
Media, War and Peace

20 March | NOVA School of Law

In times of war, information is crucial, so media platforms are pivotal: on the one hand, they inform us; on the other hand, they make us aware.

The angles can differ depending on the objective, the target audience and, of course, the medium – online social media platforms or mainstream media. In other words, on the one hand, we have total freedom to create content; on the other, there is the journalistic practice.

However, in the name of freedom of speech and transparency, cognitive predispositions can be transformed with harmful effects, and journalists could broadcast propaganda as news.

This raises a number of questions that will be addressed at the seminar «Media, War and Peace» on 20 March.

Therefore, the questions that guide this seminar are:

  • Are social media platforms drivers for war or peace? Could social media conditionate violent conflict?
  • How could policymakers create more effective oversight and data management guidelines to stem harmful political ends?
  • Do war reporters reactively report on conflict in a way that propagates violence? Or, on the contrary, do they proactively report on the causes of and solutions to a conflict? How reliable are mainstream media at war? How can we tackle war disinformation?
  • Are all parties to a conflict given fair attention? And should they?


Location: NOVA School of Law | Room 7

Language: English

Opening Remarks

Margarida Lima Rego, NOVA School of Law Dean

Panel 1 | 17h30 – 18h30

«Online Social Media Platforms, War and Peace – From transparency to weaponization»

Moderator: Francisco Pereira Coutinho, NOVA School of Law

Discussion and Q&A

Coffee Break | 18h30 – 18h45
Panel 2 | 18h45 – 19h45

«Journalism, War and Peace – From information to propaganda»

Moderator: Felipe Pathé Duarte, NOVA School of Law

  • José Luís Garcia, ICS-Universidade de Lisboa
  • Paulo Moura, Freelance Journalist
  • Cândida Pinto, Journalist RTP
  • António Mateus, Journalist RTP (TBC)
  • Laura Iñigo Alvarez, NOVA School of Law

Discussion and Q&A

Closing remarks | 19h45-20h00


    *Mandatory fields