Master's in Law and Financial Markets

Numbers don’t speak for themselves


The Master’s in Law and Financial Markets is a product of an innovative partnership bringing together NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) and NOVA School of Law.

Consistently ranked by Eduniversal among the top masters courses in Western Europe and lectured in English, the Masters in Law and Financial Markets offers students the challenge of an innovative set of courses in law and finance, opportunities to meet and network with leading financial institutions, to gain hands-on experience through an internship in a financial institution and to benefit from an international experience at a top university in Europe or beyond, through NOVA School of Laws membership of the Themis Network.

This master’s is taught in English.


Pedro Simões Coelho

Fernando Bação

Joana Farrajota

Scientific Commission

President: Pedro Simões Coelho (IMS) | Board Members: Miguel de Azevedo Moura (taught component NOVA School of Law) | Fernando Bação (taught component IMS) | Joana Farrajota (research phase NOVA School of Law)


This Program aims to deepen law graduate’s mastery of the law, particularly in those fields that have the closest bearing on financial markets and investments, as well as providing an insight into the organization and functioning of the general financial system, and the three main financial markets: banking, insurance and capital markets. The Program offers an opportunity to acquire key financial analysis and evaluation skills of the main financial instruments traded on the capital markets and to identify intervention strategies in capital markets. The Program aims to stimulate a critical and interdisciplinary approach to knowledge, providing lawyers with the necessary tools to solve complex problems or issue judgments on situations of incomplete information.

Target Applicant

Candidates with a background in law will be given preference in admission. However, holders of any bachelor’s degree or equivalent are eligible to apply. We are keen to attract talented current or future professionals with an international focus who wish to prepare for a wide range of careers in the highly competitive finance sector.


This course is taught after working hours*.

*Some Optional Curricular Units may have schedules that do not match the timetable of the course


Study CycleDegreeA3ES DecisionNumber of YearsPublication of the A3ES decisionDGES registration numberPublication in Diário da República

Law and Financial Markets




R/A -Cr 244/2015/AL03


The Master's in Law and Financial Markets at NOVA School of Law offers a close academic environment that stimulates knowledge. With comprehensive subjects in Private Law, Public Law and options in several emerging areas, the programme stands out for its innovative profile and robust financial and analytical component that provides an in-depth strategic understanding of Financial Markets. Taught in English and with a special focus on European Union Law, the programme offers a cutting-edge approach and direct engagement with contemporary legal challenges, preparing students for effective and competitive integration into the global job market.
Matilde Ribeiro Lourenço
Jurist at the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority
The Master's in Law and Financial Markets provides a balanced training in legal disciplines (such as financial regulation and banking, insurance and capital markets law) and quantitative disciplines (such as finance and data analytics). It is ideal for jurists seeking analytical skills and for non-jurists seeking in-depth legal study. In response to market demands, it offers subjects in fintech, artificial intelligence and sustainability. Aligned with the best global practices, it attracts international students, both graduates and professionals working in the financial markets.
Carolina dos Santos Barbosa
Financial Regulator, Central Bank of Brazil
The Master's degree in Law and Financial Markets offers students a broad base in banking law and capital markets law. In addition, it provides a solid knowledge-base of the structures and functioning of markets, as well as data analysis, fundamental to the correct identification of consequences and legal aspects regarding financial decisions. The program is suitable for both recent graduates and professionals in the field who want to develop knowledge and tools for legal analysis, economic and financial regulation and the development of financial markets. It is an innovative program, up-to-date with technological innovations in the area and with the demands of the job market.
Imagem de Aluno que frequentou o Mestrado em Direito e Mercados Financeiros
Eduardo Andrade Lima
Economist at the Central Bank of Brazil and lawyer
Attending the Master’s degree in Law and Financial Markets enabled me to obtain and consolidate a range of knowledge in the three major areas of Financial Law: banking, insurance, and capital markets. In conjunction with a legal orientation, this manages to provide a financial and analytical component that allows for an extremely comprehensive view of the themes with which we will inevitably come into contact, not restricting ourselves to a watertight legal vision. Alongside this provision, we also find the benefit of attending an institution whose progressive nature provides close contact with the major legal issues of today, translating into innovative and essential preparation for the challenges of the current job market.
Imagem de Aluna que frequentou o Mestrado em Direito e Mercados Financeiros
Micaela Ribeiro
Trainee lawyer at Uría Menéndez Proença de Carvalho

