Master's in Law - Specialization in Business Law and Technology

The world on full screen


The Master’s in Business Law and Technology is part of the NOVA School of Laws strategy to be at the forefront of legal education, to prepare for the Economy 4.0, for digital transformation, and to be international, responsible and sustainable.

The course is designed to prepare lawyers for the most advanced areas of technology (artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchain), with a wide range of subjects, from data protection and management, intellectual property, digital contracts and cybersecurity to the challenges of governance and regulation, fintech, and programming for lawyers. The course content also relates to business and entrepreneurship, as well as corporate management and tax frameworks.

This master’s is taught in English.

This specialisation will not be open for applications in 2024/2025. Please find all information about our new Master’s programme dedicated to this field, the Master’s in Law Applied to Technology (Law & Tech).


Fabrizio Esposito

Giulia Priora

Scientific Commission

President: Francisco Pereira Coutinho | Board Members: Lúcio Tomé (taught component) | João Zenha Martins (taught component) |  Fabrizio Esposito (non-taught component) | Veronica Corcodel (non-taught component) | Filipe Brito Bastos (taught component) | Giulia Priora (non-taught component)


  • To prepare lawyers for the Digital Economy, with knowledge of technological reality, ethical and legal frameworks, and the social and economic impacts of innovation;
  • To prepare lawyers to support technology companies in the various aspects of their activity;
  • To advise on the regulation of innovative ideas and to develop cutting-edge business structures in the technological areas.

Target Applicant

Graduates in Law or in related fields, and professionals who wish to deepen their legal knowledge of technological matters. Innovative and entrepreneurial students are welcome.


This course is taught during working hours*.

*Some Optional Curricular Units may have schedules that do not match the timetable of the course


Study CycleDegreeA3ES DecisionNumber of YearsPublication of the A3ES DecisionDGES Registration NumberPublication in Diário da República


Documents relating to the accreditation process

R/A -Ef 3196/2011/AL06


Given its innovative, vanguardist  and versatile features, the Master’s in Law – Specialization in Business Law and Technology opens up to students a vast array of job opportunities in the most diverse areas that intertwine Law and Technology, notably dedicated practices of law firms, supervisory authorities or other governmental agencies (particularly, in the technology, financial and energy sector) – from start-ups to established large economic groups


The Masters in Business Law and Technology offered by NOVA School of Law was the best academic choice I could have made as an experienced professional who wanted to keep up-to-date with regulation of emerging technologies worldwide. The professors were exceptional and always available to help the students. Professionally speaking, the Master's degree and the professors' advice enabled me to make a career change that, without this course and its highly skilled professionals, would not have been possible. I thank NOVA School of Law for the opportunity to have been part of this excellent course which, from my personal experience, has paved the way for me to work in the competitive Fintech market
Testemunhos Law Tech Igor de Santana
Igor Inacio
AML Specialist
Adyen N.V.
If, like me, after finishing your degree you feel that it only makes sense to continue your studies towards something that really takes you out of your comfort zone and constantly challenges you, the Master’s in Business Law and Technology is the right choice. A program that covers almost all branches of law from a perspective that is now common to all: the technological perspective and its disruptive nature to traditional legal institutes. The classes, the seminars, the debates, the working and teaching method of this Master's program, as well as the people I met, not only provided me with the necessary knowledge, but also equipped me with all the useful tools to face the legal challenges of the present - and the future.
Testemunhos Law Tech Adriana Henriques
Adriana Henriques
Trainee Lawyer , pbbr - Sociedade de Advogados

Curricular Plan

+ 2023/2024

1st year – Taught Component

In addition to the mandatory course, students must complete 32 ECTS in the restrictive optional courses listed above and 22 ECTS in free-option courses that they may choose from any Master’s course taught at NOVA School of Law (subject to availability).

Total ECTS of the Taught Component: 60 ECTS.

1st Semester ECTS
Restricted Option
Law and Technology 6
Programming 6
Life Sciences Law 6
Data Protection and Management Law* 6
Cybersecurity and Governance 6
Introduction to Data Analytics 6
Patent and Trademark Law 4
Copyright and Design Law 4
Legal English 4
Emerging Technologies: Governance and Regulation 4
Energy Law 4
2nd Semester ECTS
Methodology of Legal Research 6
Restricted Option
International Tax Law 6
Cybercrime 6
International Commercial Law 6
Competition Law 6
Intellectual Property Law and Sustainable Innovation 6
Direito da Comunicação Social 6
Law of Online Platforms 6
Legaltech 4
Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence 4
Fintech 4

2nd year – Non-taught Component

1st Semester / 2nd SemesterETCS
Dissertation, internship at national or international institution or project work.60

NOVA School of Law participates in THEMIS, a network that encourages the internationalization of master’s students. The THEMIS certificate is granted when students complete a semester of mobility, participate in an international conference, and complete an international internship under the THEMIS Programme.

