III Annual Conference of NOVA Tax Research Lab
9 and 10 October 2024 | NOVA School of Law
NOVA Tax Research Lab, knowledge centre part of the Center for Research & Development on Law and Society (CEDIS) of NOVA School of Law, will hold its 3rd Annual Conference, to take place in Lisbon, on the 9th and 10th of October 2024.
This hybrid event (online and face-to-face) will take place in the Scientific Council room of NOVA School of Law, from 9:30 to 18:30 (Lisbon time), with the financial support of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through CEDIS.
The conference will be dedicated to the theme “Can tax legislation be less complicated?” and will feature several panel discussion sessions addressing the issue from different perspectives, namely artificial intelligence, corporate taxpayer’s needs, and the challenges identified by tax advisers. This event offers a unique platform for discussing the latest innovations and challenges in the field of taxation, bringing together leading professionals and academics.
The official conference languages are English and Portuguese.
From 9:30 to 18:30
Presential and online.
Scientific coordination
- Rita Calçada Pires, Associate Professor NOVA School of Law/ NOVA Tax Research Lab Director
- Diogo Feio, Assistant Professor at Academia Militar – IUM/ Guest Professor at NOVA School of Law/ NOVA Tax Research Lab Board Member
- Mariana Passos Beraldo, NOVA School of Law PhD Candidate / FCT Research Fellow/ NOVA Tax Research Lab Board Member
9 October 2024
Local: Scientific Council room of NOVA School of Law
In-person morning
9:30 | Participant Registration
10:00 | Conference Opening
- Margarida Lima Rego, Director of Nova School of Law
- Rita Calçada Pires, Director of NOVA Tax Research Lab
- Diogo Feio, Coordination of NOVA Tax Research Lab
10:10 | Intervention by the Secretary of State for Tax Affairs, Cláudia Reis Duarte
10:45 | Setting the tone: What should be considered when asking “Can tax legislation be less complex?”
- Rita Calçada Pires, Diretora NOVA Tax Research Lab
11:10- 11:30 | Tax Networking: Coffee Break
11:30- 13:00 | Panel 1: Complexity of tax legislation a dialogue from a non-legal perspective
Moderator: Pedro Costa Monteiro, Nova Tax Research Lab
- Economic Lens, Pedro Brinca, Nova School of Business & Economics (Nova SBE)
- Tax Psychology and Sociology Lens, Cidália Lopes, Coimbra Business School CBS-ISCAC
- Legistics Lens, Sónia Rodrigues, Portuguese Legislation Observatory
- Linguistic Lens, Rosalice Pinto, Researcher, NOVA Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA) and CEDIS – Research & Development Centre on Law and Society (CEDIS)
Audience Engagement
13:00- 14:30 | Tax Networking: Lunch Break
Online afternoon
14:30- 16:00 | Technical panel sessions
16:00- 16:30 | Online Break
- Online dedicated room Tax Networking
16:30- 18:00 | Technical panel sessions
10 October 2024
Online morning
9:30- 11:00 | Technical panel sessions
11:00- 11:30 | Online Break
- Online dedicated room Tax Networking
11:30- 13:00 | Technical panel sessions
13:00- 14:00 | Lunch Break
In-person afternoon
Local: Scientific Council room of NOVA School of Law
14:00 | Intervention by the Deputy Director-General for the area of Income Taxes of the Tax and Customs Authority, Helena Pegado Martins
14:30- 16:00 | Panel 2: What assessment is made of the current tax legislation?
Moderators: Rosa Soares & Susana Pinto, NOVA Tax Research Lab
- The view of the Tax and Customs Authority- Luís Pedro Ramos, Deputy Director of the Large Taxpayers Unit of the Tax and Customs Authority
- The view of the Taxpayer Representatives, Filipe Charters, President of the Portuguese Taxpayers Association
- The view of the Taxpayer Representatives, Carlos Lobo, Professor at FDL and Member of the Taxpayers Association
- External Observer, Anabela Santos, Accounting and Tax Advisor and Consultant of the Certified Public Accountants Order
Audience engagement
16:00- 16:15 | Tax Networking: Coffee Break
16:15- 18:30 | Panel 3: The future peeps at the present: what needs to be done with tax legislation?
Moderators: Mariana Passos Beraldo, Marta Carmo & José Ogando, NOVA Tax Research Lab
- Artificial Intelligence, linguistic models with fiscal impact? Henrique Carreiro, NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS)
- What do Business Taxpayers need? Rafael Graça, Global Tax Director at OutSystems
- Challenges identified by the Tax Consultants. Margarida Ramos Pereira, Deloitte
- Those who are young taxpayers, have identified expectations? Three recent graduates look at the tax legislation and share what should change. Guilherme Bica Vicente, Rodrigo Melo and Leonor Mak
Audience engagement