Curricular Plan

+ 2024/2025

1st year – Taught Component

The curricular component corresponds to 60 ECTS and consists of 10 mandatory course units (52 ECTS). The remaining 8 ECTS correspond to electives that may be chosen from any Master course taught at NOVA School of Law (subject to availability).

From 2024/25, students will need to approve the curricular component with, at least 13,50 points out of 20 (13,5/20) to be able to enrol in the research phase (2nd year of the course).

Completion of the taught part (60 ECTS) grants the the award of a Diploma in Postgraduate Studies in Law and Financial Markets.

1st Semester ECTS
Banking Law 6
Principles of Corporate Finance 6
Introduction to Data Analytics 6
Financial Markets and Investments 6
Financial Instruments Law 4
Regulation and Supervision of Financial Markets 4
Free Option
Legal English 4
2nd Semester ECTS
Banking and Insurance Operations 6
Introduction to Financial Derivatives and Risk Management 6
Insurance Law (EU Insurance Law)* 4
Risk Management in Financial Contracts 4
Free Option
Methodology of Legal Research 6
Cybercrime 6
International Tax Law 6
Direito Penal Económico 6
Competition Law 6
Direito das Contraordenações 6
Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence 4
Energy, Climate and the Just Transition 4
Fintech 4

*EU Insurance Law is a course offered by NOVA School of Law’s Jean Monnet Module on EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDG Era, funded by the European Commission (EUInsLSDG).

(The curricular units presented as free options are suggestions and may be changed. In free-option curricular units that are compulsory for other master’s programmes, enrolment and attendance depends on logistical and pedagogical possibilities).

2nd year – Research Phase

Research PhaseECTS
Thesis, internship at national or international institution or project work60

NOVA School of Law participates in THEMIS, a network that encourages the internationalization of master’s students. The THEMIS certificate is granted when students complete a semester of mobility, participate in an international conference, and complete an international internship under the THEMIS Programme.

+ 2025/2026

1st year – Taught Component

The curricular component corresponds to 60 ECTS and consists of 10 mandatory course units (52 ECTS). The remaining 8 ECTS correspond to electives that may be chosen from any Master course taught at NOVA School of Law (subject to availability).

From 2024/25, students will need to approve the curricular component with, at least 13,50 points out of 20 (13,5/20) to be able to enrol in the research phase (2nd year of the course).

Completion of the taught part (60 ECTS) grants the the award of a Diploma in Postgraduate Studies in Law and Financial Markets.

1st Semester ECTS
Banking Law 6
Principles of Corporate Finance 6
Introduction to Data Analytics 6
Financial Markets and Investments 6
Financial Instruments Law 4
Regulation and Supervision of Financial Markets 4
Free Option
Legal English 4
2nd Semester ECTS
Banking and Insurance Operations 6
Introduction to Financial Derivatives and Risk Management 6
Insurance Law (EU Insurance Law)* 4
Risk Management in Financial Contracts 4
Free Option
Methodology of Legal Research 6
Cybercrime 6
International Tax Law 6
Direito Penal Económico 6
Competition Law 6
Direito das Contraordenações 6
International Commercial Law 6
Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence 4
Energy, Climate and the Just Transition 4
Fintech 4

*EU Insurance Law is a course offered by NOVA School of Law’s Jean Monnet Module on EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDG Era, funded by the European Commission (EUInsLSDG).

(The curricular units presented as free options are suggestions and may be changed. In free-option curricular units that are compulsory for other master’s programmes, enrolment and attendance depends on logistical and pedagogical possibilities).

2nd year – Research Phase

Research PhaseECTS
Thesis, internship at national or international institution or project work60

NOVA School of Law participates in THEMIS, a network that encourages the internationalization of master’s students. The THEMIS certificate is granted when students complete a semester of mobility, participate in an international conference, and complete an international internship under the THEMIS Programme.

Objectives and Structure of the Curricular Units

Tuition Fees


In master’s degrees and doctorates, the tuition fee for part-time students corresponds to 65% of the tuition fee owed by full-time students.

*Tuition fees as deliberated by the General Council on 14 December 2022
**Applicable only if the course is not terminated inside the established deadline

Reading of this information does not exempt consultation of the full documentation regarding fees, emoluments and taxes for the academic year in question.

Tuition fees are annual and due in full upon enrolment in the course. Payment in instalments is allowed for students’ mere convenience.

In the case of withdrawal from the course, the amounts already paid are not refundable. The remaining tuition fee payments due for the academic year of the application must also be paid.

Refund of the tuition fee is only possible where the previous course has not been completed by September, and is conditioned by its completion. In this case, the applicant must give proof of the situation through a declaration from the home institution, before the end of September. Amounts other than tuition fees (fees, school insurance and administrative costs) are not refundable.

Payments must be made via Visa, PayPal, MBWay or Multibanco payments, through NetPA. The system validates payments in a few minutes, maximum. Failure to pay tuition fees within the time limits indicated results in an increase in the amount to be settled and/or the suspension of enrolment and registration, as well as the invalidity of all curricular acts practised in the academic year in which the payment dates are not respected.

Payment by instalments

Annual tuition fees for the taught component

The annual tuition fees for the taught component can be paid in 10 instalments

  • 10 instalments: 1st instalment of 20% of the total amount paid at the time of enrolment, and the remaining amount in 9 instalments paid between the 1st and 10th of the months of September to May.

Tuition fees of the Research Phase
Tuition fees for the Research phase can be paid in 10 instalments.

  • 10 instalments: 1st instalment of 20% of the total amount paid upon enrolment and the remaining amount in 9 instalments paid between the 1st and 10th of the months of October through June.

Tuition fee for an additional Research Phase semester
Additional semester tuition fees for the Research Phase can be paid in 4 instalments.

  • 4 instalments: 25% of the total amount paid at registration, remaining instalments:
      •  1st semester: between the 1st and 10th (October, November, January);
      • 2nd semester: between the 1st and 10th (March, April, May).

Fee for the extension of Deadline of delivery of the Research Phase:
Fees are paid in full at the time of registration.

Merit Awards

The number of awards is established annually by the Board of NOVA School of Law. Merit Awards are awarded to:

  • Candidates whose final average admission to a 2nd study cycle at NOVA School of Law, according to assessment and ranking by the appropriate jury, is equal to or higher than 17,00 points (on a scale of 0/20) and who enrol and attend the same course, benefit from amonetary award corresponding to 50% of the due tuition fee for the taught component of the Master’s degree.
  • Candidates whose final average admission to a 2nd study cycle at NOVA School of Law, according to assessment and ranking by the appropriate jury, is equal to or higher than 16,00 points and lower than 17 (on a scale of 0/20) and who enrol and attend the same course, benefit from a monetary award corresponding to 30% of the due tuition fee for the taught component of the Master’s degree.

In the Research Phase , three prizes for academic merit are awarded (by master’s degree or area of specialization, in the case of the Master’s Degree in Law). These awards assume the completion of the taught component within the stipulated time.