1st year – Taught Component

In addition to the mandatory course, students must complete 32 ECTS in the restrictive optional courses listed above and 20 ECTS in free-option courses that they may choose from any Master’s course taught at NOVA School of Law (subject to availability).

Total ECTS of the Taught Component: 60 ECTS.

1st Semester ECTS
Restrictive Optional
Law and Technology 6
Law of Online Platforms 6
Programming 6
Life Sciences Law 6
Energy Law 6
Cybersecurity and Governance 6
Patent and Trademark Law 4
Copyright and Design Law 4
Legal English 4
2nd Semester ECTS
Methodology of Legal Research* 8
Restrictive Optional
Data Protection and Management Law** 6
International Tax Law 6
Cybercrime 6
International Commercial Law 6
Competition Law 6
Legaltech 6
Intellectual Property Law and Sustainable Innovation 6
Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence 4
Fintech 4
Emerging Technologies: Governance and Regulation 4

* Taught in English & Portuguese. Students must choose the version they wish to attend.

**Data Protection and Management Law is a course offered by NOVA School of Law’s Jean Monnet Module on European Union Data Protection Law in Portugal (DataporEU).

2nd year – Non-taught Component

1st Semester / 2nd SemesterETCS
Dissertation, internship at national or international institution or project work.60

Opportunity to benefit from the THEMIS NETWORK international experience.
Three core elements: a semester abroad, an international internship and the THEMIS seminar.

Objectives and Structure of the Curricular Units

Tuition Fees


In master’s degrees and doctorates, the tuition fee for part-time students corresponds to 65% of the tuition fee owed by full-time students.

*Tuition fees as deliberated by the General Council on 14 December 2022

**The applicable cost is applied only if the course isn’t concluded inside the established deadline

Reading of this information does not exempt consultation of the full documentation regarding feesemoluments and taxes for the academic year in question.

Tuition fees are annual and due in full upon enrolment in the course. Payment in instalments is allowed for students’ mere convenience.

In the case of withdrawal from the course, the amounts already paid are not refundable. The remaining tuition fee payments due for the academic year to which the application relates must also be paid.

Refund of the tuition fee is only possible where the previous course has not been completed by September, and is conditioned by its completion. In this case, the applicant must give proof of the situation through a declaration from the home institution, before the end of September. Amounts other than tuition fees (fees, school insurance and administrative costs) are not refundable.

Payments must be made via ATM or through PayPal* using the references available in the reserved area. Failure to pay tuition fees within the time limits indicated results in an increase in the amount to be settled and/or the suspension of enrolment and registration, as well as the invalidity of all curricular acts practised in the academic year in which the non-compliance is not respected.

*Paypal payments are validated automatically; Multibanco payments will be validated up to 48 hours after the payment

Financial Discounts

Students who choose to pay the annual tuition fees in a one-off payment receive a 5% discount on the amount to be paid.

Payment by instalments


Annual tuition fees for the taught component
The annual tuition fees for the taught component can be paid in 10 instalments.

  • 10 instalments: 1st installment of 20% of the total amount paid upon enrollment and the remaining amount in 9 installments paid between the 1st and 10th of the months of September through May.

Tuition fees of the non-curricular phase
Tuition fees for the non-curricular phase can be paid in 10 instalments.

  • 10 instalments: 1st installment of 20% of the total amount paid upon enrollment and the remaining amount in 9 installments paid between the 1st and 10th of the months of September through May.

Tuition fee for an additional non-curricular semester
Tuition fees for the non-curricular phase can be paid in 4 instalments.

  • 4 instalments: 25% of the total amount paid upon enrolment, remaining instalments:
      •  1st semester: between the 1st and 10th (October, November, January);
      • 2nd semester: between the 1st and 10th (March, April, May).

Tuition fees for the non-curricular phase
Fees are paid in full at the time of registration.

