21h15 (unless otherwise mentioned in the program)




  • Practical Project (40%) – Development and presentation for discussion of predefined documents and/or policies under the General Data Protection Regulation and related legislation.
  • Written exam at the end of curricular units I to IV (60%).


  • 1500€
  • Early Bird (until 29 March): 1275€
  • Alumni NOVA School of Law: 1350 €
  • 20% off for organisations enrolling 2-4 participants; 30% off for organisations enrolling 5 or more participants.

* The discounts may not be combined

Teaching staff

  • Diogo Brandão, NOVA School of Law
  • Domingos Farinho, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Eduardo Magrani, CCA Law Firm
  • Emellin de Oliveira, NOVA School of Law
  • Filipa Urbano Calvão, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
  • Filipe Brito Bastos, NOVA School of Law
  • Francisco Arga e Lima, NOVA School of Law
  • Francisco Pereira Coutinho, NOVA School of Law
  • Giulia Priora, NOVA School of Law
  • Graça Canto Moniz, NOVA School of Law, ULHT and FUTURA
  • Helena Tapp Barroso, MLGTS
  • Hugo Leite, Fidelidade
  • Inês Oliveira, APDPO, Autoridade Tributária
  • José Pedro Paiva, Plainview inc.
  • Lúcio Tomé Feteira, NOVA School of Law
  • Luís Neto Galvão, SRS Advogados
  • Magda Cocco, VdA Advogados
  • Martim Farinha, NOVA School of Law, VdA Advogados
  • Nuno David, ISCTE
  • Patrícia Carneiro, Águas do Porto
  • Rodrigo Adão da Fonseca, FUTURA
  • Sebastião Barros Vale, Autoridade Europeia para a Proteção de Dados
  • Sérgio Deodato Fernandes, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
  • Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Vera Lúcia Raposo, NOVA School of Law



This postgraduate course is taught in Portuguese.

Please find the postgraduate programme here.



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