  • The best student of the taught component of each study cycle or specialization area of a study cycle who continues and attends the Research Phase benefits from a monetary award corresponding to 100% of the tuition fee due for the Research Phase phase of the Master’s degree;
  • The second-best student of the taught component of each study cycle or specialization area of a study cycle who continues and attends the Research Phase benefits from a monetary award corresponding to 60% of the tuition fee due for the Research Phase phase of the Master’s degree;
  • The third-best student of the taught component of each study cycle or specialization area of a study cycle who continues and attends the Research Phase of the Master’s degree benefits from a monetary award corresponding to 40% of the tuition fee due for the Research Phase phase of the Master’s degree.

Scholarships for Access to Study Cycles at NOVA University Lisbon

The Scholarships for Access to Study Cycles are available to students of the three study cycles, being students of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, nationals or stateless persons, foreigners with tax residence in Portugal or with refugee status, who are in a situation of financial need and who do not benefit from the scholarships awarded by the Directorate-General for Higher Education, or whose value proves to be insufficient.

Full scholarship details here.

José Neves Foundation Grant

This course is eligible for the José Neves Foundation ISA scholarship programme. Find out more information here.

Emoluments/Charges and Taxes Fees

  • Application fee: 51.00€
  • Administrative costs per registration/enrolment (each year): 35.00€
  • Institution insurance (each year): 3.00€
  • Registration Certificate: 6.00 €
  • Improvement grade exam: 15.00 €/enrolement
  • Conclusion Certificate: 50€

In master’s degrees and doctorates, the tuition fee for part-time students corresponds to 65% of the tuition fee owed by full-time students.

*Tuition fees as deliberated by the General Council on 14 December 2022
**Applicable only if the course is not terminated inside the established deadline

Reading of this information does not exempt consultation of the full documentation regarding fees, emoluments and taxes for the academic year in question.

Tuition fees are annual and due in full upon enrolment in the course. Payment in instalments is allowed for students’ mere convenience.

In the case of withdrawal from the course, the amounts already paid are not refundable. The remaining tuition fee payments due for the academic year of the application must also be paid.

Refund of the tuition fee is only possible where the previous course has not been completed by September, and is conditioned by its completion. In this case, the applicant must give proof of the situation through a declaration from the home institution, before the end of September. Amounts other than tuition fees (fees, school insurance and administrative costs) are not refundable.

Payments must be made via Visa, PayPal, MBWay or Multibanco payments, through NetPA. The system validates payments in a few minutes, maximum. Failure to pay tuition fees within the time limits indicated results in an increase in the amount to be settled and/or the suspension of enrolment and registration, as well as the invalidity of all curricular acts practised in the academic year in which the payment dates are not respected.

Payment by instalments

Annual tuition fees for the taught component

The annual tuition fees for the taught component can be paid in 10 instalments

  • 10 instalments: 1st instalment of 20% of the total amount paid at the time of enrolment, and the remaining amount in 9 instalments paid between the 1st and 10th of the months of September to May.

Tuition fees of the Research Phase
Tuition fees for the Research phase can be paid in 10 instalments.

  • 10 instalments: 1st instalment of 20% of the total amount paid upon enrolment and the remaining amount in 9 instalments paid between the 1st and 10th of the months of October through June.

Tuition fee for an additional Research Phase semester
Additional semester tuition fees for the Research Phase can be paid in 4 instalments.

  • 4 instalments: 25% of the total amount paid at registration, remaining instalments:
      •  1st semester: between the 1st and 10th (October, November, January);
      • 2nd semester: between the 1st and 10th (March, April, May).

Fee for the extension of Deadline of delivery of the Research Phase:
Fees are paid in full at the time of registration.

Merit Awards

The number of awards is established annually by the Board of NOVA School of Law. Merit Awards are awarded to:

  • Candidates whose final average admission to a 2nd study cycle at NOVA School of Law, according to assessment and ranking by the appropriate jury, is equal to or higher than 17,00 points (on a scale of 0/20) and who enrol and attend the same course, benefit from amonetary award corresponding to 50% of the due tuition fee for the taught component of the Master’s degree.
  • Candidates whose final average admission to a 2nd study cycle at NOVA School of Law, according to assessment and ranking by the appropriate jury, is equal to or higher than 16,00 points and lower than 17 (on a scale of 0/20) and who enrol and attend the same course, benefit from a monetary award corresponding to 30% of the due tuition fee for the taught component of the Master’s degree.

In the Research Phase , three prizes for academic merit are awarded (by master’s degree or area of specialization, in the case of the Master’s Degree in Law). These awards assume the completion of the taught component within the stipulated time.

  • The best student of the taught component of each study cycle or specialization area of a study cycle who continues and attends the Research Phase benefits from a monetary award corresponding to 100% of the tuition fee due for the Research Phase phase of the Master’s degree;
  • The second-best student of the taught component of each study cycle or specialization area of a study cycle who continues and attends the Research Phase benefits from a monetary award corresponding to 60% of the tuition fee due for the Research Phase phase of the Master’s degree;
  • The third-best student of the taught component of each study cycle or specialization area of a study cycle who continues and attends the Research Phase of the Master’s degree benefits from a monetary award corresponding to 40% of the tuition fee due for the Research Phase phase of the Master’s degree.

Scholarships for Access to Study Cycles at NOVA University Lisbon

The Scholarships for Access to Study Cycles are available to students of the three study cycles, being students of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, nationals or stateless persons, foreigners with tax residence in Portugal or with refugee status, who are in a situation of financial need and who do not benefit from the scholarships awarded by the Directorate-General for Higher Education, or whose value proves to be insufficient.

Full scholarship details here.

José Neves Foundation Grant

This course is eligible for the José Neves Foundation ISA scholarship programme. Find out more information here.

Emoluments/Charges and Taxes Fees

  • Application fee: 51.00€
  • Administrative costs per registration/enrolment (each year): 35.00€
  • Institution insurance (each year): 3.00€
  • Registration Certificate: 6.00 €
  • Improvement grade exam: 15.00 €/enrolement
  • Conclusion Certificate: 50€


Important Notice to All Prospective Students

NOVA School of Law wishes to inform all prospective students that we do not employ or authorize any representatives, agents, or intermediaries for admissions, application processing, or fee payments.
Our only partner is Keystone, but exclusively as a provider of information to prospective students. All applications, registrations, and payments must be handled directly by the candidate with the School’s Applications and Academic Services.
Please be aware of potential scams, especially those targeting international students, where third parties claim to facilitate the admissions and VISA process for a fee. These claims are false and unauthorized.
All applications are received through our official portal, and assessed according to their merit, taking into account the selection criteria defined by the scientific committees.
For your safety and to ensure a legitimate application process, always communicate directly with the School’s Applications and Academic Services through our official contact channels, by e-mail or telephone (+351 21 384 74 00).
We do not accept any liability for losses incurred due to interactions with unauthorized third parties.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation


General course information

  • Duration: 4 semesters
  • Number of ECTS: 120
  • Number of places: 40
  • Teaching language: English

Admission requirements

Applications will be accepted from:

  • Holders of a bachelor’s degree certificate from a higher education institution in countries that subscribe to the Bologna Declaration and others considered to be similar, taking into account the respective curricular structure, with mention of the final average.*
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognised as satisfying the objectives of the degree of licenciado by the competent scientific body of NOVA School of Law, with a mention of the final average.*

For bachelor degree finalists:

  • Conditional applications are accepted from students who can demonstrate that they will be able to complete their degree by September 2025.

Applicants who are required to complete their degree must present:

  • A formal statement from the educational institution where they are enrolled, showing all subjects they have completed, their final grade and their current average grade. This document must also state the expected date for the completion of the program. Without this official document from the institution of origin, signed and stamped, the final grade awarded will be of 10/20 points. Print screens from academic portals are not accepted.