Merit Awards

The number of awards is established annually by the Board of NOVA School of Law. Merit Awards are awarded to:

  • Candidates whose final average admission to a 2nd study cycle at NOVA School of Law, according to assessment and ranking by the appropriate jury, is equal to or higher than 17 points (on a scale of 0/20) and who enrol and attend the same course, benefit from an award in cash corresponding to 50% of the tuition fee for the taught component of the Master’s degree.
  • Candidates whose final average admission to a 2nd study cycle at NOVA School of Law, according to assessment and ranking by the appropriate jury, is equal to or higher than 16.00 points and lower than 17.00 (on a scale of 0/20) and who enrol and attend the same course, benefit from an award in cash corresponding to 30% of the tuition fee for the taught component of the Master’s degree.

In the non-taught phase, three prizes for academic merit are awarded (by master’s degree or area of specialization, in the case of the Master’s Degree in Law). These awards assume the completion of the taught component within the stipulated time.

  • The best student of the taught component of each study cycle or specialization area of a study cycle, resident in Portugal, who continues and attends the non-taught phase benefits from an award in cash corresponding to 100% of the tuition fee for the non-taught phase of the Master’s degree;
  • The second-best student of the taught component of each study cycle or specialization area of a study cycle who continues and attends the non-taught phase, resident in Portugal, benefits from an award in cash corresponding to 60% of the tuition fee, corresponding to the non-taught phase of the Master’s degree;
  • The third-best student of the taught component of each study cycle or specialization area of a study cycle who continues and attends the non-taught phase of the Master’s degree, resident in Portugal, benefits from an award in cash corresponding to 40% of the tuition fee, corresponding to the non-taught phase of the Master’s degree.

Scholarships for Access to Study Cycles at NOVA University Lisbon

The Scholarships for Access to Study Cycles are available to students of the three study cycles, being students of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, nationals or stateless persons, foreigners with tax residence in Portugal or with refugee status, who are in a situation of financial need and who do not benefit from the scholarships awarded by the Directorate-General for Higher Education, or whose value proves to be insufficient.

Full scholarship details here.

José Neves Foundation Grant

This course is eligible for the José Neves Foundation ISA scholarship programme. Find out more information here.

Emoluments/Charges and Taxes Fees

  • Application fee: 51.00€
  • Administrative costs per registration/enrolment (each year): 35.00€
  • Institution insurance (each year): 3.00€


From the 2024/2025 academic year, those interested in the area of business law and technology should apply for the Master’s in Law Applied to Technology (Law & Tech), an autonomous, revised and expanded version of this specialisation of the Master’s in Law.


Length 4 Semesters

120 ECTS

Entries: 120 places

These places are available within the areas of specialization of International and European Law, Business Law and Technology, Public Law and Social and Innovation Law.

Applications from students who prove they will be able to complete their bachelor’s degree (licenciatura) by September will be accepted.

1st Phase of Applications:

  • Submission of applications: From 1 to 29 February 2024

2nd Phase of Applications:

(remaining places, if any)

  • Submission of applications: From 24 April to 5 May 2023
  • Announcement of placements: 26 May 2023
  • Complaint about placements: From 29 May to 9 June 2023
  • Enrolment: From 12 to 23 June 2023
  • Registration for Curricular Units: From 18 to 28 July 2023

3rd Phase of Applications:

(remaining places, if any)

  • Submission of applications: From 3 to 7 July 2023
  • Announcement of placements: 21 July 2023
  • Complaint about placements: From 24 July to 4 August 2023
  • Enrolment and Registration for Curricular Units: From 7 to 11 August 2023


Holders of a bachelor’s degree (licenciatura) or legal equivalent.

Selection Criteria

  • Final grade of the degree which the applicant is applying with (50%);
  • Relevance and suitability of previous background to the master’s degree course with regard to the pluridisciplinary nature of the course (50%); the jury assigns each applicant a grade of 0 to 20, based on analysis of the letter of motivation and curriculum vitae. If necessary, the members of the jury may decide to conduct an interview with all or some of the applicants;
  •  Applicants with a rating lower than 9.5 will automatically be excluded.

Submission of Applications (Online):

  • Completion of the application form (online)
  • Payment of the application fee using the ATM or Paypal reference provided (51.00€)*
  • Online submission of the following documents:
      • Motivation letter
      • Curriculum vitae (European model)
      • Copy of the course(s) certificate(s)
      • Copy of the tax number identification card
      • Copy of the Identification Card
      • If you are an International Student, declaration, under oath, that the applicant does not have Portuguese nationality, nor is covered by any of the exceptions of no. 2 of Article 2 of Regulation no. 687/2020, of 20th August, which under the terms of Decree-Law no. 36/2014, of 10th March, excludes him/her from the International Student status – Declaration of Honour | International Student
      • For applicants presenting an identification document with a nationality other than Portuguese or EU, declaration, under oath, that the applicant has Portuguese nationality or is covered by one of the exceptions of Article 2, no. 2 of Regulation no. 687/2020, of 20th August, which under the terms of Decree-Law no. 36/2014, of 10th March, excludes him/her from the International Student status – Declaration of Honour 
      • Declaration under oath on the status of finalist (in case the previous academic degree is not finished by the application date) – Declaration of honour for applications conditional on completion of degree
  • Applicants conditioned upon the conclusion of the bachelor’s degree must submit an interim academic transcript showing the subjects already completed and their final grades discriminated and a declaration under oath stating the course, school, expected average and the the conclusion date. In addition, a statement from the institution of higher education where they are attending the degree should be submitted, proving their academic situation
  • Candidates with foreign qualifications must send academic transcripts showing the final grade average or a declaration with the final average of the degree. Diplomas not in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish must be accompanied by a translation certified by the competent authorities.
  • Applicants who do not report the final grade average, expected or completed will be graded with a minimum score of 10 on the 0-20 scale.
  • Applicants may submit, at the time of application, the request for accreditation of academic qualifications and professional experience obtained before enrolment in the study cycle. The crediting processes take into account the level of the credits corresponding to the previous education and training, in no case being allowed the creditation, for the continuation of studies in a study cycle, of education and training carried out in the context of a study cycle of a lower qualification level. For the purpose of accreditation, the candidate must fill in a specific form and attach all the relevant documentation. When the crediting request occurs during the application, the crediting is not a sufficient condition for admission in the study cycle and it only produces effects after the admission and only in that same study cycle
*Paypal payments are validated automatically; Multibanco payments will be validated up to 48 hours after the payment All documents must be presented in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish, and endorsed by the competent authority of the State where the document originates Applications omitting the documents requested or where the application fee has not been paid will be rejected. Applications available through the NOVA School of Law applications portal.


Readmission is the act by which a student, after interruption of studies in an institution/course of higher education, enrols in the same institution and enrols in the same course or in a course which has replaced it.


Students who can apply for readmission to any cycle of studies:

  • Must have already been enrolled and enrolled at the NOVA School of Law, in the same course or in a course in which they are already registered, without having completed it
  • Must not have been enrolled in that course in the previous academic year to the one in which they intend to be readmitted to
  • Those students whose registration has lapsed due to the requirements in force may apply for readmission once two school semesters have elapsed since the date of the regulations

The Faculty reserves the right to refuse readmission to applications from students whose curricular record indicates serious difficulties in adapting to the study plan in force and to the type of teaching provided at the NOVA School of Law. Requests from students who are in debt to the Faculty for tuition fees or any other amounts will be rejected, subject to the provisions of Law Nº. 75/2019, of September 2.

Deadlines for submission of applications | School Year 2023/24:

2nd Semester

Submission of the application

From 8 to 19 January 2024

Enrolment and Registration for Curricular Units

From 29 January to 2 February 2024

Deadlines for submission of applications | School Year 2024/25:

1st Semester

Submission of the application

From 01 to 05 July 2024

Enrolment and Registration for Curricular Units

From 02 to 06 September 2024

2nd Semester

Submission of the application

From 13 to 17 January 2025

Enrolment and Registration for Curricular Units

From 27 to 31 January 2025

Instructions for submitting the application (online):

The application is submitted online through NetPA by filling in a form and uploading the necessary documents, namely:

  • Online submission of a simple digital copy of the citizen card or passport (international applicants)
  • Payment of the application fee through the PayPal, Visa, MBway or Multibanco references on the system: 70.00€ (non-refundable), validated by the system in few minutes.

Incomplete and/or unpaid applications will be automatically rejected.

Fees and emoluments

Application Fee: 70,00€

Note: All due tuition and other fees should be checked in the course’s webpage, as well as in the tuitions annual order and NOVA fee’s table.
Tuition fees are fixed annually by the General Council of the NOVA University Lisbon.

Regulations Applicable: Decree-Law Nº. 36/2014, of March 10th, altered by Decree-Law Nº. 62/2018, of August 6th, and Regulation Nº. 436/2020, of April 28th, of  NOVA School of Law.

Applications through the NOVA School of Law applications portal.

Clear all your doubts

We are at your disposal to answer any questions you may have about studying at NOVA
School of Law.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by email: