Knowledge Centres

NOVA Knowledge Centre on Intellectual Property & Sustainable Innovation (IPSI)

The NOVA Knowledge Centre on Intellectual Property & Sustainable Innovation (IPSI) is dedicated to the study and research on the legal concept, regulation, and evolution of intellectual property in a society seeking sustainability. NOVA IPSI has as its aims:

  • Engaging students and early-career researchers with legal questions on sustainable incentives and access to Knowledge, Technology, and Culture;
  • Enabling senior researchers and faculty members from NOVA and other universities to advance their research and transform it into policy advice, legal consultancy, legal education, and strategic litigation;
  • Establishing opportunities for dialogue and collaborative project development between researchers and key stakeholders.

NOVA IPSI Booklet 2023
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By pursuing these goals, NOVA IPSI proactively supports the objectives set by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and, in particular, SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure), and SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities).


Giulia Priora


Athina Sachoulidou

Claire Bright

Cristina Nogueira da Silva

Francisco Pereira Coutinho

João Zenha Martins

Jorge Morais Carvalho

Miguel de Azevedo Moura

IPSI Researchers

Aleksandra Iugunian

Aline Arenque

Aline Bratti

Amanda Novaes

Dimitrius Costa

Diogo Brandão

Eduardo Santos

Advisory members

Hande Özkayagan

Inês Miguel

Júlia Schütz Veiga

Justyna Pałczyńska

Margarida Mingote

Margarida Morgado

Monyca Motta

Oumaima Derfoufi

Pedro Soares

Raquel Escada Carvalho

Rúben Ferreira

Teresa Brito e Faro

Advisory members

Carys Craig

João Pedro Quintais

Marco Scialdone

Pilar Montero

Candidacy to join NOVA IPSI

Send your application via email to making sure it includes:

  • title of the research project you would like to develop in IPSI;
  • short explanation of your research interest in IP law; 
  • 1 or 2 suggestions of meaningful readings relevant to the topic IP law and sustainability.