NOVA School of Law students do not need to attach this document. They must attach proof of enrolment at NOVA School of Law in order to proceed with the application. The current average will be validated by the Academic Service according to the information available in the system at the time the application is validated. The reference date for the grade used will be the date of formalisation of the application.

Current finalist averages will be granted to the closest whole number to their current grade.

*Failure to prove the final classification of the Academic Degree in the terms mentioned above will result in the final classification of 10 points being awarded for the purposes of the application process

Selection and Ranking Criteria

Applications are ranked according to the score obtained in the selection process, based on individual merit. The following criteria are taken into account:

  • Final grade in the degree course you are applying for (50%);
  • Relevance and suitability of previous experience for the master’s course (50%) – the jury will give each candidate a score on a scale of 0 to 20, based on an analysis of the letter of motivation and curriculum vitae. Due consideration is given to: (i) a degree in Law, (ii) for post-Bologna graduates, a degree corresponding to at least 240 ECTS. The members of the jury may decide to hold interviews with all or some of the candidates. These interviews can be held online during the week of 10 to 14 March 2025, and each candidate will receive a notice to this effect in the email address used for the application.

Candidates assessed with a mark lower than 9.5 will be automatically excluded.

Application process

Submission of applications:

The application must be accompanied by the following elements:

  • Motivation letter;
  • Curriculum vitae (European model);
  • Copy of the certificate of completion of the course(s); candidates with foreign qualifications must send transcripts showing the coefficient of performance or a statement with the final average of the degree, as well as the grading scale used in the country of origin of the course. Diplomas that are not presented in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish must be accompanied by a translation certified by the relevant authorities (the grade will be converted to the Portuguese scale in accordance with DGES criteria, rounded up to the nearest whole number);
  • Proof of Tax ID Number, where applicable;
  • Proof of ID;
  • In the case of an International Student **, a declaration, sworn on honour, in which the candidate declares that he/she does not have Portuguese nationality, nor is covered by any of the exceptions in Article 2(2) of Regulation no. 687/2020, of 20 August, which, under the terms of Decree-Law no. 36/2014, of 10 March, excludes him/her from the status of International Student – model Declaration of honour | International Student;
  • For applications for the national student scheme whose applicants present an identification document with a nationality other than Portuguese or EU, a declaration on honour that the applicant has Portuguese nationality or is covered by one of the exceptions in Article 2(2) of Regulation no. 687/2020 of 20 August, which, under the terms of Decree-Law no. 36/2014 of 10 March, excludes him/her from International Student status – model Declaration of Honour;
  • Applicants who are required to complete their degree must send a statement from the educational institution where they are currently enrolled, showing all subjects they have completed, their final grade and their current average grade. This document must also state the expected date of completion of the program. Without this official document from the institution of origin, signed and stamped, the degree mark awarded will be 10/20 points. Print screens from academic portals are not accepted.
    NOVA School of Law students do not need to attach this document. The current average will be validated by the Academic Service according to the information available in the system at the time the application is validated.
  • After submitting the application, candidates must pay the fee according to the designated references (€51, which can be paid via Multibanco, MB way, Paypal or Visa). The application will only be sent for assessment once payment has been made.

Applications that are not accompanied by all the documents, or for which the application fee has not been paid, will be rejected outright.

** For the purposes of the provisions of Decree-Law no. 36/2014, of 10 March, amended by Decree-Law no. 113/2014, of 16 July and republished under the terms of Decree-Law no. 62/2018, of 6 August, an international student will be those who meet the conditions described at

Optional documents

Candidates may submit a request for accreditation of academic training and professional experience obtained prior to entering the study cycle. Accreditation processes take into account the level of credits corresponding to previous training, and under no circumstances will accreditation be allowed for further studies in a study cycle for training undertaken as part of a study cycle at a lower level of qualification. For the purposes of accreditation, the candidate must fill in a specific form and attach all the relevant documentation. When the request for accreditation is made at the time of application, accreditation is not a sufficient condition for admission to the study cycle and only takes effect after admission and only in that same study cycle.

Important information about documentation

Whenever the above-mentioned documents are issued in a language other than Spanish, French, English or Portuguese, you must provide a translation of them, accordingly. The translations must be duly certified by relevant authorities. Otherwise, the applications will be rejected.

If there are any inquiries about the documents presented, particularly in the case of documents obtained abroad, recognition may be requested by the local Portuguese consular agent and/or legalised by the Apostille system under the terms of the Convention on the Abolition of the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Acts (better known as the Hague Convention), signed in The Hague on 5 October 1961, with the exception of documents issued by Higher Education Institutions in European Union countries.

Deadline for the submission of the course completion certificate, according to the point “Copy of the course completion certificate(s)” for successful candidates: 30 September 2025.

Deadlines 1st phase

  • Applications: 03 to 28 February 2025
  • Publication of results: By 31 March 2025
  • Registration: From 09 to 17 April 2025

Application fees

The application fee is €51 (fifty-one euros) and will not be refunded if the application is rejected or not selected. This information does not dispense with consulting the 2025/26 tuition fees notice, available on the NOVA School of Law website, as well as the NOVA fees table applicable for the current academic year.

For more information on tuition fees candidates should consult the NOVA School of Law’s Regulations on Tuition Fees, Fees and Emoluments.

Applications through the NOVA School of Law applications portal.


Readmission is the act by which a student, after interruption of studies in an institution/course of higher education, enrols in the same institution and in the same course or in the updated version of the course.


Students who can apply for readmission to any cycle of studies:

  • Must have already been enrolled at NOVA School of Law, in the same course in which they are already registered, without having completed it;
    • Must not have been enrolled in that course in the previous academic year to the one in which they intend to be readmitted to;
  • Those students whose registration has lapsed due to the requirements in force may apply for readmission once two school semesters have elapsed since the date of the lapsing.

The Faculty reserves the right to refuse readmission to applications from students whose curricular record indicates serious difficulties in adapting to the study plan in force and to the type of lecturing provided at NOVA School of Law. Requests from students who are in debt to the School for tuition fees or any other amounts will be rejected, subject to the provisions of Law Nº. 75/2019, of September 2.

Deadlines for submission of applications | School Year 2024/25:

2nd Semester

Submission of the application

From 13 to 17 January 2025

Enrolment and Registration for Curricular Units

From 27 to 31 January 2025

Deadlines for submission of applications | School Year 2025/26:

1st Semester

Submission of the application

From 30 June to 4 July 2025

Enrolment and Registration for Curricular Units

From 1 to 5 September 2025

2nd Semester

Submission of the application

From 12 to 16 January 2026

Enrolment and Registration for Curricular Units

From 02 to 6 February 2026

Instructions for submitting the application (online):

The application is submitted online through NetPA by filling in a form and uploading the necessary documents, namely:

  • Online submission of a simple digital copy of the citizen card or passport (international applicants)
  • Payment of the application fee through the PayPal, Visa, MBway or Multibanco references on the system: 70.00€ (non-refundable), validated by the system in few minutes.

Incomplete and/or unpaid applications will be automatically rejected.

Fees and Emoluments

Application Fee: 70,00€

Note: All due tuition and other fees should be checked in the course’s webpage, as well as in the tuitions annual order and NOVA fee’s table.

Tuition fees are fixed annually by the General Council of the NOVA University Lisbon.

Regulations Applicable: Decree-Law Nº. 36/2014, of March 10th, altered by Decree-Law Nº. 62/2018, of August 6th, and Regulation Nº. 436/2020, of April 28th, of NOVA School of Law.

Applications through the NOVA School of Law applications portal

Clear all your doubts

We are at your disposal to answer any questions you may have about studying at NOVA
School of Law.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by email: